client.add(key, expiry, value) |
添加一个指定不存在的键的值 Add a value with the specified key that does not already exist |
client.add(key, expiry, value, transcoder) |
使用自定义的的转换码,添加一个指定不存在的键的值 Add a value that does not already exist using custom transcoder |
client.append(casunique, key, value) |
追加到现有关键值 Append a value to an existing key |
client.append(casunique, key, value, transcoder) |
追加到现有关键值 Append a value to an existing key |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value) |
异步比较,并设置一个值 Asynchronously compare and set a value |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) |
异步比较,并设置与自定义转码和有效期的值 Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder and expiry |
client.asyncCAS(key, casunique, value, transcoder) |
异步比较,并设置一个自定义转码的值 Asynchronously compare and set a value with custom transcoder |
client.cas(key, casunique, value) |
比较,并设置 Compare and set |
client.cas(key, casunique, expiry, value, transcoder) |
比较,并设置自定义转码和有效期的值 Compare and set with a custom transcoder and expiry |
client.cas(key, casunique, value, transcoder) |
比较和设置自定义转码器 Compare and set with a custom transcoder | CouchbaseClient([ url ] [, urls ] [, username ] [, password ]) |
创建连接到Couchbase服务器 Create connection to Couchbase Server |
client.asyncDecr(key, offset) |
异步减少现有键值 Asynchronously decrement the value of an existing key |
client.decr(key, offset) |
减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key |
client.decr(key, offset, default) |
减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key |
client.decr(key, offset, default, expiry) |
减少现有的数字键的值 Decrement the value of an existing numeric key |
client.delete(key) |
删除指定的键 Delete the specified key |
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry) |
异步获取一个值,并更新过期时间为一个给定的键 Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key |
client.asyncGetAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) |
异步得到一个值,并更新过期时间,对于一个给定的使用自定义转码的键 Asynchronously get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder |
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry) |
获取一个值,并更新为给定键的过期时间 Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key |
client.getAndTouch(key, expiry, transcoder) |
获取一个值,并更新过期时间,对于一个给定的使用自定义转码的键 Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGet(key) |
异步得到一个单一的键 Asynchronously get a single key |
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection) |
异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys |
client.asyncGetBulk(keyn) |
异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys |
client.asyncGetBulk(transcoder, keyn) |
使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGetBulk(keycollection, transcoder) |
使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Asynchronously get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.asyncGet(key, transcoder) |
使用自定义转码异步获取单个键 Asynchronously get a single key using a custom transcoder |
client.get(key) |
得到一个单一键 Get a single key |
client.getBulk(keycollection) |
获取多个键 Get multiple keys |
client.getBulk(keyn) |
获取多个键Get multiple keys |
client.getBulk(transcoder, keyn) |
使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.getBulk(keycollection, transcoder) |
使用自定义转码异步获取多个键 Get multiple keys using a custom transcoder |
client.get(key, transcoder) |
使用自定义转码异步获取单个键 Get a single key using a custom transcoder |
client.getAndLock(key, expiry, transcoder) |
获取并锁定 Get and lock |
client.getAndLock(key, expiry, transcoder) |
异步获取并锁定 Get and lock Asynchronously |
client.asyncGets(key) |
异步得到单一的CAS值的键值 Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value |
client.asyncGets(key, transcoder) |
异步使用自定义的转码器获取带有CAS的单一键值 Asynchronously get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder |
client.gets(key) |
获取带有CAS的单一键值 Get single key value with CAS value |
client.gets(key, transcoder) |
使用自定义的转码器获取带有CAS的单一键值 Get single key value with CAS value using custom transcoder |
client.asyncIncr(key, offset) |
异步增加现有关键值 Asynchronously increment the value of an existing key |
client.incr(key, offset) |
增加现有的数字键值 Increment the value of an existing numeric key |
client.incr(key, offset, default) |
I增加现有的数字键值 ncrement the value of an existing numeric key |
client.incr(key, offset, default, expiry) |
增加现有的数字键值 Increment the value of an existing numeric key |
client.prepend(casunique, key, value) |
使用默认的转码器为现有键值前添加 Prepend a value to an existing key using the default transcoder |
client.prepend(casunique, key, value, transcoder) |
使用默认的转码器为现有键值前添加 Prepend a value to an existing key using a custom transcoder |
client.replace(key, expiry, value) |
用新值更新现有键 Update an existing key with a new value |
client.replace(key, expiry, value, transcoder) |
使用自定义转码器并用新值更新现有的键 Update an existing key with a new value using a custom transcoder |
client.set(key, expiry, value) |
使用指定的键存储值 Store a value using the specified key |
client.set(key, expiry, value, transcoder) |
使用指定的键存储值 Store a value using the specified key |
client.getStats() |
获取所有连接的统计信息 Get the statistics from all connections |
client.getStats(statname) |
获取所有连接的统计信息 Get the statistics from all connections |
client.touch(key, expiry) |
更新某项的到期时间 Update the expiry time of an item |
client.unlock(key, casunique) |
解锁指定的键 Unlock |