

以前看过一段时间Cyclone FPGA控制PEX8111的程序,没看懂,最近又结合PCI规范重新看了一下。

PCI Speci rev2.3


FRAME# is driven by the master to indicate the beginning and end of a



IRDY# is driven by the master to indicate that it is ready to transfer data.

TRDY# is driven by the target to indicate that it is ready to transfer data.


IDSEL in Initialization Device Select is used as a chip select during

configuration read and write transactions.


STOP# s/t/s Stop indicates the current target is requesting the master to

stop the current transaction.


In all cases, data is only

transferred when IRDY# and TRDY# are both asserted on the same rising clock edge.


只有当IRDY# and TRDY#都有效时,数据才能传输。


3.2.2. Addressing



PCI targets (except host bus bridges) are required to implement Base Address register(s)

to request a range of addresses which can be used to provide access to internal registers

or functions (refer to Chapter 6 for more details). The configuration software uses the

Base Address register to determine how much space a device requires in a given address

space and then assigns (if possible) where in that space the device will reside.





device may map its internal register into both Memory Space and optionally I/O Space

by using two Base Address registers, one for I/O and the other for Memory.




When a transaction is initiated on the interface, each potential target compares the

address with its Base Address register(s) to determine if it is the target of the current

transaction. If it is the target, the device asserts DEVSEL# to claim the access. For

more details about DEVSEL# generation, refer to Section How a target

completes address decode in each address space is discussed in the following sections.

当一个交易初始后,每个潜在设备将自己的BAR与总线上的地址比较,来确定自己是不是当前交易的目标。 I/O Space Decoding

In the I/O Address Space, all 32 AD lines are used to provide a full byte address. The

master that initiates an I/O transaction is required to ensure that AD[1::0] indicate the

least significant valid byte for the transaction.

The byte enables indicate the size of the transfer and the affected bytes within the

DWORD and must be consistent with AD[1::0]. Table 3-1 lists the valid combinations

for AD[1::0] and the byte enables for the initial data phase. Memory Space Decoding

In the Memory Address Space, the AD[31::02] bus provides a DWORD aligned

address. AD[1::0] are not part of the address decode. However, AD[1::0] indicate the

order in which the master is requesting the data to be transferred. Configuration Space Decoding

In the

Configuration Address Space, each function is assigned a unique 256-byte space that is

accessed differently than I/O or Memory Address Spaces.




To support hierarchical PCI buses, two types of configuration transactions are used.

They have the formats illustrated in Figure 3-1, which shows the interpretation of AD

lines during the address phase of a configuration transaction.

Type 1 and Type 0 configuration transactions are differentiated by the values on

AD[1::0]. A Type 0 configuration transaction (when AD[1::0] = "00") is used to select

a device on the bus where the transaction is being run. A Type 1 configuration

transaction (when AD[1::0] = "01") is used to pass a configuration request to another

bus segment. Software Generation of Configuration Transactions

Two DWORD I/O locations are used to generate configuration transactions for PC-AT

compatible systems. The first DWORD location (CF8h) references a read/write register

that is named CONFIG_ADDRESS. The second DWORD address (CFCh) references a

read/write register named CONFIG_DATA. The CONFIG_ADDRESS register is 32

bits with the format shown in Figure 3-2. Bit 31 is an enable flag for determining when

accesses to CONFIG_DATA are to be translated to configuration transactions on the PCI

bus. Bits 30 to 24 are reserved, read-only, and must return 0's when read. Bits 23

through 16 choose a specific PCI bus in the system. Bits 15 through 11 choose a specific

device on the bus. Bits 10 through 8 choose a specific function in a device (if the device

supports multiple functions). Bits 7 through 2 choose a DWORD in the device's

Configuration Space. Bits 1 and 0 are read-only and must return 0's when read.


Anytime a host bridge sees a full DWORD I/O write from the host to

CONFIG_ADDRESS, the bridge must latch the data into its CONFIG_ADDRESS

register. On full DWORD I/O reads to CONFIG_ADDRESS, the bridge must return the




配置空间的读写是通过读写两个IO端口实现的。 Selection of a Device’s Configuration Space

A single function device asserts DEVSEL# to claim a configuration transaction when:

• a configuration command is decoded;

• the device’s IDSEL is asserted; and

• AD[1::0] is "00" (Type 0 Configuration Command) during the Address Phase.




PCI系统的PC-AT系统,有2套总线系统,一套为PC-AT的总线,一套为PCI local bus的总线。



PCI 配置空间有 6 BAR ,这些 BAR 既提供大小又提供数据类型信息。



if rst='0' then


              elsif rising_edge(clk) then

                     if (cfgwr='1' and base0='1' and wrsel='1') then

                            basereg0(31 downto 8)<=wrreg(31 downto 8);

                            basereg0(7 downto 0)<="00000001";

                     end if;

              end if;

              if rst='0' then


              elsif rising_edge(clk) then

                     if (cfgwr='1' and base1='1' and wrsel='1') then

                            basereg1(31 downto 22)<=wrreg(31 downto 22);

                            basereg1(21 downto 0)<="0000000000000000000000";

                     end if;

              end if;



所以,IO space要求分配的大小为2^8=256 byteMemory space要求分配的大小为2^22=4M byte



6.2.5. Base Addresses

One of the most important functions for enabling superior configurability and ease of use

is the ability to relocate PCI devices in the address spaces.



Power-up softwareBIOS?) needs to build a consistent address map before booting the machine to an operating system.


The number of upper bits that a device actually implements depends on how much of the

address space the device will respond to. A 32-bit register can be implemented to

support a single memory size that is a power of 2 from 16 bytes to 2 GB.

16 bytes to 2 GB.


A device that wants a 1 MB memory address space (using a 32-bit base address register) would build the top 12 bits of the address register, hardwiring the other bits to 0.


hardwiring the other bits to 0.在一个有FPGA的设备中,就可以这样实现。

if rst='0' then


              elsif rising_edge(clk) then

                     if (cfgwr='1' and base0='1' and wrsel='1') then

                            basereg0(31 downto 8)<=wrreg(31 downto 8);

                            basereg0(7 downto 0)<="00000001";

                     end if;

              end if;


Power-up software can determine how much address space the device requires by

writing a value of all 1's to the register and then reading the value back. The device will

return 0's in all don't-care address bits, effectively specifying the address space required.

Unimplemented Base Address registers are hardwired to zero.



Devices that map control functions into I/O Space must not consume more than 256

bytes per I/O Base Address register. The upper 16 bits of the I/O Base Address register

may be hardwired to zero for devices intended for 16-bit I/O systems, such as PC

compatibles. However, a full 32-bit decode of I/O addresses must still be done.

PCI设备的每个IO BAR消耗的空间不得大于256 byte



Implementation Note: Sizing a 32-bit Base Address Register


Decode (I/O or memory) of a register is disabled via the command register before sizing

a Base Address register.


Software saves the original value of the Base Address register,

writes 0FFFFFFFFh to the register, then reads it back.


Size calculation can be done from

the 32-bit value read by first clearing encoding information bits (bit 0 for I/O, bits 0-3

for memory), inverting all 32 bits (logical NOT), then incrementing by 1. The resultant

32-bit value is the memory/I/O range size decoded by the register.

比如读回的是IO BAR(通过检查bit0),对编码信息清零(bit 0 for I/O, bits 0-3

for memory),取反,加1,即为IO空间请求的大小。然后软件为其分配地址空间,然后重新写回该BAR,而该BARn位硬件置为0,所以,自动进行了对齐。

Note that the upper

16 bits of the result is ignored if the Base Address register is for I/O and bits 16-31

returned zero upon read. The original value in the Base Address register is restored

before re-enabling decode in the command register of the device.



最小IO译码器,可以实现[31:2]的可写,PCI IO译码器的最小IO块为4

最大IO译码器,可以实现[31:8]的可写,PCI IO译码器的最大IO块为256



