Decodes JScript/VBscript data encoded

  | SofeeFramework for PHP 4                                             |
  | Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sofee Development Team.( |
  | This source file is subject to version 1.00 of the Sofee license,    |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
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  | If you did not receive a copy of the Sofee license and are unable to |
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  | Author: Justin Wu <[email protected]>                              |

/* $Id: SofeeScriptDecoder.php,v 1.1 2005/06/14 06:30:14 wenlong Exp $ */

* Sofee Script Decoder class -    Decodes JScript/VBscript data encoded with the
*                                MS ScriptEncoder in true crossbrowser manner.
* This script was influenced by the C version (scrdec1x.c) by Mr.Brownstone,
* and is distributed under the terms of the BSD License.
* scrdec1x.c is copyright(c) Mr.Brownstone <[email protected]>
* @package        SofeeFramework
* @access        public
* @version        $Revision: 1.1 $
* @author        Justin Wu <[email protected]>
* @homepage
* @copyright    Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sofee Development Team.(
* @since        2005-06-14

$scr = new SofeeScriptDecoder();
$str = file_get_contents('text.txt');
echo $scr->decode($str);

define('STATE_COPY_INPUT',        100);
define('STATE_READLEN',            101);
define('STATE_DECODE',            102);
define('STATE_UNESCAPE',        103);

class SofeeScriptDecoder {
    var $rawData = array (
        0x64,0x37,0x69, 0x50,0x7E,0x2C, 0x22,0x5A,0x65, 0x4A,0x45,0x72,
        0x61,0x3A,0x5B, 0x5E,0x79,0x66, 0x5D,0x59,0x75, 0x5B,0x27,0x4C,
        0x42,0x76,0x45, 0x60,0x63,0x76, 0x23,0x62,0x2A, 0x65,0x4D,0x43,
        0x5F,0x51,0x33, 0x7E,0x53,0x42, 0x4F,0x52,0x20, 0x52,0x20,0x63,
        0x7A,0x26,0x4A, 0x21,0x54,0x5A, 0x46,0x71,0x38, 0x20,0x2B,0x79,
        0x26,0x66,0x32, 0x63,0x2A,0x57, 0x2A,0x58,0x6C, 0x76,0x7F,0x2B,
        0x47,0x7B,0x46, 0x25,0x30,0x52, 0x2C,0x31,0x4F, 0x29,0x6C,0x3D,
        0x69,0x49,0x70, 0x3F,0x3F,0x3F, 0x27,0x78,0x7B, 0x3F,0x3F,0x3F,
        0x67,0x5F,0x51, 0x3F,0x3F,0x3F, 0x62,0x29,0x7A, 0x41,0x24,0x7E,
        0x5A,0x2F,0x3B, 0x66,0x39,0x47, 0x32,0x33,0x41, 0x73,0x6F,0x77,
        0x4D,0x21,0x56, 0x43,0x75,0x5F, 0x71,0x28,0x26, 0x39,0x42,0x78,
        0x7C,0x46,0x6E, 0x53,0x4A,0x64, 0x48,0x5C,0x74, 0x31,0x48,0x67,
        0x72,0x36,0x7D, 0x6E,0x4B,0x68, 0x70,0x7D,0x35, 0x49,0x5D,0x22,
        0x3F,0x6A,0x55, 0x4B,0x50,0x3A, 0x6A,0x69,0x60, 0x2E,0x23,0x6A,
        0x7F,0x09,0x71, 0x28,0x70,0x6F, 0x35,0x65,0x49, 0x7D,0x74,0x5C,
        0x24,0x2C,0x5D, 0x2D,0x77,0x27, 0x54,0x44,0x59, 0x37,0x3F,0x25,
        0x7B,0x6D,0x7C, 0x3D,0x7C,0x23, 0x6C,0x43,0x6D, 0x34,0x38,0x28,
        0x6D,0x5E,0x31, 0x4E,0x5B,0x39, 0x2B,0x6E,0x7F, 0x30,0x57,0x36,
        0x6F,0x4C,0x54, 0x74,0x34,0x34, 0x6B,0x72,0x62, 0x4C,0x25,0x4E,
        0x33,0x56,0x30, 0x56,0x73,0x5E, 0x3A,0x68,0x73, 0x78,0x55,0x09,
        0x57,0x47,0x4B, 0x77,0x32,0x61, 0x3B,0x35,0x24, 0x44,0x2E,0x4D,
        0x2F,0x64,0x6B, 0x59,0x4F,0x44, 0x45,0x3B,0x21, 0x5C,0x2D,0x37,
        0x68,0x41,0x53, 0x36,0x61,0x58, 0x58,0x7A,0x48, 0x79,0x22,0x2E,
        0x09,0x60,0x50, 0x75,0x6B,0x2D, 0x38,0x4E,0x29, 0x55,0x3D,0x3F

    var $pick_encoding = array (
        1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0,
        1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2,
        1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2,
        1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2

    var $transformed = array();

    * 说明
    * @access    private
    * @var        string
    var $digits;

    * Constructor
    * @access        public
    * @return        void
    function SofeeScriptDecoder() {

    * unescape a char
    * @access        public
    * @param        string        [$char]
    * @return        string
    function unescape($char) {
        $escapes = "#&!*$";
        $escaped = "/r/n<>@";
        $i = 0;

        if (ord($char) > 126) {
            return $char;

        while ($escapes[$i]) {
            if ($escapes[$i] == $char)
                return $escaped[$i];
        return '?';

    * pre-building the char-matrix
    * @access        public
    * @return        void
    function maketrans() {
        for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
            $this->transformed[$i] = array();

        for ($i=31; $i<=126; $i++) {
            for ($j=0; $j<3; $j++) {
                $this->transformed[$j][$this->rawData[($i-31)*3 + $j]] = ($i==31) ? 9 : $i;

    * pre-building the char-matrix
    * @access        public
    * @return        void
    function makedigits() {
        for ($i=0; $i<26; $i++) {
            $this->digits[ord('A')+$i] = $i;
            $this->digits[ord('a')+$i] = $i+26;
        for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
            $this->digits[ord('0')+$i] = $i+52;
        $this->digits[0x2b] = 62;
        $this->digits[0x2f] = 63;

    * decode string length
    * @access        public
    * @param        string        [$str]
    * @return        integer
    function decodeBase64($str) {
        $val = 0;
        $val += ($this->digits[ord($str[0])] << 2);
        $val += ($this->digits[ord($str[1])] >> 4);
        $val += ($this->digits[ord($str[1])] & 0xf) << 12;
        $val += (($this->digits[ord($str[2])] >> 2) << 8);
        $val += (($this->digits[ord($str[2])] & 0x3) << 22);
        $val += ($this->digits[ord($str[3])] << 16);
        return $val;

    * Decodes JScript/VBscript data encoded with the MS ScriptEncoder in true crossbrowser manner.
    * @access        public
    * @param        string        [$str]
    * @return        string
    function decode($str) {
        $marker = "#@~^";
        $strIdx = 0;
        $scrIdx = 0;
        $decIdx = 0;
        $char = null;
        $strLen = $scrLen = 0;
        $state = STATE_COPY_INPUT;
        $ret = "";

        while ($state) {
            switch ($state) {
                case STATE_COPY_INPUT :
                    $scrIdx = strpos($str, $marker, $strIdx);
                    if ($scrIdx !== false) {
                        $ret .= substr($str, $strIdx, $scrIdx);
                        $scrIdx += strlen($marker);
                        $state = STATE_READLEN;
                    } else {
                        $strIdx = $strIdx==0 ? 0 : $strIdx;
                        $ret .= substr($str, $strIdx, strlen($str));
                        $state = 0;

                case STATE_READLEN :
                    $strLen = substr($str, $scrIdx, 6);
                    $scrLen = $this->decodeBase64($strLen);
                    $scrIdx += (6 + strlen("=="));
                    $state = STATE_DECODE;

                case STATE_DECODE :
                    if (!$scrLen) {
                        $strIdx = $scrIdx + strlen("DQgAAA==^#~@");
                        $decIdx = 0;
                        $state = STATE_COPY_INPUT;
                    $char = substr($str, $scrIdx, 1);
                    if ($char == "@") {
                        $state = STATE_UNESCAPE;
                    } else {
                        if (ord($char[0]) < 0x80) {
                            $ret .= chr($this->transformed[$this->pick_encoding[$decIdx%64]][ord($char)]);
                        } else {
                            $ret .= $char;
                            if (
                                (ord($char) > 0xa0) && (ord($char) < 0xff)    // 936 - Simplified Chinese GBK    -    0xa1-0xfe
                                || (ord($char) > 0x80) && (ord($char) < 0xff)    // 950 - Traditional Chinese Big5    -    0x81-0xfe
                            ) {
                                $ret .= substr($str, $scrIdx, 1);

                case STATE_UNESCAPE:
                    $ret .= $this->unescape(substr($str, ++$scrIdx, 1));
                    $scrLen -= 2;
                    $state = STATE_DECODE;
        return ($ret);
