昨日关注:Google Personalizes the Web


  • [搜索技术] Google Personalizes the Web #
    Say goodbye to bookmarks: Google has rolled out a seriously cool search history feature that automatically keeps track of all of your web searches and every page that you view from search results.
  • [搜索技术] Google My Search History(WebLeOn) #
    Google My Search History最大的优势在于在登录帐户后就可以在普通的搜索界面来使用该功能,而其它的个性化搜索,一般都需要另外的点击或者是在特定的界面才能纪录搜索历史。这样一来,无需改变使用习惯,我们就可以存储我们的搜索历史。理论上说,搜索历史中记录的数据越多,我们所得到的搜索结果就更符合个人的需要。
  • [互联网] 三大门户的生育观 #
  • [Blog和RSS] 关于 Blog 和 RSS 的全面介绍 #
    Aaron Skonnard 在盐湖城 Northface 大学授课。与人合著有《Essential XML Quick Reference》(Addison-Wesley, 2001)以及《Essential XML》(Addison-Wesley, 2000),经常在会议上演讲。
  • [Blog和RSS] RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 #
    RDF Site Summary (RSS) is a lightweight multipurpose extensible metadata description and syndication format. RSS is an XML application, conforms to the W3C's RDF Specification and is extensible via XML-namespace and/or RDF based modularization.
  • [网摘] 我的二十年“网摘”生涯 #
  • [tag] 臭袜子、tags、哈耶克 #
  • [融资并购] 博客中国上市? #
    With 8 million daily page views on the back of 30,000 daily postings, money from Softbank and Shanda, and the lead in China's race to aggregate bloggers, BlogChina looks like it is sitting pretty. Now founder Fang Xingdong and BlogChina's newly minted CEO need to answer the question everyone watching the blogger space wants answered: Where are the revenues?
  • [融资并购] 由软银和盛大共同投资的博客中国准备美国上市 #
    为何投资博客中国,日本软银表示,Blog的潜力巨大,软银将在各方面,以各种方式提供资金等支持。软银透露将很快提供另外一笔数额巨大的资金给博客中国。博 客中国新近加盟的联想投资前副总裁也将努力去募集更多的资金。
  • [.NET开发] Creating an ASP.Net Trackback Handler #
    In this article we are going to cover how to trackback enable your site. There are several resources on the Web for implementing trackbacks in C#, but very few if any for doing this in VB.Net. Here we provide you with VB.Net code as a basis to build upon to implement trackback support into your portal or Web site.
  • [Blog和RSS] Free Report: The Business Case for RSS (Business Models) #
    MarketingStudies.net just published a new free report covering key business and marketing aspects of RSS, titled The Business Case for RSS.
  • [系统架构] 三层式的层次划分 #


