Some Practical Oral English come from 《The Big Bang》

  1. very old school  很老套
  2. snap 小事一柱
  3. infatuation 迷恋
  4. pepper spray 防狼喷雾
  5. go after so my own speed 追求符合我这个层次的人
  6. shave one's legs 刮腿毛
  7. self-taught expert  无师自通
  8. quibble over sth 在某事上纠结
  9. get one's eye on sb  看上某人
  10. perspire  出汗
  11. pottery 陶艺
  12. haven't quite bounced back 还没有恢复过来
  13. just a few more feet 近在眼前了
  14. don't panic 沉住气
  15. stay frosty 站着别动
  16. Lock and load 各就各位
  17. He's kind of dreamy 他是有点帅
  18. I don't think you have a shot there.  我觉得你没戏
  19. Or through inaction allowed a human being to come to harm?  或者看到人类受伤而袖手旁观
  20. Internet's been down for half an hour. 已经断网半个小时了
  21. It's not carved in stone 没刻在石头上(暗指某事可以变更)
  22. This thing is going the distance 事情就这么水到渠成了
  23. I'm sure things will pick up. 这事情肯定会被搞定的
