codesmith 自动生成nhibernate



       1、先安装codesmith 6.5装完以后运行破解安装工具。

       2、下载模版 ,把nhibernate的模版下下来。



    codesmith 自动生成nhibernate_第1张图片

二(1)、点击QuickStart.cst  ,开始配置数据源等 新建一个工程。

       1、双击图标或者右击点击execute 都可以弹出配置:数据源需要自己配一下

       codesmith 自动生成nhibernate_第2张图片


codesmith 自动生成nhibernate_第3张图片

Database=edu;Data Source=localhost;UserId=root;Password=;

codesmith 自动生成nhibernate_第4张图片




二(2)、 添加已有的解决方案下面去,直接拷贝不写了。



Manual Configuration

Add PLINQO to a pre-existing project.

Step 1: Open a Visual Studio Project

Either create a new project, or open the project that you want to add your NHibernate files to.

Step 2: Add a new CodeSmith Project (CSP) to your project.

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio.
  2. Right click on your project in Solution Explorer and add a "New Item"
  3. Under "Visual Studio C# Items", and add a "Generator Project"

Step 3: Configurate your CSP for PLINQO for NHibernate

  1. Right click on the CSP and "Manage Outputs"
  2. Add Output, select Hbms.cst, and fill in the 2 required properties
  3. Add Output, select Entities.cst, and fill in the 2 required properties
  4. Add Output, select Queries.cst, and fill in the 1 required property

Step 4: Add a connection string to your App or Web config

  1. Name the connection string "nhiberante" or the name of your database

Step 5: Generate Outputs

  1. Right click on your CSP and Generate Outputs.
  2. Compile.
  3. Enjoy!

