gxt 中文

在使用gxt的时候 发现默认使用的是English









  1. Create the messages file. You can translate from english language in com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/messages/XMessages.properties
  2. Save your file as "XMessages_<country code>.properties" e.g XMessages_id.properties
  3. Open gxt.jar with winzip or winrar or another program and goto "com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/messages" folder and add your translation file there
  4. That's it. Your translation is already included in gxt.jar file. -- In my case, I need to reconfigure my build path (I'm using eclipse and it doesn't automatically detect the new translation file). I remove the gxt.jar from the build path and re-include it in my project
  5. Now, add the locale to your gwt module xml (YourProject.gwt.xml) file like this:
    <inherits name="com.google.gwt.user.User"/>
    <inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N"/>
    <!-- Below is the line. Replace the "id" string to your country code (same as your XMessages_<country code>) file -->
    <extend-property name="locale" values="id"/>
  6. Your translation (locale) is already included in your gwt module. Now you must specify your locale to be loaded by the client side script (html). Add this line to your html file like this:

    <!-- Below is the line. Replace the "id" string to your country code (same as your XMessages_<country code>) file -->
    <meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=id">
    <!-- Load the GWT compiled module code -->
    <script src="com.google.gwt.examples.i18n.ColorNameLookupExample.nocache.js " />
  7. You can also load the locale by setting from query string like:
  8. Refresh your browser or recompile your project. Done. Your gxt is now in your language

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