
IBSS(Independent Basic Service Set) 模式,也叫专属(ad-hoc)模式,是设计来进行点对点的接连的。一群计算机设定相同的 BSS 名称,即可自成一个 group,而此 BSS 名称,即所谓 BSSID。

The IBSS network architecture consists of two or more STAs(stations) communicating directly with each other using 802.11 wireless technology without an AP(Access Point). Most IBSSs are confined to a small number of STAs, and their primary purpose is to provide a short-lived communication session for a specific purpose.

The major advantage of an IBSS network is that there is no master device. All devices have equal status and any device can talk to any other device. This is also the major problem with IBSS networks from a security standpoint.

First, let's quickly review how an IBSS network operates. Suppose a group of people get together in a conference room for a meeting and they want to share information among their laptop computers. They agree on an SSID or network name that they will use for their meeting and configure it into their laptops, specifying IBSS operation. When the first laptop is enabled, it starts looking for beacons containing the target SSID. It ignores beacons from access points and looks only for beacons from other devices in IBSS mode. If it doesn't see any beacons, it realizes that it is the first arrival and starts sending beacons itself.

The next laptop to turn on sees the beacon from the first laptop, with the correct SSID, and synchronizes its timing. Now the two devices may share the process of sending beacons according to an algorithm defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard. If the first station goes away, the second one sends all the beacons by itself. If any device has a broadcast message to send, it just transmits and all the others listen. If any device wants to send a frame to another device, it just transmits with the target device's MAC address as the destination. Note that there is no process of association and devices can come and go as they please without any hellos or goodbyes.

无线网络正快速进入家庭,对于家庭用户来说,可供选择的无线拓扑方式无非两种,对等模式和基本结构模式。对等模式(Ad Hoc),遵循IEEE802.11b/g的点对点模式,也就是不通过AP或无线宽带路由器来连接,可以只利用多张无线网卡组成一个网络群组,只要有相同SSID及信道就能够建立相同的无线连接。目前支持Ad Hoc网络的技术有IEEE802.11b/g/a、蓝牙等,在本文中我们就一起来了解一下WLAN的Ad Hoc模式。

    一、Ad Hoc拓扑组网特点

    Ad hoc网络是一种有特殊用途的网络。Ad hoc网络是由一组带有无线收发装置的无线网卡组成的一个多跳临时性自治系统,无线网卡具有软路由功能,可以通过无线连接构成任意的网络拓扑,这种网络可以独立工作,也可以与Internet或蜂窝无线网络连接。

    1、什么是Ad Hoc

    IEEE 802.11无线网络定义了特殊(Ad hoc,中文译名:自组织网络、特定网络、对等网络等)模式和基础(Infrastructure)模式两种运行模式。在Ad hoc模式(点对点模式)下,无线客户端不使用无线AP直接相互通信。使用Ad hoc模式通信的两个或多个无线客户端就形成了一个独立基础服务集(Independent Basic Service Set,IBSS),Ad Hoc模式最多可连接256台具备无线网卡的电脑。

只需具备无线网卡电脑就能组成无中心性的Ad Hoc网络

    将其称为“自组织网络”是因为Ad hoc模式用于在没有提供无线AP时连接无线客户端,同过N个无线网卡可方便的构成一个临时应变的无线网络。这种网络是临时性的、无中心的,无需依靠任何基础设施的非标准网络。



    它又被称为“多跳网络(multi-hop network)”,由于Adhoc网络工作在分布式移动环境中,并且网络带宽非常有限,所以要尽量减少通信对端的交互信息数量。多跳特性是Ad hoc网络的另一个显著标志。由于结点的无线通信距离有限,Ad hoc网络中的结点不一定都在其它所有结点的直接通信范围之内,而且受电磁干扰,地形干扰或天气影响,结点的通信距离也会有所改变。所以当结点并非直接可达时,需要中间结点的转发才能实现通信。也就是说从源结点到目的结点是多跳(multi-hop)连接的。

    2、Ad Hoc应用场合

    Ad hoc网络做为一种特殊的无中心和自组织性多跳移动无线网络,具有广泛的应用场合。通过Ad Hoc拓扑可将N台电脑方便的连接到无线网络上,而不用花钱购买无线路由器或AP。使用Windows的用户建立一个ad hoc 802.11无线网络只需要几分钟,而且无需电源插座,只需将Internet连接共享添加到主机上,所有与它连接的电脑将立即实现无线上网。


    ②紧急场合。地震、水灾、火灾或遭受其它灾害难后,固定的通信网络设施都可能无法正常工作。此时Ad hoc网络能够在这些恶劣和特殊的环境下提供通信支持,对抢险和救灾工作具有重要意义。


    ④个人通信。随着现代通信技术的进步,人们对移动通信需求的不断增加,移动通信系统如笔记本电脑,掌上型PDA设备等得到了迅速普及。但目前多数的移动通信系统是集中式控制的,网络的运行要基于预先架设好的网络设施,而Ad Hoc可快速解决这类问题。
