Last Update: 2006-06-14, Daniel Morissette, [email protected]
This is an attempt to document the binary vector coverage files used by Arc/Info V7.x for Unix and Windows NT. Since the coverage file's format is not documented by ESRI, this document is mainly based on the analysis of binary dumps of the files... this implies that the information may be incomplete (or even inaccurate!) in some cases. As for any document of this type, it is expected that it will evolve as we learn more.
Another great source of information to help understanding the format would be the (world famous) "ANALYSIS OF ARC EXPORT FILE FORMAT FOR ARC/INFO (REV 6.1.1)" (from which I "borrowed" some extracts ;-)... you can find it at:
Since the contents of the E00 and binary coverage files are very close, the current document will often refer you to an updated version of the E00 Analysis Document mentioned above instead of duplicating the details about a specific file.
The first section of this document covers the coverage vector files (ARC, PAL, CNT, LAB, ...) and the second section covers the INFO files.
Even though this document covers mainly Arc/Info V7.x for Unix coverages, some notes have been included to document the differences between the V7.x Unix coverages and some variants.
In each section, the Unix V7.x coverage format is always discussed first (sometimes referred to as "V7 Coverages"), and when applicable, the following variants will also be discussed:
V7.x Coverages always use MSB-First (Motorola) byte ordering for both the ARC coverage files and the INFO tables. This is true even for coverages produced by Arc/Info V7.x for Windows NT on an Intel platform.
PC Arc/Info coverages V1 always use LSB-First (Intel) byte ordering.
PC Arc/Info coverages V2 always use MSB-First (Motorola) byte ordering.
The Weird coverages use MSB-First (Motorola) byte ordering (Same as V7 Coverages).
All the vector (ARC) coverage files are stored in the same directory. The name of this directory is the name of the coverage.
The name of the coverage directory (and thus the name of the coverage) appears to be limited to 13 characters.
Most of these files have a 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - Constant for a given file type 4-7 int32 Precision - Usually > 0 for single precision, and < 0 for double precision, but there are exceptions. 8-11 int32 Record size, for files with fixed size records (or 0 for variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
PC Coverages V1 first start with a 256 bytes header, followed by the 100 bytes header described above, for a total of 356 bytes of header. All the files that have this 256 bytes header have an actual size which is a multiple of 256 bytes, padded with junk at the end. So it is very important to take the size specified in the header into account when reading these files.
Here is what we find in this 256 bytes header specific to PC coverages:
Bytes Type Description 0-1 int16 Signature ??? 0x0400 or 0x0000 2-5 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including the 100 bytes header size, but not including this 256 bytes header. This same value will be repeated in bytes 24-27 of the 100 bytes header. 6-255 All zeros
Also note that PC Coverages are ALWAYS SINGLE PRECISION, no matter what the value in bytes 4-7 in the 100 bytes header is. (i.e. The preccision flag value is sometimes negative, but the data is really always single precision.)
PC V2 and Weird Coverages have only one 100 bytes header, just like V7 Coverages.
These coverages can exist in both single and double precision form.
All index files have the same 100 bytes header as the file that they correspond to (it is identical, except for the size value at byte 24).
Then starting at byte 100 in the file, you have one index entry for each object from the master file:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Start position of the record in the file. This value is the number of 2 byte words from the beginning of the file. So the position for the first object is always 50. 4-7 int32 Record length, excluding the first 8 bytes of the record (number of 2 byte words - 4). This value is the same value that we usually find at byte 4 in the corresponding object record. See
PC Coverage V1 index files start with the 256 bytes header followed by the usual 100 bytes header, followed by index entries.
PC Coverage V2 index files are identical to V7 indexes.
Weird Coverage index files are identical to V7 indexes, except that they have a different filename.
It comes with an index file called "arx.adf".
The file starts with the usual 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - +1 for single precision, and -1 for double precision. 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Then variable length arc records follow:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Arc_Id 4-7 int32 Record length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. (= (12 + size of vertices list)/2) 7-11 int32 Arc_UserId 12-15 int32 From_Node 16-19 int32 To_Node 20-23 int32 Left_Poly 24-27 int32 Right_Poly 28-31 int32 Num_Vertices 32+ Vertices list (see below)
The the vertices follow (Num_Vertices pairs of x,y values).
Bytes Type Description 32-35 float x1 36-39 float y1 40-43 float x2 ... 44-47 float y2 ... ... ...
Bytes Type Description 32-39 double x1 40-47 double y1 48-55 double x2 ... 56-63 double y2 ... ... ...
In PC Coverages V1, the main file is called "ARC" and the index "ARX".
They both start with the 256 bytes header specific to PC Coverages, followed by the 100 bytes header and the data records as described above.
Note that PC Coverages files are ALWAYS single precision.
Identical to V7.x
Same as V7 Coverages, except that the main file is called "ARC" and the index "ARX".
It comes with an index file called "pax.adf".
The file starts with the usual 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - +11 for single precision, and -11 or 1011 (yep!) for double prec. 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Then variable length polygon records follow:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Polygon Id 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-11 float Min. X coordinate 12-15 float Min. Y coordinate 16-19 float Max. X coordinate 20-23 float Max. Y coordinate 24-27 int32 Number of Arcs 28+ int32 List of Arc records (see below)
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Polygon Id 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-15 double Min. X coordinate 16-23 double Min. Y coordinate 24-31 double Max. X coordinate 32-39 double Max. Y coordinate 40-43 int32 Number of Arcs 24+ int32 List of Arc records (see below)
For each arc in the arc list, we have a fixed length record:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Arc_Id 4-7 int32 From_Node_Id 8-11 int32 Adjacent_Polygon_Id
In PC Coverages, the main file is called "PAL" and the index "PAX".
They both start with the 256 bytes header specific to PC Coverages, followed by the 100 bytes header and the data records as described above.
Note that PC Coverages files are ALWAYS single precision.
Same as V7 Coverages, except that the main file is called "PAL" and the index "PAX".
This file has no associated index since it has fixed size records.
The file starts with the usual 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - 9993 4-7 int32 Precision - +2 for single precision, and -2 for double precision. 8-11 int32 Label Record size, in 2 byte words (16 for single prec. and 28 for double prec.) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Then fixed size label point records follow:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Label Value 4-7 int32 Polygon_Id 8-11 float Label X coord. 12-15 float Label Y coord. 16-19 float Label X coord. 20-23 float Label Y coord. 24-27 float Label X coord. 28-31 float Label Y coord.
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Label Value 4-7 int32 Polygon_Id 8-15 double Label X coord. 16-23 double Label Y coord. 24-31 double Label X coord. 32-39 double Label Y coord. 40-47 double Label X coord. 48-55 double Label Y coord.
In PC Coverages, this file is called "LAB".
It starts with the 256 bytes header specific to PC Coverages, followed by the 100 bytes header and the data records as described above.
Note that PC Coverages files are ALWAYS single precision.
Same as V7 Coverages, except that the file is called "LAB".
It comes with an index file called "cnx.adf".
The file starts with the usual 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - +14 for single precision, and -14 for double precision. 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Then variable length centroid records follow:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Polygon Id 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-11 float Centroid X coordinate 12-15 float Centroid Y coordinate 16-19 int32 Num_Labels ( >= 0 ) 20+ int32 List of Label Ids (Only if Num_Labels > 0 )
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Polygon Id 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-15 double Centroid X coordinate 16-23 double Centroid Y coordinate 24-27 int32 Num_Labels ( >= 0 ) 28+ int32 List of Label Ids (Only if Num_Labels > 0 )
In PC Coverages, the main file is called "CNT" and the index "CNX".
They both start with the 256 bytes header specific to PC Coverages, followed by the 100 bytes header and the data records as described above.
Note that PC Coverages files are ALWAYS single precision.
Same as V7 Coverages, except that the main file is called "CNT" and the index "CNX".
The PRJ.ADF file is a simple ASCII file with one line for each piece of projection information. The lines have a variable length and are terminated by a newline character.
Here is an example of a prj.adf file:
Projection GEOGRAPHIC Zunits NO Units DD Spheroid CLARKE1866 Xshift 0.0000000000 Yshift 0.0000000000 Parameters
PC Coverages do not appear to carry a PRJ file... or at least we never encountered any.
Just like for PC Coverages... they do not appear to carry a PRJ file... or at least we never encountered any.
The LOG file (named "log", not "log.adf"!) is an ASCII file with variable length lines each terminated with a newline.
The lines have no known length limit, they can be longer than 80 characters for sure.
Nothing special... the file is called LOG as well.
Probably the same... but we've never encountered any.
The TOL file contains the tolerance values to use when processing a polygon coverage. It usually contains 10 tolerance entries. For each entry, we have a tolerance type, a tolerance status, and a tolerance value. The tolerance types are:
The tolerance status "is set to 1 if the tolerance is verified (been applied to operations of the coverage) and to 2 if the tolerance is not verified (been set by the TOLERANCE command, but not yet used in processing)."
In a SINGLE PRECISION coverage, the file is named "tol.adf", it has no header, and for each tolerance value, we have:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Tolerance type (usually goes from 1 to 10) 4-7 int32 Tolerance status 8-11 float Tolerance value
In DOUBLE PRECISION coverages, the file is named "par.adf", and it DOES have the usual 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - Always 9993 4-7 int32 Value of 40 (this should be the precision field???) 8-11 int32 Tolerance record size, in 2 byte words (always 8) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Then for each double precision tolerance value, we have:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Tolerance type (usually goes from 1 to 10) 4-7 int32 Tolerance status 8-15 double Tolerance value
Note: The double precision file ("par.adf") header does not seem to follow the general rule for the header... its precision field value is > 0 while this value is negative for all other double precision files(???). Also, the third field has a value of 8, while it is 0 in all other headers.
In PC Coverages, this file is called "TOL".
Contrary to most other files, the TOL file in PC Coverages does not have any header... it starts immediately with the tolerance entries like the "tol.adf" in single precision V7.x coverages.
Note that PC Coverages files are ALWAYS single precision.
Same as "tol.adf" in single precision V7 Coverages except that the file is called "TOL".
TXT, TX6, and TX7 are 3 variations of text annotations that we find in E00 files. TX6 and TX7 annotations usually come with a .TAT info table, or a set of .TAT tables.
It seems that you can have several "subclasses" of annotations, in the E00 file they are sub-sections of the main TX6/TX7 section, and in a binary coverage they are stored in separate files.
There is no difference between the binary files for a TX6 and the files for a TX7. However, in the E00 format, there is an additional value in the first line of a TX7 entry (that is not present in a TX6), this value is very often 0 (or 1 in some cases), but even when it is set, it is not present in the binary file... I have no idea where it comes from!?!
For the subclass of annotations called TEST, you will find 3 files in the coverage directory:
The file "test.txt" has the usual 100 bytes header, followed by variable length records for each piece of text.
File Header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - Always 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - +67 for single precision, and -67 for double precision. 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
Followed by records of data for each piece of text:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 System ID (TEST#) 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-11 int32 User ID (TEST-ID) 12-15 int32 ??? LEVEL 16-19 float ??? Defaults to -1e+02 but is sometimes different (this value is always a 4 bytes float value, even for double-prec. coverages) 20-23 int32 SYMBOL (Text font) 24-27 int32 num_vertices1: for the line along which the text is drawn. 28-31 int32 ??? n28: Always 0 (Verified that it corresponds to the 6th value of 1st line in a TX7-E00) 32-35 int32 Number of chars in text string 36-39 int32 num_vertices2: for the text arrow. If this value is negative then the arrow is reversed. 40-41 int16 ??? Always 1 - Corresponds to the second set of 42-43 int16 ??? Always 0 20 values in a E00 TX7 entry 44-45 int16 ??? Always 0 ... ... 78-79 int16 ??? Always 0 80-81 int16 Text justification - Corresponds to the first set of 82-83 int16 ??? Always 0 20 values in a E00 TX7 entry 84-85 int16 ??? Always 0 ... ... 118-119 int16 ??? Always 0
The rest of the record depends on the precision. For SINGLE PRECISION, we have:
120-123 float ??? v1, Text Height ??? 124-127 float ??? v2 (always 0) 128-131 float ??? v3 (always 0) 132+ chars Text String (padded with spaces to the next 4 bytes boundary) float x1 - Vertices list float y1 (num_vertices1+num_vertices2) vertice pairs float x2 float y2 float ... int32 ??? Unused ??? - The last 8 bytes look like junk int32 ??? Unused ??? - See note below.
And for DOUBLE PRECISION, we would have:
120-127 double ??? v1, Text Height ??? 128-135 double ??? v2 (always 0) 136-143 double ??? v3 (always 0) 144+ chars Text String (padded with spaces to the next 4 bytes boundary) double x1 - Vertices list double y1 (num_vertices1+num_vertices2) vertice pairs double x2 double y2 double ... int32 ??? Unused ??? - The last 8 bytes look like junk int32 ??? Unused ??? - See note below.
The last 8 bytes of junk appear to be always present in V7 coverages. However, they are sometimes present and sometimes not present in Weird coverages. Thus, the only safe way to know whether there is junk to skip at the end of a TX6 record is to use the record length value in bytes 4-7.
PC Coverages probably can't have TX6/TX7 files but they can have TXT files though... see below.
Weird coverages can have TX6/TX7 files, and they work the same way as for V7 coverages, except that the name ends with "txt", instead of ".txt". (e.g. we have "testtxt" instead of "test.txt")
TXT type of annotations use the exact same file structure as TX6/TX7 above, with the following differences:
In PC Coverages, the main file is called "TXT" and the index "TXX".
They both start with the 256 bytes header specific to PC Coverages, followed by the 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - Always 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - Always 1 (always single precision) 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
However, contrary to what we find with most other file types, the data records in the TXT file are different from what we find in V7.x TXT.ADF files.
PC Coverage TXT entries are always single precision. For each piece of text, we have:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 System ID (TEST#) 4-7 int32 Record Length, number of 2 byte words that follow the current value. 8-11 int32 ??? LEVEL (Corresponds to bytes 12-15 in a V7 TXT) 12-15 int32 Number of vertice pairs that are valid ( [1..4] ) 16-19 float x1 - (1st float value in a E00 TXT section) 20-23 float y1 - (5th float value in a E00 TXT section) 24-27 float x2 - (2nd float value in a E00 TXT section) 28-31 float y2 - (6th float value in a E00 TXT section) 32-35 float x3 36-39 float y3 40-43 float x4 44-47 float y4 48-75 float Always 0 ??? Probably corresponds to the other float values in the E00 TXT section 76-79 float ??? Text Height ??? Corresponds to the 15th float value in a E00 TXT 80-83 float ??? Defaults to -1e+02 but is sometimes different 84-87 int32 SYMBOL (Text font) 88-91 int32 Number of chars in text string 92+ chars Text String (padded with spaces to the next 4 bytes boundary... it was also noted that strings that are a multiple of 4 chars in length are also padded with 4 spaces)
Weird coverages can have their TXT files stored using either the PC structure or the V7 structure. In both cases the filenames are the same ("TXT" and "TXX"). The only way to tell if the file is in PC TXT format or in V7 TXT/TX6/TX7 format is by looking at the precision field in the 100 bytes header:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Signature - Always 9994 4-7 int32 Precision - +16 for single precision in PC TXT format, +67 for single precision in V7 format, and -67 for double precision in V7 format. 8-11 int32 Record size (always 0: variable length records) 12-23 All zeros 24-27 int32 File size (in 2 byte words), including header size 28-99 All zeros
When the V7 structure is used, the files are identical to the V7 TXT/TX6/TX7 files described above except for the filename.
When the PC TXT structure is used, the files are similar to PC Coverage TXT files, except for the byte ordering and the fact that there is no 256 byte header in the Weird Coverage ones. Another minor difference: in Weird Coverages, when a text string has a length that is a multiple of 4 chars, it won't be padded with 4 spaces as it would have been in a PC Coverage file. This is a minor detail, but it is interesting to notice that this bug has been fixed between PC Arc/Info and the version of Arc/Info that produced the weird coverages.
RXP 2 OLD 1 120 2 11 3 12 4 13 4 202 5 16 6 19 7 14 7 20 7 21 7 125 8 22 ... ...
RXP files were never encountered in PC Coverages and Weird Coverages.
.rxp files have no header, and they contain fixed size records:
Bytes Type Description 0-3 int32 Region Polygon ID 4-7 int32 PAL Polygon ID
Regions that consist of multiple polygons will have several records with the same Region Polygon Id and differing PAL Polygon Ids.
RPL files come with an index file with a ".pax" extension.
See the "pal.adf" description...
RPL files were never encountered in PC Coverages and Weird Coverages.
Each type of coverage has a different way to store attribute information:
The ../info directory is shared by all the coverages stored in its parent directory, and contains the following files:
arc.dir arc0000.dat arc0000.nit arc0001.dat arc0001.nit ... ... ...
Bytes Type Description 0-31 char Table name (as shown by Arc/Info) padded with spaces 32-39 char Internal Name ("ARC#### " file name) 40-41 int16 Number of fields in table (valid fields... see below) 42-43 int16 Table Record size (rounded up to a multiple of 2 bytes) 44-59 char ??? 16 spaces 60-61 int16 ??? Always 132 62-63 int16 ??? Always 0 64-67 int32 Number of records (may also be only an int16???) 68-77 ??? All zeros 78-79 char External flag (" " or "XX", see note below) 80-317 ??? All zeros 318-325 char ??? 8 spaces 326-379 ??? All zeros
Note that the Arc/Info table name (first field above) is always the coverage name followed by an extension (ex: TEST.AAT, TEST.TIC, TEST.BND, TEST.PAT, TEST.PATCOUNTRY, etc.). So this name can be used to search the arc.dir for all tables related to a given coverage.
The arc.dir entry contains the number of valid fields in the table, but the arc####.NIT file can contain deleted field definitions (and these deleted field definitions are even exported in the E00 table headers produced by Arc/Info). In this case the number of field entries in the arc####.nit file will be bigger than the number of fields found here. Unfortunately there does not appear to be anything in the arc.dir that would allow us to tell if the table has deleted fields (or not) until we go and read the arc####.nit file.
In some cases, the "number of records" field for a table in the arc.dir does not correspond to the real number of records in the data file. In this kind of situation, the number of records returned by Arc/Info in the corresponding E00 file will be based on the real data file size (obtained with stat()), and not on the value from the arc.dir. (i.e. use num_records = physical_data_file_size/record_size)
The external flag tells where the data file is located.
When the value for "number of records" in the arc.dir is 0, then the data file for this table may not exist yet.
The value for "number of records" in the arc.dir is the real size used by each record in the data file, and thus must be a multiple of 2 since data records are padded at the end to be aligned with a 2 bytes boundary.
There does not appear to be any difference between single and double precision table entries.
For external tables, it is an 80 characters ASCII file that contains the relative path of the file that contains the table data. The end of the path is padded to 80 chars with spaces.
Ex: ../test/tic.adf
The meaning of the items marked with a question mark is unknown, but they could be recognized in the following E00 IFO table header.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- FNODE# 4-1 14-1 5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Type Description 0-15 char (FNODE#) Field name padded with spaces 16-17 int16 (4) Storage size in bytes 18-19 int16 (-1) ? 20-21 int16 (1) 1-based offset of the field in a record 22-23 int16 (4) ? (always 4 !!!) 24-25 int16 (-1) ? 26-27 int16 (5) Display format: width 28-29 int16 (-1) Display format: number of decimals or -1 if not applicable. 30-31 int16 (5) First digit of field type 32-33 int16 (0) 2nd digit of field type (always 0) 34-35 int16 (-1) ? 36-37 int16 (-1) ? 38-39 int16 (-1) ? 40-41 int16 (-1) ? 42-57 char ? Alternate Name (always blank!) ? ... 114-115 int16 (1) 1-based field index (-1 if field is deleted) 116-144 ? All zeros
The field type is specified by the following codes:
10 (D) Date (stored as 8 bytes, display width must be either 8 chars (12/31/99) or 10 chars (12/31/1999) ) 20 (C) Character string 30 (I) Integer with fixed number of digits (1 byte storage per digit) 40 (N) Numeric value with decimals and fixed number of digits (1 byte storage per digit, value is right-justified) 50 (B) Binary integer (2 or 4 bytes) 60 (F) Binary float (4 or 8 bytes, depends on coverage precision)Ref: Understanding GIS... p.6-5, 6-6
When exported to E00, here is the form that each type takes:
10 (D) 8 characters 20 (C) Nbr of chars = field storage size. 30 (I) Nbr of chars = field storage size, value is right-justified 40 (N) stored as single prec. floats = 14 chars, ex: "-1.7735416E+00" (Uses 1 byte storage per digit internally, but always stored as single precision floats in both single and double precision E00 tables.) 50 (B) 32 bits integer use 11 chars, right-justified 16 bits integer????? Never saw an E00 that contained any! but it would probably be 6 chars since the biggest value to store would be "-32767" 60 (F) single prec. = 14 chars total, ex: "-1.7735416E+00" double prec. = 24 chars total, ex: "-2.60358875000000000E+05"
These files do not have any header, and they have fixed size records of the size specified in the corresponding ../info/arc####.dat and ../info/arc####.nit files.
However, when time comes to create a new coverage, one needs to know how to name and where to place the data files.
For internal tables, the data file goes directly in the info directory, inside the arc####.dat so there is not much to worry about.
For external tables, the table name (first field in the arc.dir, and in and E00 table header) is composed of 3 parts:
When [SUBCLASSNAME] is present, then the data file name will be:
"../[covername]/[subclassname].[ext]"e.g. The table named "TEST.PATCOUNTY" would be stored in the file "../test/county.pat" (this path is realtive to the info directory)
When the [SUBCLASSNAME] is not present, then the name of the data file will be:
e.g. The table named "TEST.PAT" would be stored in the file "../test/pat.adf"
Of course, it would be too easy if there were no exceptions to these rules! Single precision ".TIC" and ".BND" follow the above rules and will be named "tic.adf" and "bnd.adf" but in double precision coverages, they will be named "dbltic.adf" and "dblbnd.adf".
V7 Filename Corresponding Weird Filename info/arc.dir info/arcdr9 info/arc0000.dat info/arc000dat info/arc0000.nit info/arc000nit covername/aat.adf covername/aat
Weird coverage filenames and directory names are often in upper case. We've also observed some coverages in which the DAT/NIT filenames were truncated to 8 characters, e.g. "ARC000DA", "ARC000NI", ...
Another difference that was noted is that the "ARCDR9" file can contain multiple entries for the same table name, and the only way to tell which one is valid is by looking for the corresponding DAT and NIT files.
V7 coverages will overwrite old tables in the arc.dir, but weird coverages seem to always append to the end of the index.
File names:
There is no equivalent to the arc.dir with the list of table for each coverage. You have to look for "???.DBF" in the coverage directory to get the list of tables.
Here are the most common .DBF table filenames we can find:
Double precision PC Coverages V2 may contain:
Field Names:
Because of restrictions in the DBF specs for attribute names, some special attribute names have to be repaired when they are read from a DBF file. For instance, in a coverage named "TEST", the following DBF field names will contain "_" characters in place of some characters that are not permitted in DBF field names:
It is also important to note that DBF field names are limited to 10 characters while Arc/Info field names can have up to 15 characters.
Field Data Types:
DBF and INFO files do not use the same code for field data types. The DBF data types have to be mapped to Arc/Info data types:
Arc/Info Data Type DBF Field Data Type 10 (D) Date ??? Never seen any... probably 'D' (date) 20 (C) Char 'C' - char 30 (I) Integer 'N' - Numeric, decimals=0 40 (N) Numeric ??? Never seen any... probably 'N' 50 (B) Binary int. 'N' - Numeric, decimals=0 60 (F) Binary float 'N' - Numeric, see not below
Note: Floating point values (type 60) are stored inside the DBF file using exponent notation in 13 characters numeric ('N') fields with 0 significant digits before the point. (e.g. -110.333300 is stored as -.1103333E+03, and 65.277460 is stored as 0.6527746E+02)
Note2: What is the difference between types 30 and 50 when stored in DBF files? It seems that all system attributes (TEST#, TEST-ID, FNODE#, etc...) are always stored as type 50, and all user-defined integer fields would always be stored as type 30.