

点击PADS后就会出现以下: "The directory pointed by the FileDir INI file entry cannot be found.Aborting."点确定后,软件自动关闭。



按PADS Logic软件的错误提示框中显示的内容,定位至powerlogic.ini文件中相应设置项,如“FileDir”等逐一修改为磁盘上存在的路径,即可。

Logic default settings & paths in the ‘ini’ file V2005.

Sadly Pads logic doesn’t allow you to set the default paths & settings of a project from within the program itself. So a little digging around in the ‘ini’ file is required.
Go to:
Open the file in Notepad or a text editor & near the top you’ll see;

FileDir=C:\PADS Projects\
ReuseDir=C:\PADS Projects\Reuse
CAMDir=C:\PADS Projects\Cam

FileDir: This is where the program will open a file from, so if you have a project location or mapped drive you wish to work from, place it here.
LibDir: This is set in the Library menu under ‘Manage Lib List’
UserDir: This is the settings location & is normal left as the default path set by Mentor, unless of course you want to move the settings files also!
SystemDir: As the name suggests this is the Logics system path & really needs to be left as the default installation intended.
ReuseDir: Location for Reuse libraries
CAMDir: Location for CAM output.
However if you have many different clients with different library sets etc, a quick tip to get around re-setting these settings all the time is to keep separate ‘ini’ files for each client named with the clients name & just copy it & rename it to the default name each time you need to change over settings. 
