Hypertable - 安装-ThriftBroker

Hypertable 有几种安装方式,入下表:

1.  单机:安装于单机,采用本地文件系统

2.  Hadoop:分布式安装,在Hadoop之上(HDFS)

3.  MapR:分布式安装,在MapR之上

4.  ThriftBroker:在应用服务器上安装ThriftBroker

ThriftBroker only


Thrift is acommunication framework for building cross-language services.  Itcombines a software stack with a code generation engine that can generateservice bindings for all popular high-level languages.  Hypertableincludes a Thrift service called the ThriftBroker which is the preferredinterface to Hypertable.  It provides a way for programs written innearly any language to access a Hypertable database.  TheThriftBroker should run locally on all machines running application programsthat need access to Hypertable.  This document describes how toinstall the ThriftBroker on an application server machine and configure itto point to a Hypertable cluster or standalone Hypertable instance.


Table of Contents


STEP 1 - Install ThriftBroker Package

STEP 2 - FHS-ize Installation

STEP 3 - Set "current" Link

STEP 4 - Install HypertableConfiguration File

STEP 5 - Starting and StoppingThriftBroker

STEP 6 - Automating ThriftBroker withCapistrano



Before you getstarted with the installation, there are some general system requirements thatneed to be satisfied before proceeding.  These requirements are describedin the following list.

  • root access - If you plan to install the ThriftBroker package in the standard location (/opt/hypertable) you will need root access to create and populate that directory.  You can either carry out the steps below while logged in as the root user or you need to have sudo priveleges.  If you do not have root access, you can install the .tar.bz2 package anywhere you like.
  • firewall - The Hypertable processes (including the ThriftBroker) use TCP and UDP to communicate with one another and with client applications.  Firewalls can block this traffic and prevent the ThriftBroker from operating properly.  Any firewall that blocks traffic between the ThriftBroker and the Hypertable machine(s) should be disabled or the appropriate ports should be opened up to allow Hypertable communication.  See Hypertable Firewall Requirements for instructions on how to do this.
  • VERSION - This document assumes that the variable $VERSION contains the version number of the ThriftBroker being installed (e.g.


  •  root用户权限 – 如果你想将ThriftBroker安装到标准位置(/opt/hypertable),你需要root账户获得该目录的创建和控制权限。你可以采用root账户登录或使用sudo权限来进行下面的安装步骤。如果你没有root权限,你能将这个.tar.bz2包安装到你喜欢的其它位置。
  •  防火墙 – Hypertable进程间(包括ThriftBroker)以及与客户应用间采用TCP和UDP通讯。防火墙可能阻止这种通讯,使Hypertable不能正常工作。任何阻止这种通讯或关闭特定端口的防火墙都不应该打开,Hypertable必需通过特定的端口通讯。关于如何做请参阅“Hypertable Firewall Requirements”(http://hypertable.com/documentation/misc/firewall_requirements/)。
  • 版本 -.本文假定环境变量$VERSION包含安装的ThriftBroker的版本号(例如0.9.5.5)。

STEP1 - Install ThriftBroker Package

步骤1– 安装ThriftBroker

The ThriftBroker is installed via binarypackages which can be found on the Hypertable Download page. For theThriftBroker installation, choose one of the thriftbroker-only packages. The packages come bundled with nearly all of the dependent sharedlibraries. The nice thing about this approach is that just two packages arerequired for linux, a 64-bit linux package and a 32-bit linux package. The onlyrequirement is that your system is built with glibc 2.4+ (released on March 6th2006) which provides stack smashing protection.    The ThriftBrokercomes with a program launch script, ht, that sets up LD_LIBRARY_PATH (orDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) to point to the lib/ directory of the installation so thatthe dependent libraries can be found by the dynamic linker.

To begin the package installation, switch tothe directory containing the package file and then issue the command listedbelow for your operating system.

ThriftBroker可以通过二进制包来安装,该包可以从Hypertable网站的Download页下载。对ThriftBroker安装来说,选择一个仅有ThriftBroker的包。这些包包含了几乎所有依赖的共享库。采用这种方法安装,在Linux上只需要两个包:64位Linux包和32位Linux包。唯一的要求是你的系统构建于glibc2.4(2006年3月6日发布)及以上,该版中,提供了栈(溢出)保护。ThriftBroker带着一个启动脚本ht,它创建了LD_LIBRARY_PATH (或 DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH),指向安装目录的lib/目录,则动态链接器能找到依赖的库。


Redhat, CentOS, or SUSE Installation

$ sudo rpm -ivh --replacepkgs --nomd5 package.rpm

Debian or Ubuntu Installation

$ sudo dpkg --install package.deb

Bzipped Archive Installation

$ sudo tar xjvf package.tar.bz2

Mac installation

Double-click the package.dmg file and follow theinstructions

The Redhat, Debian, and Mac packages willinstall the ThriftBroker under a directory by the name of/opt/hypertable/$VERSION by default.  You will need to change theownership of the installation files and directories to the owner that you planto launch the services as. For example:


sudo chown -R john:staff /opt/hypertable/$VERSION

STEP 2 - FHS-izeInstallation

步骤2– FHS-ize安装

See Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for an introduction to FHS. Create the directories /etc/opt/hypertableand /var/opt/hypertable and change ownership to the user account underwhich the binaries will be run. For example:

FHS的介绍参阅“Filesystem Hierarchy Standard”(http://hypertable.com/documentation/misc/filesystem_hierarchy_standard_fhs/)。在机架的所有机器上创建两个目录/etc/opt/hypertable和 /var/opt/hypertable,修改其所有者为运行者账户,例如:

$ sudo mkdir /etc/opt/hypertable /var/opt/hypertable

$ sudo chown john:staff /etc/opt/hypertable/var/opt/hypertable

Then FHS-ize the installation with thefollowing command:


$ /opt/hypertable/$VERSION/bin/fhsize.sh

STEP 3 - Set "current" Link


To make the latest version of theThriftBroker referenceable from a well-known location, we recommend setting a"current" link to point to the latest installation.  Afterinstallation, make a symlink from /opt/hypertable/current to point to thelatest installed version.


$ cd /opt/hypertable

$ ln -s $VERSION current

STEP4 - Install Hypertable Configuration File

步骤4– 安装Hypertable配置文件

In order for the ThriftBroker to communicatewith the Hypertable cluster, you will need to install the hypertable.cfg filethat was configured for your Hypertable cluster.  Assuming that youinstalled Hypertable on a machine called hypertable-master (either thestandalone machine, or the cluster installation machine running a HypertableMaster), you can copy the configuration file from that machine into yourThriftBroker-only installation as follows.


$ scphypertable-master:/opt/hypertable/current/conf/hypertable.cfg /opt/hypertable/current/conf/

STEP5 - Starting and Stopping ThriftBroker

步骤5– 启停ThriftBroker

The ThriftBroker installation includesscripts that can be used to start and stop the ThriftBroker.  Thefollowing example shows how to run the start-thriftbroker.sh script to launchthe ThriftBroker.


$ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/start-thriftbroker.sh

Started ThriftBroker

The following example shows how to stop theThriftBroker.



Killing ThriftBroker.pid 50744

Shutdown thrift broker complete

STEP6 - Automating ThriftBroker with Capistrano

步骤6– 用Capistrano来自动化ThriftBroker

The Capistrano remote task automation tool can be used to administer a Hypertablecluster.  Included in the Hypertable distribution is a Capistrano recipefile (Capfile) that defines tasks and roles for starting and stopping theHypertable processes and performing other administrative operations.  Oneof the roles defined in the default Capfile is the thriftbroker role. This role is intended for hosts that run ThriftBrokers only.

NOTE:  ThriftBrokers are startedautomatically on all of the hosts in the slave role in order tosupport MapReduce, so it is not necessary to add the Hypertable RangeServerhosts to the thriftbroker role.

Once the thriftbroker role has beenconfigured with the appropriate hosts, ThriftBrokers can be started on those hostswith the following command.


注:为支持MapReduce,所有slave角色上的ThriftBroker会自动启动,所以没有必要将Hypertable RangeServer的宿主机加入到thriftbroker角色中。


$ cap start_thriftbrokers

The ThriftBrokers running on the hosts in thethriftbroker role can be stopped with this command:


$ cap stop_thriftbrokers

