Eclipse datasource Explorer only show 500 records. Analyse Problem

This problem is strange.

Java debug, it show 5534 records.

But in Eclipse, you only can see 500 records. DB: Teiid.


With many people's help. Test as below.

1. sql with no param. java the 5534 records

2. sql run in eclipse, 500 records

3. reset sql param in java, 5785 records; but reset sql in sql, run on eclipse, still only 500 records shown.



eclipse datasource explorer: maybe only can shown 500 records. data in java is right.



This tell me:

1. Data wrong, may be the frame is wrong; may be the db explorer shown is wrong.

You can't only see the frame. The first thing you should do is test, and make sure where the problem is.

2. Eclipse may wrong too. You should have a overall test. Not only test the frame.
