

    CHAPTER 1 What Is XPCOM?

    This is a book about XPCOM. The book is written in the form of a tutorial about creating XPCOM components, but it covers all major aspects, concepts, and terminology of the XPCOM component model along the way.

    This chapter starts with a quick tour of XPCOM-an introduction to the basic concepts and technologies in XPCOM and component development. The brief sections in this chapter introduce the concepts at a very high-level, so that we can discuss and use them with more familiarity in the tutorial itself, which describes the creation of a Mozilla component called WebLock.

  • "The XPCOM Solution"
  • "Components"
  • "Interfaces"
  • "Factories"
  • "XPCOM Services"

    第一章 什么是xpcom
  •     xpcom解决方案
  •     组件
  •     借口
  •     工厂模式
  •     xpcom服务

    The XPCOM Solution

    The Cross Platform Component Object Module (XPCOM) is a framework which allows developers to break up monolitic software projects into smaller modularized pieces. These pieces, known as components, are then assembled back together at runtime.

    The goal of XPCOM is to allow different pieces of software to be developed and built independently of one another. In order to allow interoperability between components within an application, XPCOM separates the implementation of a component from the interface, which we discuss in the "Interfaces" section. But XPCOM also provides several tools and libraries that enable the loading and manipulation of these components, services that help the developer write modular cross-platform code, and versioning support, so that components can be replaced or upgraded without breaking or having to recreate the application. Using XPCOM, developers create components that can be reused in different applications or that can be replaced to change the functionality of existing applications.


    XPCOM not only supports component software development, it also provides much of the functionality that a development platform provides, such as:

  • component management
  • file abstraction
  • object message passing
  • memory management

    We will discuss the above items in detail in the coming chapters, but for now, it can be useful to think of XPCOM as a platform for component development, in which features such as those listed above are provided.



  •     组件控制
  •     文件抽象
  •     对象间信息传送
  •     内存控制



    Although it is in some ways structurally similar to Microsoft COM, XPCOM is designed to be used principally at the application level. The most important use of XPCOM is within Gecko, an open source, standards compliant, embeddable web browser and toolkit for creating web browsers and other applications.


    XPCOM is the means of accessing Gecko library functionality and embedding or extending Gecko. This book focuses on the latter-extending Gecko-but the fundamental ideas in the book will be important to developers embedding Gecko as well.


    Gecko is used in many internet applications, mostly browsers. The list includes devices such as the Gateway/AOL Instant AOL device and the Nokia Media Terminal. Gecko is also used in the latest Compuserve client, AOL for Mac OS X, Netscape 7, and of course the Mozilla client. At this time, Gecko is the predominant open source web browser.



    xpcom是访问Gecko library提供的功能、使用嵌入的Gecko或者扩展Gecko(所要采用的)方法和手段。虽然这本书的焦点在于后边的所讲述的扩展Gecko上,但是
    Gecko用在了很多网络程序、大部分的浏览器上。这个(应用)列表包含了像Gateway/AOL Instant AOL、Nokia Media Terminal这样的设备。Gecko也被用在了最新的信息服务客户端,Mac OS X AOL、Netscpe 7当然也包括Mozilla客户端上。在现在找个时候,Gecko是最具优势的开源web浏览器。


    XPCOM allows you to build a system in which large software projects can be broken up into smaller pieces. These pieces, known as components, are usually delivered in small, reusable binary libraries (a DLL on Windows, for example, or a DSO on Unix), which can include one or more components. When there are two or more related components together in a binary library, the library is referred to as a module.

    Breaking software into different components can help make it less difficult to develop and maintain. Beyond this, modular, component-based programming has some well-known advantages, as Table 1 describes:

TABLE 1. Benefits from Modular Code
Benefit Description
Reuse Modular code can be reused in other applications and other contexts
Updates You can update components without having to recompile the whole application
Performance When code is modularized, modules that are not necessary right away can be "lazy loaded", or not loaded at all, which can improve the performance of your application.
Maintenance Even when you are not updating a component, designing your appication in a modular way can make it easier for you to find and maintain the parts of the application that you are interested in.

    Mozilla has over four million lines of code, and no single individual understands the entire codebase. The best way to tackle a project of this size is to divide it into smaller, more managable pieces, use a component programming model, and to organize related sets of components into modules. The network library, for example, consists of components for each of the protocols, HTTP, FTP, and others, which are bundled together and linked into a single library. This library is the networking module, also known as "necko."

    But it's not always a good idea to divide things up. There are some things in the world that just go together, and others that shouldn't be apart. For example, one author's son will not eat a peanutbutter sandwich if there isn't jam on it, because in his world, peanut butter and jam form an indelible union. Some software is the same. In areas of code that are tightly-coupled-in classes that are only used internally, for example-the expensive work to divide things may not be worth the effort.


    The HTTP component in Gecko doesn't expose private classes it uses as separate components. The "stuff" that's internal to the component stays internal, and isn't exposed to XPCOM. In the haste of early Mozilla development, components were created where they were inappropriate, but there's been an ongoing effort to remove XPCOM from places like this.




TABLE 1. 模块化代码的优点
Benefit Description
Reuse 模块化的代码可以在其他的程序和环境中重用
Updates 你不用重新编译程序就能更新组件




    不过把东西分开并不总是一个好主意。世界上有就应该一块走的东西,其他(各个?)部分不能被分开。举例来说,笔者的一个儿子不会吃没有果酱的花生黄油三明治,这是应为在他的世界里,花生 黄油 果酱形成了一个不可分割的整体。有些软件也是一样。

