/* Function: A small phonebook Author: nuaazdh Date:11-1,2011 Revised: 6-2,2013 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <ctype.h> #define NAMELEN 16 #define PHONELEN 11 #define EMAILLEN 28 #define BUFFERSIZE 100 #define YES 1 #define NO 0 /*关系类型*/ enum Relation { FAMILY,FRIEND,CALSSMEATE,TEACHER,OTHER }; /*节点结构体*/ struct RecordNode { /*pointer struct*/ char *name; char *phonenum; char *email; /*array struct char name[NAMELEN]; char phonenum[PHONELEN]; char email[EMAILLEN];*/ enum Relation relation; struct RecordNode *next; }; /*函数原型*/ void ShowWelcome(); void ShowBye(); struct RecordNode *Create(); struct RecordNode *CreateNew(); char SelectOperation(); struct RecordNode * Insert(struct RecordNode *head,struct RecordNode *newnode); void ShowAll(struct RecordNode *head); void ShowNode(struct RecordNode *node); struct RecordNode *Delete(struct RecordNode *head); void Save(struct RecordNode *head); char *CatNode(struct RecordNode *node); int strlen(char *src); int AllNum(char *src); int IsNum(const char c); int IsChar(const char c); struct RecordNode* ReadNode(char *file); /*主函数*/ int main() { ShowWelcome(); struct RecordNode *head=Create(); char op=SelectOperation(); while(1) { if('a'==op){ struct RecordNode *newnode = CreateNew(); head=Insert(head,newnode); } else if('d'==op){ head=Delete(head); } else if('s'==op){ ShowAll(head); } else if('v'==op){ Save(head); } else if('q'==op){ break; } else{ ; } printf(">>");/*print */ scanf("%s",&op);/*only get the first letter*/ op=tolower(op); //op=getch(); } ShowBye(); return 1; } /*创建一个新节点,返回指针*/ struct RecordNode *CreateNew() { struct RecordNode *node=(struct RecordNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct RecordNode)); node->name=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*19); node->phonenum=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*12); node->email=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*41); printf("Please input the name(less than 16 characters):"); scanf("%s",node->name); printf("Please input the phone number(11 numbers):"); scanf("%s",node->phonenum); while(NO==AllNum(node->phonenum)) { printf("Sorry,invalid phone number.Please input again or 'q' to escape:"); scanf("%s",node->phonenum); if('q'==*node->phonenum) return NULL; } printf("Please input the emain address(less than 40 characters):"); scanf("%s",node->email); node->next=NULL; return node; } /*获取用户选择*/ char SelectOperation() { char input; printf("Please input your opeartion(first letter is valid):\n"); printf("a: Add a new account\n"); printf("d: Delete a account\n"); printf("s: Show all records\n"); printf("v: Save all records\n"); printf("q: Quit\n"); printf("others: Do nothing.\n"); printf(">>"); scanf("%s",&input); //input=getchar(); input=tolower(input);/*transfer to lower case*/ return input; } /*插入一个节点,并返回头节点*/ struct RecordNode *Insert(struct RecordNode *head,struct RecordNode *newnode) { if(newnode==NULL) return head;/*return directly*/ if(head==NULL){ head=newnode; head->next=NULL; }else{ struct RecordNode *p=head; while(p->next!=NULL) p=p->next; p->next=newnode; newnode->next=NULL; }/*if*/ return head; } /*根据编号删除某个节点*/ struct RecordNode *Delete(struct RecordNode *head) { if(head==NULL){ printf("Sorry,there is no record.\n"); return NULL; } else printf("Please input the No. your want to delete(from 1):"); int d; scanf("%d",&d); struct RecordNode *p=head; if(d==1){ head=head->next; /*删除首节点*/ free(p); }else{/*删除非首节点*/ int i=1; while(i!=d&&p!=NULL){ i++;p=p->next; }/*while*/ if(p==NULL){/*删除节点不存在*/ printf("Sorry,the node is not exist.\n"); return head; }else{ struct RecordNode *pre=head; while(pre->next!=p) pre=pre->next; pre->next=p->next; free(p); } }/*else*/ printf("Delete succeed!\n"); if(head==NULL) printf("There is no record now\n"); return head; } /*循环显示所有节点*/ void ShowAll(struct RecordNode *head) { if(head==NULL){ printf("Sorry,there is no record now.\n"); return; } printf("Name\t\t"); printf("Phone Number\t"); printf("Email\n"); struct RecordNode *p=head; while(p!=NULL) { ShowNode(p); p=p->next; } printf("\n"); } /*显示一个节点*/ void ShowNode(struct RecordNode *node) { if(node==NULL) return; printf("%s\t",node->name); printf("%s\t",node->phonenum); printf("%s\n",node->email); } /*显示欢迎*/ void ShowWelcome() { int i=0; for(i=0;i<40;i++) printf("*"); printf("\nWelcome to PhoneBook\n"); printf("by luerfeng, version:1.0\n"); for(i=0;i<40;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } /*显示再见*/ void ShowBye() { int i=0; for(i=0;i<40;i++) printf("*"); printf("\nThank you for ues,GoodBye !\n"); printf("by luerfeng, version:1.0\n"); for(i=0;i<40;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } /*建立从文件中建立链表*/ struct RecordNode *Create() { char *file = "Phone.txt"; char option; int fd; if(access(file,F_OK)==-1)/*file does not exist*/ { printf("Phone.txt does not exsit,do you want to create?[y/n]:"); option=getchar(); option=tolower(option);/*transfer to lower case*/ if('y'==option) { fd=open(file,O_CREAT|O_RDWR,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if(fd==-1) printf("\nSorry,create file failed.\n\n"); else printf("\nCreate file succeed.\n\n"); close(fd); } return NULL; } else/*Create link-table from file*/ return ReadNode(file); } /*保存所有记录*/ void Save(struct RecordNode *head) { int fd;/*file describtion*/ struct RecordNode *ptr=head; fd=open("Phone.txt",O_TRUNC|O_CREAT|O_RDWR,00666); if(fd==-1) { perror("Sorry,Create or open file failed"); return; } if(head==NULL) { printf("There is no record now,the file will be cleared.\n"); // open the file and close it to empty the file close(fd); return; } int count=0; char *cptr; int cntw; while(ptr!=NULL) { cptr=CatNode(ptr); count=strlen(cptr); /*printf("Record info:%s\n",cptr);*/ if(cptr==NULL) continue; while((cntw=write(fd,cptr,count))!=0) { if(cntw==-1) { printf("Sorry,save failed.\n"); perror("Error Message:"); break; } else if(cntw==count) break; else if(cntw>0) { cptr+=cntw; count-=cntw; } } ptr=ptr->next; } close(fd); } /*将当前节点内容转换为带格式的字符串*/ char *CatNode(struct RecordNode *node) { if(node==NULL) return NULL; //int count=sizeof(node->name)+sizeof(node->phonenum)+sizeof(node->email); char *cptr=(char *)malloc(60); char *dst=cptr; char *p; p=node->name; /*printf("%s\n",p);*/ while(*p!='\0') { *cptr++=*p++; } *cptr++='\t'; p=node->phonenum; /*printf("%s\n",p);*/ while(*p!='\0') { *cptr++=*p++; } *cptr++='\t'; p=node->email; /*printf("%s\n",p);*/ while(*p!='\0') { *cptr++=*p++; } *cptr++='\r'; *cptr++='\n'; *cptr='\0'; /*printf("%s\n",cptr);*/ return dst;/*return the string*/ } /*计算字符串长度*/ int strlen(char *src) { if(src==NULL) return 0; int i=0;/*counter*/ char *p=src; while(*p!='\0') { p++;i++; } return i; } /*检验字符串是否全为数字,1:全数字,0:不是全数字*/ int AllNum(char *src) { char *p=src; int flag=YES; while(*p!='\0') { if(NO==IsNum(*p)) { flag=NO; break; } p++; } return flag; } /*检验某个字符是否为数字,YES:是数字,NO:非数字*/ int IsNum(const char c) { if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')) { return YES; } else return NO; } /*判断字符是否为数字或字母,YES:是,NO:否*/ int IsChar(const char c) { if((c<='9'&&c>='0')||(c<='z'&&c>='a')||(c<='Z'&&c>='A')) return YES; else return NO; } /*判断字符是否可能出现在邮箱中,YES:可以,NO:不可以*/ int IsEmailChar(const char c) { if(IsChar(c)||('@'==c)||('_'==c)||('.'==c)||('-'==c)) return YES; else return NO; } /*从文件中读取记录,返回链表头指针*/ struct RecordNode* ReadNode(char *file) { FILE *fp; struct RecordNode *head=NULL; fp=fopen(file,"r"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("Sorry,read file failed.\n"); return head; } char buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; //char *fptr; char *p,*q; struct RecordNode* newnode; while(fgets(buffer,BUFFERSIZE,fp)!=NULL) { /*apply for a new node*/ newnode=(struct RecordNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct RecordNode)); p=buffer; if(newnode==NULL) { printf("Memory apply error.\n"); break; } /*get name*/ newnode->name=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*NAMELEN); q=newnode->name; while(YES==IsChar(*p)) { *q++=*p++; } *q='\0'; while(NO==IsChar(*p)) p++; /*get phonenum*/ newnode->phonenum=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*PHONELEN); q=newnode->phonenum; while(YES==IsChar(*p)) { *q++=*p++; } *q='\0'; while(NO==IsChar(*p)) p++; /*get email*/ newnode->email=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*EMAILLEN); q=newnode->email; while(YES==IsEmailChar(*p)) { *q++=*p++; } *q='\0'; head=Insert(head,newnode); } fclose(fp); return head; }