
S.ax = gca;
set(S.ax,'unit','pix','position',[40 40 480 340]);
axis([0 7 -1 1])
% Fill the structure with data.
S.XLM = get(S.ax,'xlim');
S.YLM = get(S.ax,'ylim');
S.AXP = get(S.ax,'pos');
S.DFX = diff(S.XLM);

S.DFY = diff(S.YLM);

% Figure out of the current point is over the axes or not -> logicals.
tf1 = S.AXP(1) <= F(1) && F(1) <= S.AXP(1) + S.AXP(3);
tf2 = S.AXP(2) <= F(2) && F(2) <= S.AXP(2) + S.AXP(4);

if tf1 && tf2
    % Calculate the current point w.r.t. the axes.
    Cx =  S.XLM(1) + (F(1)-S.AXP(1)).*(S.DFX/S.AXP(3));
    Cy =  S.YLM(1) + (F(2)-S.AXP(2)).*(S.DFY/S.AXP(4));
