Why capitalism remains in rude health

Why capitalism remains in rude health

Is capitalism broken? That is the portentous question that I and other Financial Times columnists will be attempting to answer next week in a series of “Great Debates” that the paper is hosting in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.



I will be arguing that capitalism is notbroken. This is not, at present, a popular position. The market crash of 2008called the stability of the world’s financial system into question, sparkingboth a Great Recession and huge government intervention.


:我的论点将是,资本主义没有崩溃。这个论点目前并不流行。2008年的市场崩溃令人们开始质疑世界金融体系的稳定性,引发了“大衰退”(Great Recession)和政府的大规模干预。

But after marshaling the figures for a while, it’s asurprisingly easy case to make. Capitalism looks to be decidedly intact. As afavor to my opponents, then, here is why capitalism is not broken.

Economic systems should be measured bytheir results. And in terms of growth in gross domestic 

product, the charts show that capitalismremains in rude health. Global GDP rose throughout the crisis.



That was thanks to the rise of thedeveloping world, which will this year overtake the developed world, suggestingthat the world’s unequal wealth distribution can correct itself undercapitalism. If we look only at the counties that that were in the developedclub before the crisis, the picture is little different. GDP dipped in oneyear, 2009, and has grown ever since. The “Great Recession” was the worst thatcapitalism has suffered since the war – previously, growth in GDP per head inwestern Europe and the US had been uninterrupted since 1945, according tomassive historical data compiled by the late Angus Maddison – and it was notthat bad.

这归功于这些年压倒了发达国家的发展中国家的崛起,意味着全球的财富分配不公能在资本主义体制下自我修复。如果我们只参考危机之前的发达国家俱乐部的成员,现在和以前的差别只有一点点。GDP在09年受损,而此后一直在发展。这次的大衰退是资本主义自从战后所经受的最糟糕的情况,而这还不是特别的糟糕。此前,根据Angus Maddison编撰的大历史数据显示,从1945年起,欧洲和美国的GDP增长从未中断过。

:这应归功于发展中世界的崛起(发展中世界今年将超过发达世界),显示世界财富分配不均的情况在资本主义制度下可以自我纠正。如果我们只看危机前已跻身发达国家“俱乐部”的国家,情况会略有不同。GDP在2009年这一年大幅下降,在那之后又一直增长。这次“大衰退”是资本主义战后遭遇的最严重的一次衰退——已故的安格斯•麦迪森(Angus Maddison)汇编的大量历史数据显示,在此之前,西欧和美国的人均GDP增长自1945年起没有间断过。而“大衰退”的情况其实并没有那么糟。

That recession had a deeper impact onglobal trade, with global trade, with global exports dropping 26 percent the 12months following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Trade, ormore recently “globalisation”, makes capitalism tick.


:“大衰退”对全球贸易的打击更为沉重——2008年9月雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭后的一年时间里,全球出口额累计下降26%。而资本主义的正常运行靠的就是贸易,或者说最近的“全球化”。

But the subsequent rebound was instant.Since cratering in the summer of 2009, world trade volumes have risen by 49percent, says the International Monetary Fund.



That brought it to a new peak. In the 13years since the turn of the millennium alone, a period when two asset bubblesimploded in the west, global exports have risen 212 percent.



So the speed of the rebound isbreathtaking. Whatever system the world is using, it is hard to say that it is “broken”.



Ignoring results, maybe it is possible toargue that this was only achieved by abandoning capitalism. It is the lastresort of many debaters to fall back on quibbling over definitions.

Capitalism had no Marx to frame it. Much isleft ambiguous. For example, is China capitalism, as it appears to many, or asits ruling party still describes itself, communists?



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