
    '@'符号用作函数修饰符是python2.4新增加的功能,修饰符必须出现在函数定义前一行,不允许和函数定义在同一行。也就是说 @A def f(): 是非法的。 只可以在模块或类定义层内对函数进行修饰,不允许修修饰一个类。 一个修饰符就是一个函数,它将被修饰的函数做为参数,并返回修饰后的同名函数或其它可调用的东西。
    >>> def spamrun(fn):
    ... def sayspam(*args):
    ... print "spam, spam, spam"
    ... return sayspam
    >>> @spamrun
    ... def useful(a, b):
    ... print a**2 + b**2
    >>> useful(3,4)
    spam, spam, spam


Listing 1. Bad decorator that does not even return function
>>> def spamdef(fn):
... print "spam, spam, spam"
>>> @spamdef
... def useful(a, b):
... print a**2 + b**2
spam, spam, spam
>>> useful(3, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

A decorator might return a function, but one that is not meaningfully associated with the undecorated function:

Listing 2. Decorator whose function ignores passed-in function
>>> def spamrun(fn):
... def sayspam(*args):
... print "spam, spam, spam"
... return sayspam
>>> @spamrun
... def useful(a, b):
... print a**2 + b**2
>>> useful(3,4)
spam, spam, spam

Finally, a better behaved decorator will in some way enhance or modify the action of the undecorated function:

Listing 3. Decorator that modifies behavior of undecorated func
>>> def addspam(fn):
... def new(*args):
... print "spam, spam, spam"
... return fn(*args)
... return new
>>> @addspam
... def useful(a, b):
... print a**2 + b**2
>>> useful(3,4)
spam, spam, spam

