l 质量难以保障。比如:没有参照开发规范、规范流程、开发建议。
l 效率低下。比如:没有采用非常成熟的开发库、开发框架。或者没有及时的更新开发库。
l 成本迭代增加。包括:开发成本、维护成本等,无限制增加。
l 团队和个人技术水平难以提高。比如:采用落后技术、或者没有及时更新技术组件等。
l 容易造成孤芳自赏氛围。比如:感觉实现或开发出小组件或产品感觉不错,没有和好的产品对比,自己感觉良好。
1. www.csdn.net 中国最大的软件门户网站。
a) http://java.csdn.net/
2. http://java.sun.com
(1) 最新的jdk、
(2) 最新文档、
(3) 参考实例(pet store等,),提供了很好框架指导。
(4) https://adventurebuilder.dev.java.net/
3. http://www.java.net
4. http://www.theserverside.com 最新的技术文档
5. http://raibledesigns.com 文章、
6. http://www.javaworld.com
7. http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/
8. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn 提供了关于java等相关的高质量的文章。
1. http://sourceforge.net 开源项目
2. http://www.apache.org
3. http://www.open-open.com 中文、文类齐全、简单介绍等
4. http://www.casabac.com
5. http://www.opennetcf.org
If you're starting work at a new client or at your company, you should do the following to help your development process become more efficient.
1. Setup a source control system. Subversion is highly recommended. Setting up a commit notification system is recommended when working with other developers. FishEye
works great.
2. Setup a bug tracking system. Popular (free) choices are Bugzilla and Trac
. The best one we've seen is JIRA
. For more information see What issue tracking system is best for you?
3. Setup a Wiki. We love Confluence - but it's not free. Other recommended systems are JSPWiki
and Trac
. Trac has a wiki, source control browser and bug-tracking system all-in-one.
4. Setup a development box to host the source control system, the bug tracking system, and a wiki. Install Hudson , CruiseControl
, Luntbuild
or Continuum
on this box to do continuous integration for your project. Setting up continuous integration with a Maven 2 project is a piece-of-cake, so you have no excuses!
If you're interested in commercial CI systems, checkout Pulse
or Bamboo
. See Which open source CI tool is best suited for your application's environment?
for more information on choosing a CI Server.
5. (optional) Install Roller and use it to report your daily status and issues. This will allow your client (or supervisor) to track your progress.
Buildix Rocks! Buildix |
If installing and configuring all of this software doesn't boost your productivity, please read Tips for Productivity and Happiness at Work for more suggestions.
(1) spring下载包中doc目录下的MVC-step-by-step和sample目录下的例子都是比较好的spring开发的例子。
(2) AppFuse集成了目前最流行的几个开源轻量级框架或者工具 Ant,XDoclet,Spring,Hibernate(iBATIS),JUnit,Cactus,StrutsTestCase,Canoo's WebTest,Struts Menu,Display Tag Library,OSCache,JSTL,Struts 。 你可以通过AppFuse源代码来学习spring。 AppFuse网站:http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.JSP?page=AppFuse
As I mentioned in this article's introduction, many open source libraries are pre-integrated in AppFuse. They fall into the following categories:
1. http://domaindrivendesign.org/
Over the last decade or two, a philosophy has developed as an undercurrent in the object community. The premise of domain-driven design is two-fold:
Domain-driven design is not a technology or a methodology. It is a way of thinking and a set of priorities, aimed at accelerating software projects that have to deal with complicated domains.
To accomplish that goal, teams need an extensive set of design practices, techniques and principles. Refining and applying these techniques will be the subject of discussion for this site, generally starting from the language of patterns layed out in Domain-Driven Design, by Eric Evans
1. http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/
2. http://www.eclipse.org
3. http://jseditor.sourceforge.net
4. http://relo.csail.mit.edu/update uml插件
5. uml插件 最好的:together for eclipse,到borland网站自己下 eclipseUML,也是很不错的,http://www.omondo.com/ uml2,真正免费的插件,属于eclipse项目,http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/ jude,外部工具,小巧好用,http://objectclub.esm.co.jp/Jude/
6. http://www.soyatec.com eUml2
7. 几乎所有的重要的开发插件,在http://www.open-open.com/4_04.htm都有描述
AJAX and SOA Developers find it difficult to write and analyze JSON. This Eclipse plugin with the JSON2TreeView enables developers to test and visualize any JSON. Developer can enter a JSON convert it to XML and View it as a Tree
f you develop in Java and use Eclipse IDE you will probably need to browse through Java SDK documentation, at least I needed that. I did a little search on the internet in hope I would find such plug-in, but no luck. Only thing to do then was to make one, then I made one more, and...
After some time I decided to share my plug-ins with the public and that's how this site was made.
I hope that this site is where you will find some useful help topics for Eclipse IDE.
If You have some help topic you would like to share send me a mail I will gladly upload it to my site.
MiddlegenIDE是一个Middlegen在Eclipse 下的插件,它可生成映射文件,JavaBean源码,配置文件和导入相关的jar.而你所要做的只是配置好数据库连接信息和选择要生成映射文件与Java 类的数据库表.MiddlegenIDE当前版本只支持生成Hibernate映射文件与JavaBean源码.
1. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm
1. http://wiki.apache.org/struts
2. http://www.blogjava.net/max/category/16130.html
1. http://www.springframework.org/ 主站点
2. http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/spring/dashboard.action
3. https://www.dev.java.net/
4. http://springmodules.dev.java.net
5. wiki.springside.org.cn/
Spring Modules包含一组用于扩展Spring框架的工具,附件和模块。Spring Modules的核心目标是促进Spring与其它项目相集成而不需要打乱或扩大Spring Core。当前包括的模块有: Ant集成 Flux产品套件集成 HiveMind集成 Lucene集成 Apache OJB集成 O/R Broker集成 OSWorkflow集成 Tapestry集成支持声明式缓存服务包括EHCache,JCS,OSCache,GigaSpaces和其它。 支持db4o 支持JSR-94规则引擎比如Drools和Jess 支持各种Jakarta Commons组件比如Configuration,Lang,Chain和Commons Validator 支持JavaSpaces包括Gigaspaces和Blitz. 支持jBPM3.0.x与3.1.x 支持JSR-170(Java内容知识库)包括Jackrabbit和Jeceira 支持web模板引擎如:Freemarker,Groovy,Velocity,WebMacro和XSLT Valang: 校验语言 Bean校验框架 Spring MVC附件 XT Framework:提供面向领域驱动设计框架和Spring MVC AJAX支持(用于开发胖领域模型与胖客户端用户界面)。
1. https://springmodules.dev.java.net/ 资源和文档
2. http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/spring/dashboard.action
3. Spring Modules is a sub-project of Spring intended to ease integration with 3rd party products without overloading the core framework with additional dependencies
4. Powered by a free Atlassian JIRA open source license for Spring. Try JIRA - bug tracking software for your team.
5. Atlassian JIRA the Professional Issue Tracker. ( Enterprise Edition, Version: 3.8-#209 ) - Bug/feature request - Contact Administrators
1. Servlet资源地址:http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html
6. http://jetty.mortbay.org/
Jetty is an open-source, standards-based, full-featured web server implemented entirely in java. It is released under the Apache 2.0 licence and is therefore free for commercial use and distribution. First created in 1995, Jetty has benefitted from input from a vast user community and consistent and focussed development by a stable core of lead developers. Full commercial 24x7 support, training and development services for Jetty are available from Webtide.
Jetty can be used as:
1. http://wiki.gceclub.sun.com.cn
2. http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/spring/dashboard.action
Confluence is the enterprise wiki designed to make it easy for you and your team to share information with each other, and with the world.
3. http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/ 提供wiki服务的公司
4. http://jspwiki.org/ 免费
1. http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/index.shtml,大家应该很熟悉吧!IBM的中国developWorks网。其中有JAVA技术专栏!
2. http://www.sys-con.com/java/index.cfm,JAVA DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL
3. http://www.adtmag.com/java/index.asp,JAVA REPORT!
4. http://www.eclipse.org/
5. http://www.artima.com/insidejvm(剖析JVM的经典书!!!
6. http://developer.java.sun.com
Tracking and managing the issues and bugs that emerge during a project is a critically important task, but one that few teams do effectively.
JIRA is a bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management application developed to make this process easier for your team. JIRA has been designed with a focus on task achievement, is instantly usable and is flexible to work with.
1. http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/
2. http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/features.html
3. Toby's PL/SQL Editor 利用这个插件可以轻松地开发和测试PL/SQL代码。
1. http://developer.yahoo.com/javascript/
2. google labs,
3. http://www.google.com/apis/ Will find some important apis for new feature, for example, maps,and so on.
1. www.ajaxian.com
2. ajaxpatterns.org
3. ajaxmatters.com/r/welcome
4. ajaxblog.com
5. www.adaptivepath.com
6. www.37signals.com
Teniga是一个Javascript编辑器插件。它提供运行期语法错误检查,内容大纲,代码提示和语法着色等功能。 它能够帮助你快速,轻松编写javascript代码。Teniga还支持动态扩展用户包。
1. https://sourceforge.net/projects/teniga
Teniga is a javascript editor plugin to eclipse and NetBeans platform, it provides runtime syntax error checking, content outline, code assistance, code format and syntax coloring. It helps you to code javascript easier and faster.
2. http://www.interaktonline.com/Products/Eclipse/JSEclipse/Overview/
is one of the best and most popular Javascript plugin for the Eclipse environment. Its benefits are visible from the simplest tasks like editing small sections of code for your site to the more complex ones like working with the next big AJAX library or developing plugins for a product that embeds JavaScript like Dreamweaver or Photoshop.
Improve the JavaScript coding experience
Improve JavaScript programming in the Eclipse environment| Screenshots
Support AJAX development
Common idioms and patterns support
Manage large code repositories
Specific features for working with multiple large projects
Develop JavaScript faster
Code formatting, code completion, archive results
3. https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=216950
Open JavaScript Guide
he Open JavaScript Guide is a fork of the Core JavaScript Guide. This project provides the JavaScript documentation in a number of different formats (docbook, XHTML, RTF, PDF).
myJSEditor是一个JavaScript编辑器。它的功能包括:语法高亮显示,代码自动完成等。myJSEditor还对自定义的JavaScript对象有高亮显示,代码自动完成的功能。这个插件主要是支持Rhino JavaScript引擎,但也能够兼容其它符合Ecma262标准的JavaScript引擎。
The majority of files in this directory come from Prototype
and Scriptaculous - two JavaScript libraries that make Ajax
http://prototypejs.org (version 1.5.0 )
http://script.aculo.us (version 1.6.5 )
The Prototype framework consists of a single file: prototype.js.
The Script.aculo.us framework consists of six files:
By including scriptaculous.js in your pages, all the rest of
the files are included as well.
For good documentation about Prototype, see its website at:
Other good resources include:
The best scriptaculous documentation is at:
1. EclipseHTMLEditor
Eclipse HTML Editor is an Eclipse plugin for HTML/JSP/XML Editing. It works on Eclipse 3.0 (or higher), JDT and GEF. It has following features.
需插件: 1、GEF 3.1 安装程序下载 下载地址: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/downloads/drops/R-3.1-200507071758/index.php 这里我们下载GEF-ALL-3.1.zip。 2、Eclipse HTML Editor 1.6.7 安装程序下载 下载地址:https://sourceforge.jp/projects/amateras/files/?release_id=16537#16537 这里我们下载:tk.eclipse.plugin.htmleditor_1.6.7.zip。 安装步骤: 1、安装GEF插件 同样,将GEF-ALL-3.1.zip解压缩,然后拷贝解压后的eclipse目录下的三个文件夹到D:/eclipse目录下,覆盖所有的现有文件夹。 好了,到此GEF安装完成。 2、安装Eclipse HTML Editor插件 解压缩tk.eclipse.plugin.htmleditor_1.6.7.zip包,然后将plugins目录拷贝至D:/eclipse目录下覆盖原文件夹即可。到此Eclipse HTML Editor插件安装完成。 完成以上步骤,打开Eclipse,file——〉new——〉other——〉Amateras即可看见其功能。
Character Model
World Wide Web Consortium. Character Model for the World Wide Web. W 3C Working Draft. See http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-charmod
World Wide Web Consortium. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification. W 3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1
J. Gosling, B. Joy, and G. Steele. The Java Language Specification. See http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/index.html.
ISO/IEC 10646
ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane. International Standard. See http://www.iso.ch/cate/d18741.html.
C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, L. Burnard Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. See http://etext.virginia.edu/TEI.html.
Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard. See http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/standard.html.
XML Infoset
World Wide Web Consortium. XML Information Set. W 3C Working Draft. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset
World Wide Web Consortium. XML Pointer Language (XPointer). W 3C Working Draft. See http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xptr
J. Robie, J. Lapp, D. Schach. XML Query Language (XQL). See http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html
World Wide Web Consortium. XSL Transformations (XSLT). W 3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt
W 3C http://www.w3.org/ The World Wide Web Consortium (W 3C ) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. W 3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find W3C news, links to W3C technologies and ways to get involved. New visitors can find help in Finding Your Way at W3C. We encourage organizations to learn more about W3C and about W3C Membership.
XSL is a family of recommendations for defining XML document transformation and presentation. It consists of three parts:
XSL Transformations (XSLT)
a language for transforming XML
the XML Path Language (XPath)
an expression language used by XSLT to access or refer to parts of an XML document. (XPath is also used by the XML Linking specification)
XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics
An XSLT stylesheet specifies the presentation of a class of XML documents by describing how an instance of the class is transformed into an XML document that uses a formatting vocabulary, such as (X)HTML or XSL-FO. For a more detailed explanation of how XSL works, see the What Is XSL page.
For background information on style sheets, see the Web style sheets resource page. XSL is developed by the W 3C XSL Working Group (members only) whose charter is to develop the next version of XSL. XSL is part of W 3C 's XML Activity, whose work is described in the XML Activity Statement
Why WebWork? The Struts community has recently embraced WebWork and the combination has resulted in a great new Web framework for the Java platform: Struts 2. Sure, Spring MVC is a nice request-based framework, but it does not support JSF the way Struts 2 does. Component-based frameworks such as JSF and Tapestry are nice, but I've found WebWork to be more intuitive and easier to work with. (See Resources for more on Struts 2 and JSF.)
Setting up Continuous Integration is one of the first things you should do in a software development cycle. It not only motivates programmers to write tests, it also promotes teamwork and bonding through "You broke the build!" games.
The HtmlUnit team has done a fair amount of work in the 1.8 release to make sure the package works with popular Ajax frameworks like Prototype and Scriptaculous.
In the Web tier, tests verify that actions (Struts/WebWork), controllers (Spring MVC), pages (Tapestry), and managed beans (JSF) work as you'd expect them to. Spring's spring-mock.jar is useful for testing all of these frameworks because it contains a mock implementation of the Servlet API. Testing AppFuse's Web frameworks would be difficult without this useful library
Maven作为Apache的一个开源项目,旨在给项目管理提供更多的支持,主页地址为http://maven.apache.org 。它最早的意图只是为了给apache组织的几个项目提供统一的开发、测试、打包和部署,能让开发者在多个项目中方便的切换。很多伟大的事业,出发点都很简单,ebay就是很好的例证。而maven的成功又一次验证了这一点,越来越多的项目开始使用maven。
您可以参阅本文在 developerWorks 全球站点上的 英文原文。
1. Apache 中有许多参考文献和许多关于 Maven 入门的信息。那里还提供了一些最佳实践。
2. Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Frameworks, Models and Tools 一文由 Jack Greenfield 等人撰写,这篇文章深入查看了软件工厂,并描述了支持这些技术的一些关键元素。
3. Software factories Web site 为软件工厂提供了理论基础。
4. Eclipse.org 主办了 Eclipse 平台项目以及其他一些技术项目。
5. First Experiments with a ModelWeaver 一文由 Jean Bezivin 等人撰写,文中提供了由 ATLAS 团队开发的 Model Weaver 的原型。
6. Eclipse Model Driven Development Integration (MDDi) project 专用于实现提供应用模型驱动的开发(MDD)方法所需的那些工具的平台。
7. 下载 Mevenide Eclipse 插件和其他有关的 Maven 插件。
8. Maven Workshop 是一个简单的 Eclipse 插件项目,它与 Mevenide 共享一些特性。
在 Martin Van den Bemt 的 blog 中,讨论了团队环境中的 .project/.classpath 问题。
9. “Eclipse 平台入门”(developerWorks, 2002 年 11 月)提供了 Eclipse 的历史和概述,其中包括如何安装 Eclipse 及其插件的细节。
10. Eclipse in Action: A Guide for Java Developers (Independent Publishers Group, 2003)是使用 Eclipse 的 Java 开发人员的必读之物。
11. 从 DB®、Lotus®、Rational®、Tivoli® 和 WebSphere® 获得一些评价较高的产品,然后开始构建应用程序,并在 IBM 中间件上部署它们。请选择 Linux® 或 Windows® 版本的免费的 Software Evaluation Kit (SEK)。
12. 请参阅 developerWorks 的 开放源码专区,从中获得大量 how-to 信息、工具和项目更新,帮助您使用开放源码技术进行开发,并将这些用于 IBM 的产品。
13. 使用 IBM 试用软件 改进您的下一个开放源码项目,可以通过下载或从 DVD 上获得这些软件。
14. 在 Developer Bookstore 的开放源码专区,可以找到数百本 打折出售的关于开放源码主题 的书籍,其中包括许多 关于 Eclipse 的书籍。
通过参与 developerWorks blogs 加入 developerWorks 社区。
Acegi Security is simply the best thing that's ever happened to J2EE's security model. It allows you to implement many useful features that aren't part of the Servlet API's security model: authentication, authorization, role-protected methods, Remember Me, password encryption, SSL switching, user switching, and logout. It also allows you to store your user's credentials in an XML file, in a database, in LDAP, or in a single sign-on system such as Yale's Central Authentication Service (CAS) or SiteMinder
1. dTree 2.05 | www.destroydrop.com/javascript/tree
2. Struts Menu
AppFuse ships with an Ant- and XDoclet-based code-generation tool named AppGen. By default, generic DAOs and managers allow you to CRUD any plain old Java object (POJO), but doing that at the Web tier is difficult. AppGen has several features for performing the following tasks:
When you run AppGen, you're prompted to generate from a database table or a POJO, and AppGen generates the code. If you issue ant install-detailed at the command line, AppGen installs POJO-specific DAOs and managers with their tests. Running ant install causes your Web tier classes to reuse the generic DAO and manager that exist by default.
1. http://blogs.sun.com/jag/ James Gosling
2. http://raibledesigns.com/
Matt Raible lives in Denver , Colorado , where he is a Spring and Web frameworks practice leader for Virtuas Open Source Solutions. He has extensive experience and expertise in open source, as both a user and a developer. Matt is the author of Spring Live from SourceBeat Publishing. He has also contributed to the Apress book Pro JSP Third Edition. He is a frequent presenter at open source conferences, including ApacheCon, MySQL User's Conference, and OSCON, and he is an active blogger on http://raibledesigns.com. Raible has been surrounded by computers for most of his life, even though he grew up in the backwoods of Montana without electricity. When he's not working, he's trying to make his wife, Julie, the happiest woman in the world or playing with their children, Abbie and Jack.
1. http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/Installing_Maven_2.0_plugin_for_Eclipse.html 动态演示操作步骤
尤其是优秀的图书,大部分都是国外的,无论是否翻译过来,还是影印版!我这里假设我们的参考系都是国外的,即,比如《Java 高效编程指南》的英文版是很好的一本书,被:
sleepless in Java:
《Enterprise JAVABEANS(第二版)》
《Java 语言与 Java 平台》
都是精品!个人认为!:) 个人总结:适合各种层次的人,很专业!!
Wrox的图书,读者定位就是程序员,甚至他们把P2P(程序员对程序员,Programmer to Programmer)当成了商标,在这样的定位下又通常细分为“Beginning XXX”和“Professional XXX”,只要做了正确的选择,对于初学者来说不必担心内容太艰深看不懂,对于老者来说也不为一些早就熟知的内容支付额外的费用。欲知更多Wrox图书信息,请见WWW.WROX.COM(转载http://www.china-pub.com)
第三,SUN公司出的书,感觉国内主要是由机械工业出版社引进出版,w Sun公司核心技术丛书!
第四,Addison-Wesley公司的图书!感觉也蛮好的!比如,比如,<Effective Java>就是他们的!
Mastering EJB II
Mastering EJB was one of the original and most influential EJB books in the industry. Mastering EJB II now returns with two new expert co-authors, updated for EJB 2.0 and improved with advanced topics such as large scale systems design, J2EE project management, complex persistence and more.
EJB Design Patterns
A companion/stndalone book to Mastering EJB 2, EJB Design Patterns seeks to solidify and centralize all the cutting edge strategies and design patterns in use today.
这个地方有,<Thinking in JAVA,c++>!
1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/chs/ 丰富资源