#ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef _WIN64 #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)( (ptrdiff_t)&reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>((((s *)0)->m)) ) #else #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)&reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>((((s *)0)->m)) #endif #else #ifdef _WIN64 #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)( (ptrdiff_t)&(((s *)0)->m) ) #else #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m) #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */
size_t offsetof( structName, memberName );
#include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> typedef struct { int iVal; int iVal2; }Test; typedef struct { char ch; int iNum; }Test2; int main(void) { Test t = {1, 2}; Test2 t2 = {'t', 100}; printf("\naddress of t : %p\naddress of t.iVal : %p\naddress of t.iVal2: %p\n\n", &t, &(t.iVal), &(t.iVal2)); printf("offset of iVal in t: %p\n", offsetof(Test, iVal)); printf("offset of iVal2 in t: %p\n", offsetof(Test, iVal2)); printf("\naddress of t2 : %p\naddress of t2.ch : %p\naddress of t2.iNum: %p\n\n", &t, &(t2.ch), &(t2.iNum)); printf("offset of ch in t2: %p\n", offsetof(Test2, ch)); printf("offset of iNum in t2: %p\n", offsetof(Test2, iNum)); return 0; }在VS2005中输出:
address of t : 0012FF10
address of t.iVal : 0012FF10
address of t.iVal2: 0012FF14
offset of iVal in t: 00000000
offset of iVal2 in t: 00000004
address of t2 : 0012FF10
address of t2.ch : 0012FF00
address of t2.iNum: 0012FF04
offset of ch in t2: 00000000
offset of iNum in t2: 00000004