A working Java Runtime Environment version 6.0 or newer is needed to run JOSM.
Double click on the jar file.
If this does not work, you probably need to install the Java Runtime
In more extensive edit sessions, you may get an "out of memory" error. To avoid this, the assigned memory can be increased.
Create a shortcut like in the following example:
C:\WINNT\system32\java.exe -jar -Xmx512M "C:\PATH-TO-JOSM\josm-latest.jar"
To avoid the Java console windows stay open, you can use javaw.exe instead of java.exe.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>java -jar "G:\NowFocus\gis_other\osm_mapedit\josm-tested.jar"
信息:缺少首选项文件“C:\Documents and Settings\johnson\Application Data\JOSM\pr
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