Java Client Library Method Summary API中文版

Method Title
client.add(key, expiry, value) 添加一个指定不存在的键的值 Add a value with the specified key that does not already exist
client.add(key, expiry, value, transcoder) 使用自定义的的转换码,添加一个指定不存在的键的值  Add a value that does not already exist using custom transcoder
client.append(casunique, key, value) 追加到现有关键值 Append a value to an existing key
client.append(casunique, key, value, transcoder) 追加到现有关键值 Append a value to an existing key
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value) 异步比较,并设置一个值 Asynchronously compare and set a value
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) 异步比较,并设置与自定义转码和有效期的值 Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder and expiry
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value, transcoder) 异步比较,并设置一个自定义转码的值 Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder
client.cas(key, casunique, value) 比较,并设置 Compare and set
client.cas(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) 比较,并设置自定义转码和有效期的值 Compare and set with a custom transcoder and expiry
client.cas(key, casunique, value, transcoder) 比较和设置自定义转码器 Compare and set with a custom transcoder CouchbaseClient([ url ] [, urls ] [, username ] [, password ]) 创建连接到Couchbase服务器 Create connection to Couchbase Server
client.asyncDecr(key, offset) 异步减少现有键值 Asynchronously decrement the value of an existing key
client.decr(key, offset) 减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key
client.decr(key, offset, default) 减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key
client.decr(key, offset, default, expiry) 减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key
client.delete(key) 删除指定的键 Delete the specified key
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry) 异步获取一个值,并更新过期时间为一个给定的键 Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) 异步得到一个值,并更新过期时间,对于一个给定的使用自定义转码的键 Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry) 获取一个值,并更新为给定键的过期时间 Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) 获取一个值,并更新过期时间,对于一个给定的使用自定义转码的键 Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGet(key) 异步得到一个单一的键 Asynchronously get a single key
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection) 异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys
client.asyncGetBulk(keyn) 异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys
client.asyncGetBulk(transcoder, keyn) 使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection, transcoder) 使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.asyncGet(key, transcoder) 使用自定义转码异步获取单个键 Asynchronously get a single key using a custom transcoder
client.get(key) 得到一个单一键 Get a single key
client.getBulk(keycollection) 获取多个键 Get multiple keys
client.getBulk(keyn) 获取多个键Get multiple keys
client.getBulk(transcoder, keyn) 使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.getBulk(keycollection, transcoder) 使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder
client.get(key, transcoder) 使用自定义转码异步获取单个键 Get a single key using a custom transcoder
client.getAndLock(key, expiry, transcoder) 获取并锁定 Get and lock
client.getAndLock(key, expiry, transcoder) 异步获取并锁定 Get and lock Asynchronously
client.asyncGets(key) 异步得到单一的CAS值的键值 Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value
client.asyncGets(key, transcoder) 异步使用自定义的转码器获取带有CAS的单一键值 Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder
client.gets(key) 获取带有CAS的单一键值 Get single key value with CAS value
client.gets(key, transcoder) 使用自定义的转码器获取带有CAS的单一键值 Get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder
client.asyncIncr(key, offset) 异步增加现有关键值 Asynchronously increment the value of an existing key
client.incr(key, offset) 增加现有的数字键值 Increment the value of an existing numeric key
client.incr(key, offset, default) I增加现有的数字键值 ncrement the value of an existing numeric key
client.incr(key, offset, default, expiry) 增加现有的数字键值 Increment the value of an existing numeric key
client.prepend(casunique, key, value) 使用默认的转码器为现有键值前添加 Prepend a value to an existing key using the default transcoder
client.prepend(casunique, key, value, transcoder) 使用默认的转码器为现有键值前添加 Prepend a value to an existing key using a custom transcoder
client.replace(key, expiry, value) 用新值更新现有键 Update an existing key with a new value
client.replace(key, expiry, value, transcoder) 使用自定义转码器并用新值更新现有的键 Update an existing key with a new value using a custom transcoder
client.set(key, expiry, value) 使用指定的键存储值 Store a value using the specified key
client.set(key, expiry, value, transcoder) 使用指定的键存储值 Store a value using the specified key
client.getStats() 获取所有连接的统计信息 Get the statistics from all connections
client.getStats(statname) 获取所有连接的统计信息 Get the statistics from all connections
client.touch(key, expiry) 更新某项的到期时间 Update the expiry time of an item
client.unlock(key, casunique) 解锁指定的键 Unlock
