Some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded解决办法



You are getting the following message

Originally Posted by dannypon79 View Post
'' some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of font was exceeded''

because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded.

Excel has a limitation on the number of formats allowed (depending on the version), so if you can clean up the formats and reduced the number of fonts used you should be able to avoid that message.


Do you have any other files/documents or applications open (apart from the MS-Excel created object & your Java program)?

1. getStyle Once, such as put it as Object or Map.. Then reuse it. Avoid generate many times in program.
(for{ set sheet sytle}..ect.)
2. Restart all excel, and then generate the excel and open to see it. All style is setted, and no msg box.

OK now!


