HTTP既可以使用非持久连接(nonpersistent connection),也可以使用持久连接(persistent connection)。HTTP/1.0使用非持久连接,HTTP/1.1默认使用持久连接。
让我们查看一下非持久连接情况下从服务器到客户传送一个Web页面的步骤。假设该贝面由1个基本HTML文件和10个JPEG图像构成,而且所有这些对象都存放在同一台服务器主机中。 再假设该基本HTML文件的URL为:www.yesky.com/somepath/index.html。
浏览器在接收web页面的同时把它显示给用户。不同的浏览器可能会以略有不同的方式解释(也就是向用户显示)同一个web页面。HTTP与客户如何解释Web页面没有任何关系,其规范([RFC 1945]和[RFC 2616I)仅仅定义HTTP客户程序和服务器程序之间的通信协议。
继续介绍之前,先估算一下从客户请求基本HTML文件到它收到该文件所经历的时间。为此我们定义往返时间(round trip time,简称RTT),它是一个小分组从客户主机游动到服务器主机再返回客户主机所花的时间。RTT包括分组传播延迟、在中间路由器和交换机土的分组排队延迟以及分组处理延迟。下面考虑用户点击某个超链接时会发生什么。用户的点击导致浏览器发起建立一个与Web服务器的TCP连接;这里涉及·—次“三次握手”过程——首先是客户向服务器发送一个小的冗余消息,接着是服务器向客户确认并响应以一个小的TCP消息,最后是客户向服务器回确认。三次握手过程的前两次结束时,流逝的时间为1个RTT。此时客户把HTTP请求消息发送到TCP连接中,客户接着把三次握手过程最后一次中的确认捎带在包含这个消息的数据分节中发送以去。服务器收到来自TCP连接的请求消息后,把相应的HTML文件发送到TCP连接中,服务器接着把对早先收到的客户请求的确认捎带在包含该HTML文件的数据分节中发送出去。这个HTTP请求顺应交互也花去1个RTT时间。因此,总的响应时间粗略地算是2个RTT加上服务器发送这个HTMI文件的时间。
在持久连接情况下,服务器在发出响应后让TCP连接继续打开着。同一对客户/服务器之间的后续请求和响应可以通过这个连接发送。整个Web页面(上例中为包含一个基本HTMLL文件和10个图像的页面)自不用说可以通过单个持久TCP连接发送:甚至存放在同一个服务器中的多个web页面也可以通过单个持久TCP连接发送。通常,HTTP服务器在某个连接闲置一段特定时间后关闭它,而这段时间通常是可以配置的。持久连接分为不带流水线(without pipelining)和带流水线(with pipelining)两个版本。如果是不带流水线的版本,那么客户只在收到前一个请求的响应后才发出新的请求。这种情况下,web页面所引用的每个对象(上例中的10个图像)都经历1个RTT的延迟,用于请求和接收该对象。与非持久连接2个RTT的延迟相比,不带流水线的持久连接已有所改善,不过带流水线的持久连接还能进一步降低响应延迟。不带流水线版本的另一个缺点是,服务器送出一个对象后开始等待下一个请求,而这个新请求却不能马上到达。这段时间服务器资源便闲置了。
HTTP/1.1 Pipelining FAQ
What is HTTP pipelining?
Normally, HTTP requests are issued sequentially, with the next request being issued only after the response to the current request has been completely received. Depending on network latencies and bandwidth limitations, this can result in a significant delay before the next request is seen by the server.
HTTP/1.1 allows multiple HTTP requests to be written out to a socket together without waiting for the corresponding responses. The requestor then waits for the responses to arrive in the order in which they were requested. The act of pipelining the requests can result in a dramatic improvement in page loading times, especially over high latency connections.
Pipelining can also dramatically reduce the number of TCP/IP packets. With a typical MSS (maximum segment size) in the range of 536 to 1460 bytes, it is possible to pack several HTTP requests into one TCP/IP packet. Reducing the number of packets required to load a page benefits the internet as a whole, as fewer packets naturally reduces the burden on IP routers and networks.
HTTP/1.1 conforming servers are required to support pipelining. This does not mean that servers are required to pipeline responses, but that they are required to not fail if a client chooses to pipeline requests. This obviously has the potential to introduce a new category of evangelism bugs, since no other popular web browsers implement pipelining.
When should we pipeline requests?
Only idempotent requests can be pipelined, such as GET and HEAD requests. POST and PUT requests should not be pipelined. We also should not pipeline requests on a new connection, since it has not yet been determined if the origin server (or proxy) supports HTTP/1.1. Hence, pipelining can only be done when reusing an existing keep-alive connection.
How many requests should be pipelined?
Well, pipelining many requests can be costly if the connection closes prematurely because we would have wasted time writing requests to the network, only to have to repeat them on a new connection. Moreover, a longer pipeline can actually cause user-perceived delays if earlier requests take a long time to complete. The HTTP/1.1 spec does not provide any guidelines on the ideal number of requests to pipeline. It does, however, suggest a limit of no more than 2 keep-alive connections per server. Clearly, it depends on the application. A web browser probably doesn't want a very long pipeline for the reasons mentioned above. 2 may be an appropriate value, but this remains to be tested.
What happens if a request is canceled?
If a request is canceled, does this mean that the entire pipeline is canceled? Or, does it mean that the response for the canceled request should simply be discarded, so as not to be forced to repeat the other requests belonging to the pipeline? The answer depends on several factors, including the size of the portion of the response for the canceled request that has not been received. A naive approach may be to simply cancel the pipeline and re-issue all requests. This can only be done because the requests are idempotent. This naive approach may also make good sense since the requests being pipelined likely belong to the same load group (page) being canceled.
What happens if a connection fails?
If a connection fails or is dropped by the server partway into downloading a pipelined response, the web browser must be capable of restarting the lost requests. This case could be naively handled equivalently to the cancelation case discussed above.
当然有一个特例:我们学校的 返回两个!