Virtualbox, guestos=ubuntu的vdi瘦身方法

对于ubuntu的情况,有不少文档介绍使用remount 根文件系统为read only的方法(init 1),这种方法在文件系统为ext4时无效。

1.) Install “zerofree” on your virtualbox guest machine.
2.) Boot to safe mode (recovery mode) where you can access your root partition (/dev/sda1).
进入recovery mode的方式:ubuntu启动时按住shift,就会出现GRUB选项,进入recovery的menu,然后选择最后一项root以根用户进入
3) vi /etc/fstab
   编辑fstab,将/dev/sda1的mount方式改为ro 。具体方法请自行查阅相关资料。
4.) Restart to safe mode again and then Run “zerofree /dev/sda1″
5.) Shutdown the virtual machine and run “VBoxManage modifyhd –compact /path/to/virtualboximage.vdi”
6.) Enter the recovery mode again, select "root"--->Enter "mount -o remout,rw /" ----> Enter "vi /etc/fstab", change the mode from "ro" to "rw" ---->save and exit
7.) Restart
