Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语

[Quto from H.261 specification]

The standard supports two video frame sizes: CIF(352x288 luma with 176x144 chroma) and QCIF (176x144 with 88x72 chroma) using a 4:2:0

 352x288 luma with 176x144 chroma<----- 这个怎么理解 ?

1, 4:2:0的采样方法表示在水平方向上采用 2:1(明度 比 色度)的水平采样,垂直方向上采用 2:1(明度 比 色度)的采样。

Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第1张图片

2,所以,luma的resolution(352*288)可以理解成图像的大小(尺寸),而chroma的resolution(176*144 in this)指的是在luma resoltuion一定的情况下,色度信息的size

YUV specification

由上面的知识点我们引出了 YUV的概念,下面我们将单独讲解一下YUV的相关知识。

YUV 是一种颜色编码方式,它较RGB的优势是,YUV在颜色编码的过程中,将人的视觉感知纳入考虑。

YUV is a color space typically used as part of a color image pipeline. It encodes a color image or video taking human perception into account, allowing reduced bandwidth for chrominance components, thereby typically enabling transmission errors or compression artifacts to be more efficiently masked by the human perception than using a "direct" RGB-representation. Other color spaces have similar properties, and the main reason to implement or investigate properties of Y'UV would be for interfacing with analog or digital television or photographic equipment that conforms to certain Y'UV standards.
其中 Y‘ 表示经过 Gamma 矫正后的 Y数据

Y'UV was invented when engineers wanted color television in a black-and-white infrastructure.

下面的图展示了,U-V 在 y=0.5情况下的调色板
Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第2张图片

一副图片中,对应的 Y‘ ,U, V数据示例:

YUV数据的抽样,色度抽样,Sampling systems and ratios:

The subsampling scheme is commonly expressed as a three part ratio J:a:b (e.g. 4:2:2), although sometimes expressed as four parts (e.g. 4:2:2:4), that describe the number of luminance and chrominance samples in a conceptual region that is J pixels wide, and 2 pixels high. The parts are (in their respective order):
J: horizontal sampling reference (width of the conceptual region). Usually, 4.
a: number of chrominance samples (Cr, Cb) in the first row of J pixels.
b: number of (additional) chrominance samples (Cr, Cb) in the second row of J pixels.
• Alpha: horizontal factor (relative to first digit). May be omitted if alpha component is not present, and is equal to J when present.
An explanatory image of different chroma subsampling schemes can be seen at the following link: (source: "Basics of Video": or in details in Chrominance Subsampling in Digital Images, by Douglas Kerr.

Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第3张图片
The mapping examples given are only theoretical and for illustration. Also note that the diagram does not indicate any chroma filtering, which should be applied to avoid aliasing.
To calculate required bandwidth factor relative to 4:4:4 (or 4:4:4:4), one needs to sum all the factors and divide the result by 12 (or 16, if alpha is present).

YUV 4:2:0

4:2:0又稱I420。I420是YUV格式的一種,屬於 planar format。4:2:0并不意味着只有Y,Cb而没有Cr分量。它指的是对每行扫描线来说,只有一种色度分量以2:1的抽样率存储。相邻的扫描行存储不同的色度分量,也就是说,如果一行是4:2:0的话,下一行就是4:0:2,再下一行是4:2:0...以此类推。对每个色度分量来说,水平方向和竖直方向的抽样率都是2:1,所以可以说色度的抽样率是4:1。 PAL制式和 SECAM制式的色彩系统特别适合于用这种方式来存储。绝大多数 视频编解码器都采用这种格式作为标准的输入格式。


Yo0 Uo0 Yo1 Yo2 Uo2 Yo3
Ye0 Ve0 Ye1 Ye2 Ve2 Ye3

[Yo0 Uo0 Ve0] [Yo1 Uo0 Ve0] [Yo2 Uo2 Ve2] [Yo3 Uo2 Ve2]
[Ye0 Uo0 Ve0] [Ye1 Uo0 Ve0] [Ye2 Uo2 Ve2] [Ye3 Uo2 Ve2]

YUV 4:2:0的采样周期和存放方式:


YUV formats fall into two distinct groups, the  packed formats where Y, U (Cb) and V (Cr) samples are packed together into macropixels which are stored in a single array, and the  planar formats where each component is stored as a separate array, the final image being a fusing of the three separate planes.

Packed YUV Formats

click me click me click me click me
Label FOURCC in Hex Bits per pixel Description
AYUV 0x56555941 32 Combined YUV and alpha
CLJR 0x524A4C43 8 Cirrus Logic format with 4 pixels packed into a u_int32. A form of YUV 4:1:1 wiht less than 8 bits per Y, U and V sample.
cyuv 0x76757963 16 Essentially a copy of UYVY except that the sense of the height is reversed - the image is upside down with respect to the UYVY version.
GREY 0x59455247 8 Apparently a duplicate of Y800 (and also, presumably, "Y8  ")
IRAW 0x57615349 ? Intel uncompressed YUV. I have no information on this format - can you help?
IUYV 0x56595549 16 Interlaced version of UYVY (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IY41 0x31345949 12 Interlaced version of Y41P (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IYU1 0x31555949 12 12 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec. This is equivalent to Y411
IYU2 0x32555949 24 24 bit format used in mode 0 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec
HDYC 0x43594448 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32. This is a suplicate of UYVY except that the color components use the BT709 color space (as used in HD video).
UYNV 0x564E5955 16 A direct copy of UYVY registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 UYVY surfaces.
UYVP 0x50565955 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in U0Y0V0Y1 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland. (Awaiting confirmation of component packing structure)
UYVY 0x59565955 16 YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32.
V210 0x30313256 32 10-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb equivalent to the Quicktime format of the same name.
V422 0x32323456 16 I am told that this is an upside down version of UYVY.
V655 0x35353656 16? 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 format registered by Vitec Multimedia. I have no information on the component ordering or packing.
VYUY 0x59555956 ? ATI Packed YUV Data (format unknown but you can get hold of a codec supporting it here)
Y422 0x32323459 16 Direct copy of UYVY as used by ADS Technologies Pyro WebCam firewire camera.
YUY2 0x32595559 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
YUYV 0x56595559 16 Duplicate of YUY2
YUNV 0x564E5559 16 A direct copy of YUY2 registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 YUY2 surfaces.
YVYU 0x55595659 16 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
Y41P 0x50313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 8 pixels in 3 u_int32s.
Y411 0x31313459 12 YUV 4:1:1 with a packed, 6 byte/4 pixel macroblock structure.
Y211 0x31313259 8 Packed YUV format with Y sampled at every second pixel across each line and U and V sampled at every fourth pixel.
Y41T 0x54313459 12 Format as for Y41P but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
Y42T 0x54323459 16 Format as for UYVY but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
YUVP 0x50565559 24? YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in Y0U0Y1V0 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland.
Y800 0x30303859 8 Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y8 0x20203859 8 Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
Y16 0x20363159 16 16-bit uncompressed greyscale image.

YUY2 (and YUNV and V422 and YUYV)YUY2 is another in the family of YUV 4:2:2 formats and appears to be used by all the same codecs as UYVY.

click me click me click me
  Horizontal Vertical
Y Sample Period 1 1
V Sample Period 2 1
U Sample Period 2 1

Effective bits per pixel : 16
Positive biHeight implies top-down image (top line first)

Planar YUV Formats

click me click me click me click me
Label FOURCC in Hex Bits per pixel Description
YVU9 0x39555659 9 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 4x4 subsampled V and U planes. Registered by Intel.
YUV9 0x39565559 9? Registered by Intel., this is the format used internally by Indeo video code
IF09 0x39304649 9.5 As YVU9 but an additional 4x4 subsampled plane is appended containing delta information relative to the last frame. (Bpp is reported as 9)
YV16 0x36315659 16 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x1 subsampled V and U planes.
YV12 0x32315659 12 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled V and U planes.
I420 0x30323449 12 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled U and V planes.
IYUV 0x56555949 12 Duplicate FOURCC, identical to I420.
NV12 0x3231564E 12 8-bit Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling
NV21 0x3132564E 12 As NV12 with U and V reversed in the interleaved plane
IMC1 0x31434D49 12 As YV12 except the U and V planes each have the same stride as the Y plane
IMC2 0x32434D49 12 Similar to IMC1 except that the U and V lines are interleaved at half stride boundaries
IMC3 0x33434D49 12 As IMC1 except that U and V are swapped
IMC4 0x34434D49 12 As IMC2 except that U and V are swapped
CLPL 0x4C504C43 12 Format similar to YV12 but including a level of indirection.
Y41B 0x42313459 12? Weitek format listed as "YUV 4:1:1 planar". I have no other information on this format.
Y42B 0x42323459 16? Weitek format listed as "YUV 4:2:2 planar". I have no other information on this format.
Y800 0x30303859 8 Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y8 0x20203859 8 Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
CXY1 0x31595843 12 Awaiting clarification of format.
CXY2 0x32595842 16 Awaiting clarification of format.

关于YUV 420 平面存储方式,上面有提到过,这里不赘述。思考,彩色电视机-->黑白电视机的转变?

答:由于 YUV 420被应用于电视信号的传播,而又由于起平面存储方式(planar mode),所以彩色的信号传递给黑白电视机,黑白电视机只需要处理Y分量上的数据就可以了,而忽略掉其后的色度信息。


MP3并不是指 MPEG-3,事实上MPEG标准里,MPEG-3的方案制定已经终止,废弃了。因为,Moving Picture Experts Group在准备指定MPEG-3的时候,发现MPEG-2的标准已经足够强大,所以MPEG-3被废弃了。

现在的MP3通常指,MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III,对应标准号分别为,ISO/IEC 11172-3, ISO/IEC 13818-3。

Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第4张图片


MPEG-1 Layer 3 (or MP3) is a 1- or 2-channel perceptual audio coder that provides excellent compression of music signals. Compared to Layer 1 and Layer 2 it provides a higher compression efficiency. It can typically compress high quality audio CD data by a factor of 12 while maintaining a high audio quality. In general MP3 is appropriate for applications involving storage or transmission of mono or stereo music or other audio signals. Since it is implemented on virtually all digital audio devices playback is always ensured.



MP3的常见bit rate:


Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第5张图片


Multimedia Standards Introduction——专业术语_第6张图片


    一帧数据的时间长度 = 帧的采样个数(1152) * 采样频率(1/44100Hz)

