• Each process has its own address space. Therefore, individual processes cannot communicate, unlike threads.
• Inter process communication: Linux/Unix provides several ways to allow communication
FIFO queues
shared memory
• Unix/Linux allows us to handle exceptions that arise during execution (e.g., interrupt, floating point error, segmentation fault etc.).
• A process recieves a signal when such a condition occurs.
void (∗signal( int sig,void(∗handler)(int )))( int )
• determines how subsequent signals will be handled.
• pre-defined behavior: SIG_DFL (default), SIG_IGN (ignore)
• returns the previous handler.
SIGABRT abnormal termination
SIGFPE floating point error
SIGILL illegal instruction
SIGINT interrupt
SIGSEGV segmentation fault
SIGTERM termination request
SIGBUS bus error
The two signals SIGSTOP, SIGKILL cannot be handled.
int raise( int sig) can be used to send signal sig to the program.
• There can be race conditions.
• signal handler itself can be interrupted.
• use of non-reentrant functions unsafe.
• sigproc mask can be used to prevent interruptions.
• handler is reset each time it iscalled.
#include <stdio.h>
void sigproc()
printf("you have pressed ctrl−c \n");
void quitproc()
printf("ctrl−\\ pressed toquit");
exit(0); ∗normal exit status∗/
main ( )
signal(SIGINT, sigproc);
signal(SIGQUIT, quitproc);
printf(‘‘ctrl−c disabled use ctrl−\\ to quit\n’’);
for( ; ; ); /∗infinite loop∗/
pid_t fork (void)
• fork() is a system call to createa new process
• In the child process, it returns 0
• In the parent process, it returns the PID (process id) of the child.
• The child PID can be used to send signals to the child process.
• returns -1 on failure (invalid PID)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main(){
pid_t pid =fork();
int i;
for(i=0; i<5; i++){
printf("child process: %d\n", i);
printf("parent process: %d\n", i);
childprocess: 0
parent process: 0
child process: 1
child process: 2
parent process: 1
child process: 3
child process: 4
parent process: 2
parent process: 3
parent process: 4
• fork() makes a full copy of the parents address space.
• pid_t getpid() returns PID of the current process.
• pid_t getppid() returns PID of the parent process.
• wait(int∗) is used to wait for the child to finish.
• waitpid() is used to wait for a specific child.
• the child process can exit before the parent
• stray process is marked as <defunct>
• preap can be used to reap zombie processes.
Pipes are used in unix to redirect output of one command to another. Pipes also allow parent processes to communicate with its children.
• ls | more - displays results of ls one screen at a time
• cat file.txt | sort - displays contents of file.txt in sorted order
int pipe(int FILEDES[2])
• A pipe can be thought of as a pair of file descriptors
• no physical file is associated with the file descriptor
• one end is opened in write mode.
• other end is opened in read mode.
管道在UNIX中是一个十分重要的工具,实现简单但功能强大,很符合UNIX的style。其实现可以看作用一根两端为fd(file descriptor)的管道将两个进程连接起来,管道前面的进程会有输出到一个文件,而后面的进程则会读取一个文件。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void)
int pfds[2];
char buf[30];
if (pipe(pfds) == -1) {
printf("writing to file descriptor #%d\n", pfds[1]);
write(pfds[1], "test", 5);
printf("reading from filedescriptor #%d\n", pfds[0]);
read(pfds[0], buf, 5);
printf("read \"%s\"\n",buf);
return 0;
• FIFO queues may be thought of as named pipes.
• Multiple processes can read and write from a FIFO.
• Unlike pipes, the processes can be unrelated.
• FIFOs can be created using mknod system call.
int mknod(const char ∗path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev)
• <sys/stat.h> contains the declaration for mknod.
• mknod used to create special files - devices, fifos etc.
• mode can have special bits such as S_IFIFO | 0644
• dev is interpreted based on the mode.
Example: mknod("myfifo", S_IFIFO | 0644 , 0);