Open Class

[1] Image Analysis Class 2013 Universität Heidelberg

2. Patch:

A new diamond search algorithm for fast block-matching motion estimation

Image Alinment and Stitching: A Tutorial

Image quilting algorithm (Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer)

Interactive Digital Photomontage

From Learning Models of Natural Image Patches to Whole Image Restoration

Natural Image Denoising: Optimality and Inherent Bounds

How Well Do Filter-Based MRFs Model Natural Images?

Image denoising by sparse 3-D transform-domain collaborative filtering

5. Watershed:

efficient graph-based image segmentation


Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions

【1】UCF Computer Vision Video Lectures

---------------------- 想看的课程-----------------------

数据结构与算法 Data Structures and Algorithms
30240184x: Data Structures • 数据结构
面向对象技术高级课程(The Advanced Object-Oriented Technology)
程序设计实习 / Practice on Programming  intermediate level

操作系统原理(Operating Systems)


数据结构(上) TsinghuaX 30240184_1X 
LFS101x : Introduction to Linux 
C++ For C Programmers
Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1
Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 


概率论 - 关于不确定性的科学  MITx 6.041x 

线性代数——从基础到前沿  UTAustinX UT.5.01x

嵌入式系统——塑造世界  UTAustinX UT.6.01x

机器人力学、规划和控制,第一部分  SNUx SNU446.345.1x

计算机图形学基础  UC BerkeleyX CS-184.1x

统计学入门:统计学概论  UC BerkeleyX Stat2.1x

统计学入门:概率  UC BerkeleyX Stat2.2x

航空动力学介绍  MITx 16.101x

飞行器航空动力学  MITx 16.110x

统计学入门:推断  UC BerkeleyX Stat2.3x

人工智能  UC BerkeleyX CS188.1x

经典力学  MITx 8.01x

离散时间信号和系统  RiceX ELEC301x
自主移动机器人  ETHx AMRx
从数据中学习  CaltechX CS1156x
航空工程导论  DelftX AE1110x

Introduction to Algorithms

Paradigms of Computer Programming
UT.6.01x: Embedded Systems - Shape The World
6.002x: Circuits and Electronics
CS-184.1x: Foundations of Computer Graphics
CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence
AUTONAVx: Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots
SNU446.345.1x: Robot Mechanics and Control, Part I
SNU446.345.2x: Robot Mechanics and Control, Part II
20220332X: Principles of Electric Circuits: Part 1
20220332_2x: Principles of Electric Circuits: Part 2
Louv1.01x: Paradigms of Computer Programming
AMRx: Autonomous Mobile Robots
16.110x: Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics
AE1110x: Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering
6.002x: Circuits and Electronics
16.101x: Introduction to Aerodynamics

Automata  Stanford University

Information Theory The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Interactive Computer Graphics The University of Tokyo

CS-184.1x: Foundations of Computer Graphics to Robotics, The Fourier Transform and its Applications, Programming Massively Parallel Processors, Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems)

Discrete Time Signals and Systems ELEC301x

Digital Signal Processing (coursera)

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering(coursera)

MOS Transistors

VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout

Introduction to Power Electronics

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Mathematical Methods for Engineers II

Mathematics for Computer Science

Computational Science and Engineering I

Image and video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital

Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing

Einführung in Computer Vision

An Introduction to Functional Analysis

Linear Algebra

Advanced Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra for Engineers

Discrete Inference and Learning in Artificial Vision

Mathematics (MIT的数学列表,

Control of Mobile Robots

The Fascinating World of Robots and Robotics

Internet History, Technology, and Security

Distributed Systems



Mobile Cloud Computing with Android

Fundamentals of Computing

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