
Report Writer Syntax(Report Writer 语法)
Report Delimiters(分隔规则)
    The < or {} delimiters are required for Report Writer commands. If you do not use a delimiter, Report Writer assumes that the command name is a member name.
    {} 对格式化命令进行封装.
    < 置于对象前.
Syntax Guidelines(语法指导)
    Separate commands with at least one space, tab, or new line. Report processing is not affected by extra blank lines, spaces, or tabs.

    Enter commands in either upper or lowercase. Commands are not case sensitive. If the Database Outline is case-sensitive, then the member names used in the report script must match the outline.
    To start report processing, enter the ! report output command (exclamation point or "bang"), or one or more consecutive numeric values. You can place one or more report scripts, each terminated by its own ! command, in the same report file.

    You can group more than one format command within a single set of curly braces. For example, these formats are synonyms:
      {UDATA SKIP}
      {UDATA} {SKIP}

    Enclose member names that contain spaces or the member name "Default" in double quotes; for example, "Cost of Goods Sold" "Default".

    If a formatting command is preceded by three or more of the characters "=," "-," and "_," the Report Extractor assumes that the characters are extraneous underline characters and ignores them. For example, ==={SKIP 1}

    Use // (double slash) to indicate a comment. Everything on the line following a comment is ignored by the Report Writer. Each line of a comment must start with a double slash.
Referencing Static Members(静态成员)(**********)


Report Writer Command Groups(命令分类)
Report Layout Commands(展示页面元素)(**********)
    A report layout is composed of items that make up the columns and rows of a page. Report layout commands provide column, page, and row layout, and include two commands that override the default method for interpreting column dimension member lists. Report Writer provides the following page layout commands:
Data Range Commands(数据展示命令)
    Data range commands restrict the range of data selected for your reports. Report Writer provides the following data range commands:
Data Ordering Commands(数据排序命令)
    Data ordering commands order data in your reports. Report Writer provides the following ordering commands:
Member Selection and Sorting Commands(数据选择与装载命令)(**********)
    Member selection commands enhance your selection options using member relationships based on the database outline. The Report Writer provides the following selection and sorting commands:
 <CHILDREN (子成员)  <LATEST (最近)   <SORTLEVEL (选择层)
 <CURRENCY (当前)  <LINK (连接)   <SORTMBRNAMES (选择成员名)
 <DIMTOP (最高维)  <PARENT (双亲)
Format Commands(格式化命令)

Column or Row Calculation Commands(行,列计算命令)(**********)
    These commands perform column and row calculations that let you create extra columns or rows in a report (not defined as part of the database outline) based on selected data members. Enclose all calculation commands and their arguments in curly { } braces.
Member Names and Aliases(成员名与别名)
    These commands allow you to set aliases or alternate names that can make reports easier to read and help your reader focus on the data values rather than the meanings of member (page, column, and row) names.
 <OUTMBRALT (输出成名为)
 <OUTALTMBR (输出成员名改为)
 <OUTALT (输出更改)
 <OUTALTNAMES (输出更改名字)


命令: SYM
描述: <SYM
 The SYM command forces a symmetric report, regardless of the data selection. Use SYM  to change the symmetry of a report that Hyperion Essbase would create as an  asymmetric report.
描述: The WIDTH command specifies the width of columns in a report.
用法: {WIDTH}
示例: <PAGE (Measures, Market)
 Illinois Sales
 {WIDTH 7}
 {WIDTH 20 0}
      <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
      Actual Budget Scenario
      Jan Feb Mar
描述: The RENAME command renames a member within the report.
语法: {RENAME "newMbrName"} mbrName
示例: { RENAME "Revenue" } Sales
 { RENAME "Cost of Goods" } Cost_of_Goods_Sold
 { RENAME "Gross Margin" } Margin
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------命令: SKIP
描述: The SKIP command skips one or more lines in the output report.
 This command outputs a number of blank lines in the report or a single line if n is omitted from the command.
语法: {SKIP n}
示例: {SKIP 2} //输出两个空白行
描述: The ICHILDREN command selects the specified member and all members in the level immediately below it.
 This command selects a member and its children, as defined in the Database Outline. <
语法: <ICHILDREN mbrName
示例: <ICHILDREN Year  //选择Qtr1,Qtr2,Qtr3,Qtr4,Year
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------命令: OUTMBRALT
描述: The OUTMBRALT command sets the output name to the Database Outline member name followed by the Outline alias, as   defined in the current alias table.
描述: The OUTALTNAMES command displays alias names for members in a report.
描述: The <ATTRIBUTE command returns all base-dimension members that are associated with a specified attribute.
语法: <ATTRIBUTE attMbrName
示例: <ATTRIBUTE dycy jgzd //dycy与jgzd是两个属性维
命令: {BEFORE}
描述: The BEFORE command displays a character string before the data columns in the report.
     Quotes without a character string clear the text displayed before data columns. For example, { BEFORE "" } turns  off previously issued BEFORE commands.
语法: {BEFORE "char" [columnlist]}
示例: <PAGE Market, Accounts, Scenario)
 Chicago Sales Actual
  <COLUMN  Year)
 <ROW (Product)
 { BEFORE "$" }
描述: The IDESCENDANTS command adds the specified member and its descendants to the report.
     Adding the descendants of the top of the dimension adds all the members in the dimension to the report, including  the dimension top.
语法: <IDESCENDANT mbrName
命令: <MATCH
描述: 通配符
语法: <MATCH ("Member"|"Gen"|"Level","Pattern")
示例: <MATCH(YEAR,J*)  //选择J开头的维成员
描述: 控制行宽
示例: {NAMEWIDTH 10}
命令: {SCALE}
描述: 把数据相乘
语法: { SCALE factor [ columnList ] }
示例: {SCALE 2} //把所显示的数据在数据源的基础上乘以2
描述: 条件语句
语法: <WITHATTR(dimName,"operator",value)
示例: <WITHARRT(Population,">=","100000") //大于100000 
