SmartQ7 Mer操作系统上 安装wifi 驱动
To get wireless networking to work (from
1. Grab the firmware package from Marvell here: and copy it to your computer.
2. Extract the downloaded zip file, then extract SD-8686-FEDORA26FC6-SYSKT-GPL-9.70.3.p24-26409.P45.tar within it. Extract the FwImage folder.
3. Inside there are two files, helper_sd.bin and sd8686.bin. Rename helper_sd.bin to sd8686_helper.bin and copy to your SD card
4. In Mer on SmartQ, open X-Terminal and:
$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1 /media (password is the one you used when installing) $ sudo cp /media/sd8686.bin /lib/firmware/sd8686.bin $ sudo cp /media/sd8686_helper.bin /lib/firmware/sd8686_helper.bin $ sudo umount /media
5. Reboot.
If people want to be able to connect to WPA/WPA2 networks, they can use this fix:
patch for Q5
patch for Q7
copy to a SD card
Mount SD like you did with the WiFi firmware (sd8686.bin and so on)
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1 /media
sudo dpkg -i kernel-smartq5-modules_2.6.24.7-smartq5-050509_all.deb