
     * Sets an argument for the given tag. The value may be NULL pointer.
     * If index points beyond the last argument, the list of arguments will
     * be extended by inserting intervening empty arguments if necessary.
     * The result is true if the operation was successful. False is returned
     * if the given tag doesn't exist, or index is invalid (negative or
     * greater than the maximum numer of arguments, currently 16).
    bool setTagArg(const char *tagname, int index, const char *value)
 bool cDisplayString::setTagArg(const char *tagname, int index, const char *value)
    // may notify() twice (for insert.. and set..), but it's OK
    int t = gettagindex(tagname);
    if (t==-1)
        t = insertTag(tagname);
    return setTagArg(t, index, value);
