class Camera : public BnCameraClient,public IBinder::DeathRecipient constsp<ICameraService>& Camera::getCameraService() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mCameraService.get() == 0) { sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> binder; do { binder =sm->getService(String16("")); if (binder != 0) break; ALOGW("CameraService notpublished, waiting..."); usleep(500000); // 0.5 s } while(true); if (mDeathNotifier == NULL) { mDeathNotifier = newDeathNotifier(); } binder->linkToDeath(mDeathNotifier); mCameraService =interface_cast<ICameraService>(binder); }
sp<Camera>Camera::connect(int cameraId) { ALOGV("connect"); sp<Camera> c = new Camera(); const sp<ICameraService>& cs =getCameraService(); if (cs != 0) { c->mCamera = cs->connect(c, cameraId); } if (c->mCamera != 0) { c->mCamera->asBinder()->linkToDeath(c); c->mStatus = NO_ERROR; } else { c.clear(); } return c; }
class Client : public BnCamera class CameraClient : public CameraService::Client wp<Client> mClient[MAX_CAMERAS]; switch(deviceVersion) { case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0: client = new CameraClient(this,cameraClient, cameraId, info.facing, callingPid, getpid()); break; case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_0: client = new Camera2Client(this,cameraClient, cameraId, info.facing, callingPid,getpid());
sp<CameraHardwareInterface> mHardware; status_t CameraClient::initialize(camera_module_t *module) { int callingPid = getCallingPid(); LOG1("CameraClient::initialize E (pid%d, id %d)", callingPid, mCameraId); char camera_device_name[10]; status_t res; snprintf(camera_device_name, sizeof(camera_device_name),"%d", mCameraId); mHardware = new CameraHardwareInterface(camera_device_name); res = mHardware->initialize(&module->common); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: unable toinitialize device: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, mCameraId,strerror(-res), res); mHardware.clear(); return NO_INIT; } mHardware->setCallbacks(notifyCallback, dataCallback, dataCallbackTimestamp, (void*)mCameraId); //Enable zoom, error, focus, and metadata messages by default enableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR | CAMERA_MSG_ZOOM | CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS | CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_METADATA | CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS_MOVE); //!++ #ifdef MTK_CAMERA_BSP_SUPPORT // Enable MTK-extended messages by default enableMsgType(MTK_CAMERA_MSG_EXT_NOTIFY |MTK_CAMERA_MSG_EXT_DATA); #endif //!-- LOG1("CameraClient::initialize X (pid%d, id %d)", callingPid, mCameraId); return OK; }
void CameraService:: onFirstRef() { BnCameraService::onFirstRef(); if (hw_get_module(CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (const hw_module_t**)&mModule) < 0) { ALOGE("Could not load camera HALmodule"); mNumberOfCameras = 0; } else { mNumberOfCameras =mModule->get_number_of_cameras(); if (mNumberOfCameras > MAX_CAMERAS){ ALOGE("Number of cameras(%d)> MAX_CAMERAS(%d).", mNumberOfCameras, MAX_CAMERAS); mNumberOfCameras = MAX_CAMERAS; } for (int i = 0; i <mNumberOfCameras; i++) { setCameraFree(i); } } }