As much as we may wish to deny it, human beings are not perfect. We make mistakes. Programmers are not exempt from this and, frequently, the mistakes we make are in the programs we create; such mistakes lead to issues , defects or, as they are most commonly known, bugs in the programs. The process of fixing these mistakes, of removing the bugs, is known as debugging .
Bugs come in many different shapes and sizes; there are even formal categories for them, such as syntax bugs , logic bugs , or design bugs . A syntax bug might be something as simple as a spelling mistake in the source code; these bugs are usually caught by the compiler. A logic bug might be a conditional operation that uses an incorrect condition - if (x > 0)
instead of if (x < 0)
- leading to incorrect behaviour in the program. Design bugs tend to be the most costly bugs in terms of time to fix. These are situations where the components of the system are each behaving correctly individually, but the overall resulting behaviour is incorrect; the design of the components has led to this conflict. There are also many other categories.
Programmers wouldn't be programmers if they didn't try to get the computer to do things for them. So, over time, they've developed quite an extensive library of debugging tools and technologies to help track down and wipe out bugs. Some are very complex, impressive pieces of technology that take a huge quantity of source code and analyse it to find bugs without the need for any human interaction. At the other end of the spectrum are simple memory probes, that know nothing about bugs or source code, but can (given a user with appropriate training, and an awful lot of time) tell you anything you want to know about why your program does not work.
The process of debugging is not actually specific to programming; it's one of the core parts of engineering as a whole. The same processes and steps can be seen in software engineering as well as in electrical engineering, medicine (a sort of biological engineering) and even speechwriting (language engineering). The steps most frequently seen are:
The model is very fluid; these are not discrete stages that must be worked through for every problem. They'll blur together: some may be omitted, some may be repeated and there are other activities that may happen, such as collaboration (asking others for their thoughts on an issue). Still, if you are new to debugging, this list may serve as a helpful way to think about the process.
Debugging tools vary widely in both their intrusiveness and in the stage of the process at which they are aimed. Some can be used preventatively, while others are only brought out after a bug has arisen. Let's look at some of the tools used in each stage of the process.
Issue recognition can be quite difficult to automate, as it requires that the tester know how the program should behave in order to detect when it differs from that. Some general-purpose tools for doing things like stress testing exist, which throw large amounts of random input at your program. They're non-intrusive, in that you don't generally need to modify your program in order to run the tool. Stress tests can help you find some of the better hidden bugs as they will often put your program into unusual states, exploring edge conditions and unusual interactions between components. However, as the name implies, stress testing only tests the behaviour of your program in extreme situations; it does not test the more common, "average" cases. Also, it knows nothing about the way your program should behave; so it can only detect very obvious error conditions, like crashes.
More helpful than these general-purpose tools are unit tests . These are small chunks of code that test parts of your program in a particular way, reporting a simple boolean pass or fail value. Because you write the tests yourself, you're expressing how your program should behave, which is why the tests give you much more useful results. Testing frameworks exist to help you wire up your tests for batch processing, so you can integrate the tests directly into your build process, running all the tests to check that they pass. Of course, there's a caveat: you might have bugs in your tests, so you should aim to keep each test as small and simple as possible, reducing the chances of a bug occurring.
There are also static analysis tools: the aforementioned tools that analyse your source code to look for potentially buggy code. For unmanaged C and C++ coders, one such popular tool is PC-Lint ; the product website includes examples of the kind of bugs that it can find for you. There's also ITS4 and FlawFinder , freeware tools which focus particularly on potential bugs that have security issues, such as buffer overruns. Meanwhile, under .NET, tools like FxCop can help to ensure that your code obeys coding standards, even ones you define yourself. Static analysis tools are limited in that they are inferring intention from the code itself instead of getting it from the programmer as with unit tests, and so they will not know when something is being done deliberately, resulting in false positives; they are also always going to be incomplete in terms of the catalogue of bugs that they recognise, resulting in false negatives. Also, when it comes to things like syntax bugs, the build tools (compiler, linker, etc) will usually flag things for you, sometimes preventing you from even running your program until you fix them.
Right alongside the static analysis tools are runtime analysis tools. Instead of taking a source code database and poring over it, runtime analysis tools sit in the background while your program is running and watch how it behaves - an example would be something like a memory leak checker or a tool to monitor thread interactions. While you often don't get these tools out until you already suspect that a bug is present - as they can affect performance, or simply take slightly longer to set up - it is still useful to run your program with them every once in a while to make sure that nothing is awry. Some of the tools in this category are external to your program, packaged as entirely separate applications, while others come as libraries or headers that you build directly into your code. Examples of the former include Valgrind , BoundsChecker or the DirectX debug runtime; examples of the latter include Paul Nettle's MMGR , the profiler presented by Steve Rabin in Game Programming Gems 1 or the heap verification section of the C runtime library.
It should also be mentioned that the operating system will usually perform some runtime analysis. It can only detect situations where you've interacted with the system in an incorrect way - by dividing by zero, for example, or by accessing memory that does not belong to your program, or by writing past the end of your program's heap - but it tends to give you some information that can help track down the cause. To augment this, the build tools can automatically include extra state-verification code in your programs, checking periodically that you've not corrupted the stack, or written past the end of a buffer. This approach is semi-intrusive, in that it does involve changing your program, but doesn't require those changes to be made by you at the source code level. You can, of course, write such state-verification code yourself - the key technique in this hand is assertions ; they are discussed in detail towards the end of this article.
There's more to issue recognition than simply seeing a bug and writing it down; the stage begins to blur into intelligence gathering as you pin down the exact nature of the issue. Is it repeatable? Does it happen under any other circumstances? Testing the exact nature of the symptom more extensively can help narrow down the hunting ground for the bug; in your average game, many processes are happening simultaneously, so when a bug occurs, it could be due to any of them. For example, say you're taking out an enemy AI with your electro-cannon when the game crashes. Is it the code that's rendering the electro-beam, is it the bot AI trying to react, is it the sound system trying to play the beam sound, is it the physics system trying to throw the bot backwards, is it the scoring system trying to give you a point, is it the networking system trying to notify all the other players, is it...? And so on. By trying it out in different situations - offline mode, maybe, or just firing the beam at the wall instead of an AI - the number of systems that need to be checked can be decreased.
Intelligence gathering is a process that cannot, at its core, be automated. It is the process by which you build the road between the symptom and the problem, and it is beyond any computer to determine which pieces of information you do and do not need in order to do so. The computer does not know about the past experiences of the programmer or the extent of the programmer's knowledge of the system, and it does not know which approaches the programmer prefers to use to solve the problem.
However, while the computer cannot decide which information you do and do not need, it is very capable of providing you with information that you request. A very large number of tools exist to assist you in this regard.
The most common package in this category is simply called a debugger . It usually contains a suite of tools that let you examine and control program flow, the values of variables and the ways in which they change, memory, program threads, and processor registers - sometimes more, sometimes less. Different debuggers have different tools, and may be targeted at different parts of the system (for example, a GPU debugger that contains a suite of tools for examining the execution of vertex and pixel shaders on the graphics card).
Tools exist for intelligence gathering on pretty much every part of a computer. Recently, Microsoft released a graphics profiling and debugging tool called PIX For Windows that allows developers to gather information about Direct3D objects; similarly, Graphic Remedy have released their gDEbugger tool, which provides similar (if more extensive) information for OpenGL. People writing drivers for Windows will probably find the kernel debugging tool KD useful, as it allows them to inspect parts of the Windows kernel that are usually not accessible to a standard debugger. The Mozilla Foundation has developed a debugger to debug Javascript scripts, while elsewhere on the web Dmitri Dmitrienko has released a PHP debugger. The list goes on. The existence and quality of debugging tools is definitely something to bear in mind when evaluating a technology.
As far as general-purpose CPU debuggers for C++ go, the two most popular packages are the GNU project's GDB debugger, and Microsoft's Visual Studio (though I'm advised that Microsoft also offer a more powerful but less widely used debugger known as WinDBG). I'm going to cover some of the key tools in Visual Studio 2005 as applied to debugging native C++ code; hopefully many of the concepts will still be useful to readers using other languages or GDB, as much of the terminology is similar in other tools. For this article, I'm going to assume that you're using the default UI configuration for Visual Studio. If you've customised icons or selected a different key configuration, naturally some shortcuts or button icons may be inaccurate.
The most used part of the Visual Studio debugger is its ability to control execution flow .
Visual Studio lets you pause and resume your program, either manually, by hitting the pause ( ) or start/resume (
) buttons, or in a controlled and automatic way. It can resume execution for a single line of code and then pause again ("Step Over,"
), it can resume and then pause again either after the current line or at the beginning of any functions the program enters ("Step Into,"
), it can resume and then pause once the current function has exited ("Step Out,"
), or it can resume and then pause automatically once it reaches the line of code at which you have placed the text insertion point ("Run to Cursor,"
When you pause the program, the yellow arrow to the left of the code indicates where it stopped, and you can use the "Show Next Statement" button ( ) to quickly jump back there. There are three other buttons that relate to program flow: "Stop Debugging" (
), which forcibly terminates your program and shuts down the debugging tools, "Restart" (
), which forcibly terminates the program and then starts it up again, stopping at the beginning of the program's initial function, and "Set Next Statement" (
). Set Next Statement allows you to jump the yellow arrow to any line of any function in your code, but you need to be extremely careful - it's very easy to break your program's internal state like this, and things are pretty much guaranteed to go wrong if you try using it to jump from one function to another. Unless you understand clearly how the call stack and program pointer work, it's probably best to leave this one alone.
Those are the basic execution controls. The next step up is to look at breakpoints : points in your code where you want the debugger to automatically pause your program, as if you'd hit the pause button yourself. You can set up as many of these points in your program as you want (though going overboard can cause your program to slow down). In Visual Studio 2005, the breakpoints window looks like this:
The simplest kind of breakpoint is called an unconditional breakpoint (or more commonly just "a breakpoint"); when the program reaches one of these, the debugger will pause the program, every time. These are the most frequently used type of breakpoint. You can turn one on or off without removing it if you want (the checkbox to the left of the breakpoint), but you have to do that by hand. The simplest way to create an unconditional breakpoint is to click on the grey bar to the left of the line of code where you want to set the breakpoint, or to click in that line and press F9. The breakpoint might not show up exactly where you tried to place it - that's because it must be on a line of code that produces some actual executable statements, instead of on lines such as function signatures or comments.
Slightly more complex are conditional breakpoints . As the name suggests, these are breakpoints that have some particular conditions or qualifiers applied to them; when your program reaches a conditional breakpoint, the debugger will pause the program but only if the conditions are met .
Say you've got a bug in a function which only shows up when the input is negative. If you placed an unconditional breakpoint at the beginning of the function, the breakpoint may be hit in a call to the function that passes a positive value - something you're not interested in. Instead of having to repeatedly break and resume the program until you get a negative value, you could set a condition on the breakpoint (e.g. input < 0
) and then the program will only stop when the input
variable is below zero. There's a limit to the complexity of the conditions that you can set, but if you stick to simple comparisons and logic then you shouldn't have any problems.
Instead of having the breakpoint happen when the condition is true, you could also have it happen when the condition has changed from the last time the breakpoint was checked. You can also set up the breakpoint to only break on the fifth time, or on every fifth time, or to skip the first four times but break every time after that (the "Hit Count" setting). All of these things can be set up by right-clicking a breakpoint in the breakpoints window and choosing the relevant options.
A new feature in Visual Studio 2005 is the When Hit
property of breakpoints. Simply put, you can instruct the debugger to do something instead of pausing the program, like printing the value of some variables to the Output window, or running a macro. You can have it pause as well, if you like. One of the most useful things this feature lets you do is to add debug traces (text messages telling you about the state of the program) without having to change any code or rebuild; that particular aspect is so useful that there's actually a shortcut for setting one up (Insert Tracepoint
instead of Insert Breakpoint
Up to this point we've only considered location-based breakpoints: breakpoints that exist at particular places within the code. There's a second kind of breakpoint known as a data breakpoint . Instead of waiting for the code to reach a particular place before checking whether to stop, data breakpoints continually monitor a variable or location in memory, and pause the program whenever the value stored there changes, no matter where the program is at the time. If one of your variables is mysteriously changing and you can't figure out why, stick a data breakpoint on it. They're very effective when it comes to tracking down things like buffer overruns. All the conditions and filters that you can apply to location-based breakpoints can be applied to data breakpoints too. Data breakpoints have a bit of a reputation for being slow and harming your program's performance; that's only true if the data breakpoint is being emulated, and data breakpoints on the PC in Visual Studio 2005 are no longer ever emulated, they're provided by the hardware.
There's one more feature that involves pausing your program in the debugger, and that's exception handling. If your program experiences an exception that isn't handled - for example, an access violation - then the debugger will always catch it and pause your program. Sometimes you will have inserted code to catch exceptions before they get to that level (try/catch blocks). Yet you may still find that you want the debugger to pause your program even though the exception is being handled - your program has been written to recover from the error, but you'd like to investigate exactly how and why it happened in the first place. You can do this using the 'Exceptions' dialogue in the Debug menu (Ctrl-Alt-E); the dialogue gives you full access to all C++, .NET, runtime, and Win32 exceptions, and you can specify which ones you want it to pause on regardless of whether they have been handled or not.
So, we've covered how to move the point of execution around, catch it here, throw it up there, pass it under your leg and roll it along your arm, like a small cheese. The next group of tools are used to give you information about the state of the program when it is paused in the debugger - everything from a raw memory inspector to a list of threads and processes.
First, however, we need to cover a key concept on state inspection, the concept of context . When your program is paused in the debugger, there is a huge amount of information that could be reported to you; you've usually got multiple variables across multiple functions, which may be operating in multiple threads, or even across multiple programs on multiple computers. Understandably, that can be quite hard to manage. It gets worse when you consider that the same variable name may be used in many different places (particularly loop variables like i
, j
, or index
). If you tell the debugger you want it to report the value of foo
, do you mean foo
the local variable in the function you broke the program in, or foo
the local variable in the function that called this function, or foo
the local variable in the current function of the other thread, or foo
the global variable in the other program that you're debugging via the network? To solve this problem, the debugger tracks at all times what it calls the context or frame (of reference), which consists of:
You can change which process, thread, or function you want to "talk about" through the processes, threads, and call stack windows respectively, as we'll see in a moment. Bear in mind that the context is a different thing to the program position; you can change the context around as much as you like, but when you allow the program to continue running, it will continue running from the current program position. It's really a lot easier to use than to explain; just be careful that you don't get surprised by data that turns out to be coming from a different context than what you thought you were looking at.
We should also take a moment to talk about symbols . Symbols, as far as the compiler or debugger are concerned, are names of things - functions, variables, classes, etc. One of the things that the compiler and linker do is to fix up all the names you use, replacing them with the actual address of the things you refer to. After they've done that, the names are no longer strictly necessary to have hanging around; in a debug build you'll generally keep them for the debugger's use, but if you're trying to produce the smallest possible executable (as you usually will for release builds), you want the tools to throw them away.
As a result, when the debugger loads up your program to operate on it, most of the names may have been removed - and that, obviously, can make it quite hard to work with. This problem is solved by asking the compiler/linker to create symbol files , which are files that contain all the symbols used in your code, and the addresses of the things they refer to. It's basically the same information that was used by the compiler and linker, but instead of storing it alongside the code and then throwing it away, it gets put into an entirely separate file throughout the process. Your executable is still of minimum size but you get to keep the symbol information.
When you ask the debugger to show you the contents of variable foo
, it can look up foo
in the symbol file, get the address of it in memory, and get the result from that address. Under Visual Studio, symbol files have the extension .PDB, and can be turned on and off in the project property pages - you need settings both in the C/C++ "General" page ("Debug Information Format," with "Program Database for Edit & Continue" being the most comprehensive), and in the Linker "Debugging" page ("Generate Debug Info"). Generating symbol files has no impact on your application's performance; it only takes a little time during the compile and link steps. If you find yourself looking at utter gibberish with lots of hex numbers and assembly codes, then chances are you don't have symbol files for what you're looking at, so Visual Studio can't convert what it's seeing into a more readable format for you. Microsoft run a 'symbol server' that provides symbol files for Windows DLLs, if you need them; information about how to have Visual Studio download these symbols is available from MSDN .
Now, onto the tools themselves. The majority of these are accessible via the "Windows" submenu in the 'Debug' menu. The first of these are the watch windows (Alt-3).
The watch windows display various expressions, and what they evaluate to in the current context - there's one that displays your local variables (Locals
, Alt-4), one that guesses at what you'd like to know based on the current chunk of code (Autos
, Ctrl-Alt-V) , and four that display expressions of your choosing (called Watch 1
through Watch 4
). The expressions are re-evaluated every time the program stops or every time the context changes, so you can watch how expressions change as you step through a function. The evaluator can understand a decent range of expressions, including arithmetic, casting, assembly registers, and pointer math, so you can happily use expressions like (DWORD*)ptrVar[index] + 5
or this->pBitmap[10][10]
if you want. Also, you can mess with the way in which the watch displays those values - MSDN describes "Format Specifiers" you can apply to individual expressions by sticking a little typecode on the end; and if you're working with integers, you can right-click the window and turn on 'Hexadecimal Display' to have those integers displayed in hexadecimal format.
To further extend the power of the watch, if the expression you enter is something to which you could assign a value in code (i.e. if you could write watch_window_expression = value
in your source and it would compile OK), then you can assign to it in the watch window. This is great for tweaking things - you can just pause the program, have the relevant variables as individual expressions in the watch window, adjust the values, and hit continue to see the effect. Be careful that you don't make your program state invalid in the process; imagine that you've got an object which contains a string array, and a value that is the length of that string. You shouldn't change one without changing the other, but the watch window would let you do that, possibly leading to behaviour which appears to be buggy but in reality could not actually happen.
Visual Studio also includes a sort of "portable watch" system that displays the value of variables in tooltips that pop up as you hover the mouse over your source code. In VS.NET 2005 the system has been upgraded and renamed to DataTips, and now can be expanded to show you submembers in the same way as watch window expressions.
The second commonly-used state inspection tool is the call stack window (Alt-7).
As the name suggests, it displays the call stack : the set of functions that the program is currently "inside." As functions get called in your program, they get added to the top of the call stack, and when the function exits it is removed again. The picture here shows that the process started down inside kernel32.dll
, which contains functions (ones we don't have symbols for) that called WinMainCRTStartup()
inside my HelloWorld.exe
program. WinMainCRTStartup()
then called _tmainCRTStartup()
- both functions are provided by the runtime libraries - which then called WinMain
, the first function in the stack that is actually part of my code. My WinMain
function has called the CCharacterNode
constructor, which has called the CEntity
constructor, which has called Irrlicht's vector3d<float>
constructor. Why is this interesting information? Because frequently a bug will only appear in a function when it is called in a specific way, and looking at the call stack tells you which function made the current call, so you can check that function out to see what's special about the way the call has been made.
Notice that as well as the module and function names, each entry in the window also tells you the parameters that were passed to the function. This can be extremely handy; it can, at a glance, show you how a value such as a null pointer has percolated to a position at which it is causing a problem. Chances are that in such situations the problem lies deeper in the call stack than you might otherwise have thought.
Double-clicking an entry in the call stack will change the context to that function; bear in mind that only the stack for the current context's thread is displayed, and other threads have entirely separate stacks. If you don't see a function that you expected to see, check the Threads window (see below) to make sure you're looking at the right thread.
The call stack window also provides a quick way of doing "step out" over multiple functions: just right click the function you want to come back up to, and choose 'Run to Cursor.' The program runs until all functions above that one in the stack have returned.
The next parts of the debugger tend not to be so frequently used, but can still be extremely useful. This is the modules window (Ctrl-Alt-U).
The modules window displays all the code modules - mainly EXEs and DLLs - that the debugger's collected information about, because they're used (maybe indirectly) by the thing you're debugging. Using this window can help you catch mistakes like loading the wrong copy/version of a DLL. It also allows you to check on the state of the symbol files for each module.
The processes window (Ctrl-Shift-Alt-P) shows you all the processes that the debugger is attached to:
It's not generally that useful unless you're debugging multiple programs at the same time - something I rarely find I need to do - but if you are doing it, then double-clicking an entry will set the context to that process. It lets you review the way in which you're attached to processes such as native code versus .NET code versus ASP code, debugging on your own machine versus debugging a program running on another machine, etc. You can also find the 'Attach to Process' button here (Ctrl-Alt-P) that you can use to attach the debugger to a program running on both your machine and on network machines. This can be handy if your program has hung and you didn't have the debugger attached.
Related to the processes window is the threads window (Ctrl-Alt-H):
It simply lists all the threads in the current context's process, lets you change the current context's thread by double-clicking, and allows you to pause ("freeze") and un-pause ("thaw") them. Most threads don't have names, and it's generally not something to worry about, as the names are only ever visible to the debugger; however, if you'd find it useful, then there's a SetThreadName function demonstrated in MSDN. The window also displays the topmost function in that thread's call stack, the priority that the operating system has assigned to the thread (usually just Normal, but you can request that a thread have higher or lower priority), and whether or not the thread has been paused by your code.
Be aware that while your own program may not use threads, it may deal with other technology - such as DirectSound - that does create its own threads within your process.
There are just three more windows to cover in our whirlwind tour of the state-inspection tools. They're the most low-level (and in my experience, least frequently used) tools, but they do still have their moments. First up, the memory windows (Alt-6):
Exactly what it says on the tin: It shows you the contents of memory, on a byte-by-byte level; right-clicking the window lets you choose from a number of different formats for the data, so you can have it presented as 4-byte integers, as floats, you can make it big-endian or little-endian, etc. Like the watch windows, you've got four you can use and set up independently. You can even edit values in memory, though it's very easy to break things by doing so.
This is the registers window (Alt-5)
It shows you the value of the hardware registers available to your program. Don't be fooled by the fact that it looks mostly empty - by default, only the main CPU registers are set to be visible. If you right-click the window, you'll get a popup menu that allows you to turn on other sets of registers, such as the x87 floating point registers or the SSE registers.
Last, but not least, the disassembly view (Alt-8) allows you to see the machine-code instructions that the compiler has generated from your code:
The disassembly view will do its best to match up the code you wrote (in black) to the machine-language section that your code corresponds to (underneath it, in grey).
However, if you've turned on optimizations - or any other option which would involve reprocessing or reordering the assembly - then what it ends up showing you may not make much sense. The code should still behave in the same way, and might still be packed inside the right function, but some lines of code may be accompanied by apparently unrelated assembly, while others may have no assembly listed for them at all. As such, if you need to use disassembly view for any extensive work, you probably want to turn off optimizations first (or switch to a build profile that doesn't have them turned on, like Debug). Be aware that if you do work in Debug mode, you may see some strange symbols appearing that seem to have nothing to do with your code - they tend to be runtime checks inserted by the compilers to verify that particular things have not entered invalid states (the sort of checks we talked about in the Issue Recognition overview). For example, in the image above you can see a call to _RTC_CheckEsp near the bottom - that's something the compiler has inserted to check that the createDevice function has returned correctly and not messed up the call stack.
Much like the regular source view, disassembly view also supports breakpoints - unlike source view, they can be set on individual instructions, instead of only on lines of code - and DataTips, if you mouse over registers or variables.