CREATE procedure createBookmarkReport as begin declare @date nvarchar(8) declare @table nvarchar(2000) set @date=convert(nvarchar,dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()),112) set @table = 'wapbase.wap_bookmark_' + convert(nvarchar,year(getdate())) --统计格式 --序列号、日期、访问人数、访问次数、书签ID、书签名称、书签所有者 if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id( @table ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) begin exec ( 'create table ' + @table + '( seqid int not null identity(1,1) primary key, id int not null, title nvarchar(50) not null, own nvarchar(50), views int not null default(0), visits int not null default(0), [date] nvarchar(8) not null )' ) end if year(@date) < year(getdate()) set @table = 'wapbase.wap_bookmark_' + convert(nvarchar,year(@date)) declare @prefix nvarchar(100) declare @subfix nvarchar(100) declare @sql nvarchar(2000) set @prefix = '' set @subfix = '&' set @sql = ' insert into ' + @table + '(id,title,own,views,visits,[date]) select b.seqid, b.title, b.own, count(*) views, count(distinct mid) visits,''' + @date + ''' from wap_lenovo_bookmark b left join ( select substring(url,len(''' + @prefix + ''')+1,len(url)-len(''' + @prefix +''')) id, ua, mid ' set @sql = @sql + ' from wapbase.wap_log_' + @date + ' where charindex(''' + @prefix + ''',url,1)>0 and charindex(''' + @subfix + ''',url,1) = 0' + ' union all ' + ' select substring(url,len(''' + @prefix + ''')+1,charindex(''' + @subfix + ''',url,1)-len(''' + @prefix + ''')-1) id, ua, mid' + ' from wapbase.wap_log_' + @date + ' where charindex(''' + @prefix + ''',url,1)>0 and charindex(''' + @subfix + ''',url,1) > 0' + ') a on b.seqid =' + ' group by b.seqid, b.title, b.own' + ' order by b.seqid desc' exec(@sql) end GO