Bernard Madoff is an American former stock broker, investment adviser, non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, and the admitted operator of what has been described as the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Two programmers, Jerome O'Hara and George Perez, who helped Bernard Madoff program to produce false records have been indicted. They were accused of conspiracy, falsifying records of a broker dealer and falsifying records of an investment adviser.
In every quarter of these years, the two programmers would receive a data sheet, which provided a series of profit records a1 a2 ... aN in that period. Due to the economic crisis, the awful records might scare investors away. Therefore, the programmers were asked to falsifying these records into b1 b2 ... bN. In order to deceive investors, any record must be no less than all the records before it (it means for any 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N, bi ≤ bj). On the other hand, they defined a risk value for their illegal work: risk value = | a1 - b1 | + | a2 - b2 | + ... + | aN - bN | . For example, the original profit records are 300 400 200 100. If they choose 300 400 400 400 as the fake records, the risk value is 0 + 0 + 200 + 300 = 500. But if they choose 250 250 250 250 as the fake records, the risk value is 50 + 150 + 50 + 150 = 400. To avoid raising suspicion, they need to minimize the risk value. Now we will give you some copies of the original profit records, you need to find out the minimal possible risk value. Input There are multiple test cases (no more than 20). For each test case, the first line contains one integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 50000), the next line contains N integers a1 a2 ... aN (-109 ≤ ai ≤ 109). The input will end with N = 0. Output For each test case, print a single line that contains minimal possible risk value. Sample Input 4 300 400 200 100 0 Sample Output 400此题考察可并优先队列的应用。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #define abs(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x)) const int maxN = 50010; struct LeftList { int key, dist; LeftList *lc, *rc; LeftList() {} LeftList(int key): key(key), dist(0), lc(NULL), rc(NULL) {} }; LeftList *tr[maxN]; int L[maxN], R[maxN], sz[maxN], a[maxN]; inline int getint() { int res = 0; char tmp; bool sgn = 1; do tmp = getchar(); while (!isdigit(tmp) && tmp != '-'); if (tmp == '-') { sgn = 0; tmp = getchar(); } do res = (res << 3) + (res << 1) + tmp - '0'; while (isdigit(tmp = getchar())); return sgn ? res : -res; } inline bool cmp(const LeftList *a, const LeftList *b) {return a -> key > b -> key;} //默认为小根,这里重载比较为大根。 LeftList *Merge(LeftList *a, LeftList *b) { if (!a) return b; if (!b) return a; //待合并的两棵子树中,若其中一棵为空, //则直接返回另一棵树。 if (cmp(b, a)) std::swap(a, b); //为了方便操作,让根值较大(大根树) //或较小(小根树)的树作为合并后的根。 a -> rc = Merge(a -> rc, b); if (!(a -> lc) || a -> rc && a -> rc -> dist > a -> lc -> dist) std::swap(a -> lc, a -> rc); //调整左右子树的位置使其满足左偏树的性质。 //(左子树的距离不小于右子树的距离即左偏的性质。) if (!(a -> rc)) a -> dist = 0; else a -> dist = a -> rc -> dist + 1; //更新合并后的树的距离。 return a; } inline void Del(LeftList *&a) //这里引用符号“&”不能省。 { a = Merge(a -> lc, a -> rc); return; } int main() { freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("Financial_Fraud.out", "w", stdout); int n; while (n = getint()) { int top = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { tr[++top] = new LeftList(a[i] = getint()); sz[top] = 1; L[top] = R[top] = i; //用L,R指针记录当前左偏树所代表的区间。 while (top > 1 && tr[top - 1] -> key > tr[top] -> key) { tr[top - 1] = Merge(tr[top - 1], tr[top]); sz[top - 1] += sz[top]; R[top - 1] = R[top]; for (--top; sz[top] > ((R[top] - L[top]) >> 1) + 1; --sz[top]) Del(tr[top]); //使得合并后的左偏树的根节点(即最大值) //不超过该区间的中位数,即让左偏树中 //总节点数不超过该区间中总结点数的一半。 } } long long ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i < top + 1; ++i) for (int j = L[i]; j < R[i] + 1; ++j) ans += abs(a[j] - tr[i] -> key); printf("%lld\n", ans); } return 0; } #undef abs