一起学习php:Ubuntu如何安装Zend Server CE ( 1 )


而今Zend公司出品了Zend Server(其免费版叫做Zend Server CE),内部集成了Apache、PHP、Java Bridge、Zend Optimizer、Zend Guard Loader(使能够运行使用Zend Guard加密的PHP程序)、Zend Data Cache、Zend Debugger、Zend Framework等,安装时还可以选择安装phpmyadmin、mysql等,还可以使用它提供的管理工具(WEB形式的)来配置PHP,省得手工配置了。

安装时可以选择使用内置的Apache,或者使用现有的IIS,都是使用FastCGI方式来使用PHP。Zend Server同样有Linux版本。

有了Zend Server (CE),以后安装配置PHP环境就方便多了,不用再自己安装配置Zend Optimizer、Zend Framework等东西了,尤其是内置了Java Bridge,这样就可以方便地在PHP中使用Java类了,十分地方便。

Zend Server CE for Linux 的版本提供了DEB和rpm包的安装,这样就能快速的安装,而不需要去编译源码.



好了.下边是Zend Server CE for deb安装的介绍.


This procedure requires root privileges.
To acquire root privileges in Ubuntu, run the following command and type your password:
$ sudo -s.

Automatically Installing Zend Server Community Edition
The following procedure describes how to run a script that will automatically create your DEB or RPM repositories and install Zend Server.

Download the package called "Linux x86 Installer (RPM/DEB Setup Script)" from zend.com - http://www.zend.com/products/server-ce/downloads

Locate and extract the package:

To change to the directory with the installer scripts run:
cd ZendServer-RepositoryInstaller-linux/

Depending on the PHP version, you want to use, run one of the following commands:

For Zend Server Community Edition with PHP 5.2 Support run:
install_zs.sh 5.2 ce

For Zend Server Community Edition with PHP 5.3 Support run:
install_zs.sh 5.3 ce
After installing, a completion notification will appear, with a notice that the servers have started.

To access the Administration Interface (Web) open your browser at: https://localhost:10082/ZendServer (secure) or http://localhost:10081/ZendServer.

Upon initial log in, you will be prompted to define your password.

Manually Installing Zend Server Community Edition
To install Zend Server Community Edition, the first thing you have to do is to setup the repository for downloading the Zend Server Community Edition package.

To setup the environment:

1.Define a repository by opening the following file: /etc/apt/sources.list and adding the line:

deb http://repos.zend.com/zend-server/deb server non-free

3. Add Zend's repository public key by running:

# wget http://repos.zend.com/zend.key -O- |apt-key add -

If you are using sudo to run each command the next command requires using sudo following the '|' (pipe) symbol as follows:

# wget http://repos.zend.com/zend.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -

4.To synchronize with Zend's repository run:

# aptitude update
Now you can use "aptitude" to handle the installations, upgrades and additional packages.
To install:

1.Once the repository is set up, run the appropriate command according to the product version and PHP support you require:

To install Zend Server Community Edition with PHP 5.2 run:

# aptitude install zend-server-ce-php-5.2

To install Zend Server Community Edition with PHP 5.3 run:

# aptitude install zend-server-ce-php-5.3

2.Each package locates and downloads all relevant packages from the web.
The actual installation will require your conformation.
After installing, a completion notification will appear, with a notice that the servers have started.

To access the Administration Interface (Web) open your browser at: https://localhost:10082/ZendServer (secure) or http://localhost:10081/ZendServer.

Upon initial log in, you will be prompted to define your password.

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