开发环境是UBuntu12.04 32bit OS. GCC 4.6.3,系统字节顺序是little endian.
如果有汉字‘一’,首先通过一个网站工具:http://rishida.net/tools/conversion/ 可以查到它的Unicode码是:0x4E00
用UTF-8对0x4E00进行编码后是:E4 B8 80,三字节。
#include "test.h" #include "util/endian.h" #include "util/utf.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { // TEST(3 > 2); char const * p = "一"; cout << PrintStringAsBinaryString(p) << endl; string str = "一"; cout << PrintStringAsBinaryString(str) << endl; cout << IsLittleEndian() << endl; }
#ifndef UTIL_UTF_H_ #define UTIL_UTF_H_ #include "util/endian.h" string PrintStringAsBinaryString(char const* p) { stringstream stream; for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(p); ++i) { stream << PrintIntAsBinaryString(p[i]); stream << " "; } return stream.str(); } string PrintStringAsBinaryString(string const& str) { stringstream stream; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { stream << PrintIntAsBinaryString(str[i]); stream << " "; } return stream.str(); } #endif
// T must be one of integer type template<class T> string PrintIntAsBinaryString(T v) { stringstream stream; int i = sizeof(T) * 8 - 1; while (i >= 0) { stream << Bit_Value(v, i); --i; } return stream.str(); }
// Get the bit value specified by the index // index starts with 0 template<class T> int Bit_Value(T value, uint8_t index) { return (value & (1 << index)) == 0 ? 0 : 1; }显示结果是:
11100100 10111000 10000000刚好是E4 B8 80
这里可以看到Leading byte就是最高位的字节E4, 就存放在char const * p所指的的内存的起始地址,因此可以看出是Big endian,也就是在系统中实测默认应该采用的是UTF-8 BE编码。
下面继续奋战,把UTF-8转换成Unicode码,也就是code point。注意code_point类型的定义
typedef uint32_t code_point
#include "test.h" #include "util/endian.h" #include "util/utf.h" #include <iostream> #include <boost/locale/utf.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost::locale::utf; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { // TEST(3 > 2); char const * p = "一"; cout << PrintStringAsBinaryString(p) << endl; string str = "一"; cout << PrintStringAsBinaryString(str) << endl; code_point c = utf_traits<char, sizeof(char)>::decode(p, p + 3); cout << "code point: 0x" << std::hex << c << " binary format:B" << PrintIntAsBinaryString(c) << endl; }倒数第二行代码就是调用了decode进行解码。
code point: 0x4e00 binary format:B00000000000000000100111000000000
string::iterator itor = str.begin(); utf_traits<char, sizeof(char)>::decode(itor, str.end());因为decode的第一个参数是引用,decode内部会执行++操作。而string::begin()是不允许改变的,因此编译会报错。