learning python--Docstrings使用

One-Line Docstrings

example :

def add(x, y):
    """Return the sum of two numbers."""
    return x + y
print add._doc_

Multi-Line Docstrings

example :
Listing 1
def subtract(x, y): """Return the difference between two numbers. Arguments: x -- The minuend. y -- The subtrahend. Returns: A number, the difference between x and y (ie. x - y) """ return x - y
print substarct_doc_
Listing 2
#!/usr/bin/env python """A simple math module. Exported Classes: Math -- A simple math class with mathematical functions. """ class Math(object): """A simple math class with mathematical functions. Public functions: add -- Adds two numbers together and returns the result. subtract -- Returns the difference between two numbers. """ def subtract(self, x, y): """Return the difference between two numbers. Arguments: x -- The minuend. y -- The subtrahend. Returns: A number, the difference between x and y (ie. x - y) """ return x - y def add(self, x, y): """Return the sum of two numbers. Arguments: x -- Number to be summed. y -- Number to be summed. Returns: A number, the sum of x and y (ie. x + y) """ return x + y
print add(4,5)
print add_doc_
