1. 形容词作状语
The thief hid himself in the corner, afraid of being caught.
Excited and overjoyed, the children rushed to the front. // 以上两句都作为伴随状语
Every nation, big or small, should be equal. // 让步状语,连接两个及以上的形容词,可放在头或尾
Glad, I played the guitar. // 作时间状语 When I am glad, ...
Thirsty and eager to get a little rest, she went into the restaurant and seated(n.座位; vt. 使sb坐下; 使就职) herself at a little table by the window. // 原因状语
2. uniformity [,ju:ni'fɔ:məti] 均匀性; 一致 uniform adj. 统一的; n. 制服 vt.使穿制服 uniformly adv. 一致地
3. To strive(努力, 奋斗), to seek(探索, 寻找), to find(发现, 查找), and not to yield. calendar ['kælɪndə](日历)
4. He was jealous['dʒɛləs](嫉妒的;猜疑的) when he discovered that she loved someone else.
So how can you admit you are jealous of your friend? be jealous of sb.
5. Managing Customer relations for continue business and increased revenue has always been a high priority for an effectivesales force.
6. The study how to encourage the sales force to behave(vi. 表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用) by producing better achievement(n. 成就;完成;达到), not merely has a very strong practice meaning, and still has a very important theory meaning.
7. Also,programs that monitor system state or provide system login should run at high RT priority so that the program is allowed to preempt[prɪ'empt] the problematic[,prɔblə'mætik](有问题的; 有疑问的) threads.
8. proximity[prɔk'simiti] 最近;接近;亲近;(地方、时间等)最接近
Should they be “embedded” with development groups,so that(以便;所以) their desks are in close physical proximity to those of programmers?
9. slew[sluː](扭转, 旋转)rate Slew-rate Controlled 速率控制 slay[sleɪ]的过去式 杀害
Current-feedback amplifiers have a higher slew rate than do voltage-feedback amplifiers.
To solve this problem, the gain-enhancing structure is included in the design. Such structurecan give attention to both the two indexes of high slew-rate and high voltage gain.
My brother slew one dragon and befriended another,and together they rescued['reskjuː](n. 营救;援救;解救 vt. 营救;援救) the queen's son from kidnappers.
10. corrupt [kə'rʌpt] 腐败的; 堕落的; 受感染的; vt. 使腐败; 使堕落 vi. 腐败; 堕落 ≈ fallen corruptible 易腐败的; 易堕落的; 可以贿赂的; corruptibility 堕落性; 腐败性 corruptor 行贿人
They posted this organization as corrupt. 他们公开谴责该组织腐败
The congressman['kɑŋgrəsmən](国会议员;众议员)laced intothe government for beingcorrupt. 国会议员谴责政府腐败
11. collapse [kə'læps](崩溃;瓦解;失败;折叠) all / expand all / expand recent
The earthquake was the occasion of the building's collapse.
What you said on the occasion(重大活动, 盛会; 时机, 机会; 起因) was not appropriate.
12. Knowing exactly where your organization stands with regard to(关于; 至于) agility[ə'dʒɪlətɪ](敏捷性, 机灵) can help you save precious['preʃəs](宝贵的;珍贵的) time and effort during your next project.
13. landscape['læn(d)skeɪp](风景,景色) landscape design landscape architecture 造园术,园林建筑学;造景建筑业
The boy painted a landscape on paper.
14. Nevertheless,an equitable ['ekwɪtəb(ə)l](公平的, 公正的; ) commitment(承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身) can and should exist for every phaseof the projectif theproject isto remain viable.
Extra efforts are needed to ensure that all people canbenefit from themin anequitable manner(方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗;态度;举止).
There is no robust view framework aside from(除...之外) simple templates,but plugging in some other framework is completely doable.
15. Since the code required to process the certificates [sə'tɪfɪkət](n. 证书;执照,文凭 vt 发证书) is of primary interest in this paper (n. 纸;论文;文件;报纸; vt. 用纸糊;用纸包装),I includeithere initsentirety[ɪn'taɪərətɪ].
Every host [həʊst] in the LAN will have the same network address,broadcast address,subnet mask,anddomain name because those addresses identify thenetwork in its entirety.
16. Your code should be written to thespecification,but ifyouknow about thesefeatures andhow toproperlyuse them you can take advantage of significant(n. 象征;有意义的事物 adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的) performance gains(n. 收益;[经] 利益;腰槽;榫眼(gain的复数) v. 获得;增加;赚得).
17. But someanalystswonder abouttheunintendedconsequencesofthispreference['pref(ə)r(ə)ns].(关税等方面的)优惠,特惠
You truly have no preference.
my own preference is for good literature
his sexual preferences
I visited China for the first time in nearly 20 years this past summer. Everyone talks about how much has changed, and it's true. There were mule-drawn carriages in the streets of central Beijing the last time I was there. Today, not so much.
What hasn't changed is the air pollution[pə'luːʃ(ə)n]. In fact, it has gotten worse.
How much worse? Fortune Magazine Editor Andy Serwer devoted his front-of-the-book essay to the Chinese air-pollution problem in the new issue of the magazine. His article, "A China crisis that's here," goes so far as to argue that the dirty air over China is a near-term political crisis for the country's new president Xi Jinping. (He includes some controversial digs at a Chinese government propaganda machine that's taking after U.S. icons like Apple and Starbucks in order to distract its own people.)
I agree(承认; 认同; 同意) that Xi faces a crisis over this. Chinese people are willing to put up with/ suffer a lot, but they are hopping mad about the quality-of-life issue that is literally in their face every day. In fact, it's the one topic about which I asked everybody I met in June, when I traveled there for the Fortune Global Forum. How can the Chinese fix the problem and when will they? I asked.
As you might have guessed, there isn't a simple answer. Indeed, tackling the question provokes a conundrum. The only certain way to fix the pollution quickly is to slow down the industrial economy, which would cause massive unemployment, which would cause civil unrest(不安; 动乱) -- exactly the problem Serwer flags regarding the pollution.
Not everyone sees it that way. "You don't need to fix it everywhere," says Ian Bremmer, who runs the global political-risk consulting firm Eurasia Group from New York. "What they really need to do, at least in the near term, is to address the problem in the most important cities, where people are coming in from out of the country and where there is a lot of media." To Bremmer, the air-pollution problem is a PR screw-up more than a national crisis. He argues that the quality of life is so low in much of China that what seems unacceptable to expatriates and visiting journalists simply isn't top-of-mind to the average Chinese citizen. "The comment that people wouldn't take their kids out in this pollution is overblown because they can't afford to take their kids out anyway," he says.
Bremmer isn't saying pollution isn't a problem. He notes that 16 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in China, and that in the long term Chinese behavior is potentially disastrous. But for the time being(目前; 暂时; 眼下), he says, it will be business as usual. "Nothing is a crisis in the making for Xi right now. He has 7.8% growth, he's charismatic, and he has a good team behind him. And the rest of the world is screwing up left and right."
If Bremmer is right and Serwer is wrong, it makes for a fascinating study in contrasts. One country's people are relatively accepting about filthy air that threatens their lives. Another country's people are practically manning the barricades over a clunky web site that is supposed to improve their health. Go figure.
The lake yielded up a poor fish harvest(收获; 收割)last year because of pollution. 这个湖因为污染去年渔业歉收。
The problem of pollution in the city can not be wished away(离去; 离开; 在远处; 远离). pollutant污染物质 polluter污染者; 污染源 polluted受污染的 pollute vt
consult [kən'sʌlt] (查阅; 商量; 商议; 咨询) get or ask advice from; seek information from; have a conference in order to talk sth. over.
consultive 咨询的 adj.
n. consultant 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生 consultation 咨询;磋商;[临床] 会诊;讨论会 consultancy 咨询公司;顾问工作Consult your doctor and follow his or her recommendations.
Not all resource adapters work with a change summary;so you need to consult your adapter documentationto find out what your resource adapter expects.
insulta rude expression intended to offend[ə'fend](冒犯; 使...不愉快; 违反; 引起...不舒服) or hurt insulting adj. insultingly adv.
Their behaviour was an insult to the people they represent.
For saving face Mary had to choke down the manager's insult.
I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed bribing to shut up.
Some of the most popular expressions are those that are guaranteed not to offend anyone.
Your website should be accessible by all and not offend or exclude anybody.
School officials say they try to choose names that will not offend anyone.