
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
注意在编译之前连接一下:\\ 用户名:partners\tibco 密码:tibco

F:\>cd iPE

F:\iPE>cd trunk_1131


F:\iPE\trunk_1131>set ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 tools.
(If you have another version of Visual Studio or Visual C++ installed and wish
to use its tools from the command line, run vcvars32.bat for that version.)
Setting up to build for English
*** InstallShield Build ***
*** MS-SQL database ***
*** Staffware database queues ***
*** COM+ events ***

F:\iPE\trunk_1131>cd util

OEMlicence.c  exusrupd.c        rwqsmgr.c    swinc        upgchk.c
PctBar.cpp    fixperms.c        ssolite.c    swmoniel.c   upgold.c
StdAfx.cpp    ifcexp.c          ssolite.def  swnormcd.c   upgr.c
agmak         impmod.c          ssotest.c    swpubiel.c   upgrade.c
cdntpool.c    impxpdltoxfr.cpp  staffer.c    swrecov      upgratl.cpp
cdqp.c        makefile          staffifc.c   swsetup.c    upgratl.def
datchk.c      makefile.unx      swadm.c      swsvrmgr.c   upgratl.rc
datchkbb.c    mergecfg.c        swadmlib.c   swutil.c     vc70.pdb
dekrypt.c     normval.cpp       swbatch.c    tstcms.c     wqsinfo.c
enkrypt.c     plist.c           swcdata.c    txladmin.ec  xfrsup.c
expmod1.c     procmigr.c        swconfig.c   txlupdat
expmod2.c     res               sweaireg.c   upg2wqp.c
exrolupd.c    runcmd.c          swiface.c    upgatl.c

F:\iPE\trunk_1131\util>nmake clean

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        del /Q F:\iPE\trunk_1131\.\eng\objs\utils\dbg\*.*

