An interview examination of AC company for Unix programmer?

Those stuff are the questions testing for Unix/Linux grogrammer. I have little experience on UNIX, who can figure out the anwsers? I recited those questions because I thought I should not waste the chance for studying new skills. Also, I can find out some results of those. Meanwhile, you can guess the company's name!

1、  which command can be used to show information about your current UNIX/LINUX system?(for example: platform, hardware name, OS name, release level, kernel version)

2、  please give the command line to check whether the process “portmap” is running or not.

3、  How to archive several files into one archive file, and also How to extract them back?please give the command and the parameters needed to perform the above two operations.

4、  In UNIX/LINUX system, how to share a system environment variable to all users even after a reboot.

5、  How to search all files on your UNIX/LINUX machine which name contain “conf”?

6、  Which command will you use to check the free disk space of volume “/opt”?

7、  What is Big Endian and what is little-Endian?

8、  What “VI”, how can I specify that only compile a program but not link it?

9、  Using “VI” editor, please tell out the meaning of following vi command “P”, “X”, “n”, “w”?

10、              What’s the meaning of $? $0, $$,$*, in shell script?

11、              Which command you use to see the IP address on your UNIX/LINUX machine? Which command to see the route table.

12、              用什么名录检查端口被占据了?

13、              Forc()Exec()的区别?

14、              以下函数的功能是什么?htons()/ntohs()/htonl()/ntohl();

15、              please write the command that list’s all the files which filename save not begin with character, a-o under currently directory(用正则表达式)

16、              怎样解决如下错误。

Error 328: “USBPort.cpp” line 116#  Fundation ‘frec’ has not been define yet; cannot call frec((char*) (pdictionname));

17、              In a Linux shell script, how to catch the keyboard event “Ctrl+C”, and call the processing function “InterruptProcess()”?

18、              How to redirect both standard output and standard error to /root/output.log ?

19、              You want to know wether a package “hinutils” is installed or not, please write the command you will use for the following 4 platforms . Linux;Solarix;HP;AIX;

20、              How to enable debug mode in shell script?

21、              If a binary gives out a core dump, how to determine which binary caused the core error?

22、              Which one should be called when to quit a child process, exit() or _exit() and why?

24In a program, how to ignore the child process termination signal?

25What’s the output of the following code: what is wrong with this C++ code to do swapo value of two variable?please fix it:

#include <iostream.h>

void swap(int, int);

void main(void)


        int a = 5, b = 10

    swap(a, b);

    cout << “A=” << a << endl;

cout << “B=” << b << endl;


void swap(int a,  int b)


        int temp = a;

    a = b;

    b = temp;


26what is difference of Inline and the MACRO?

    #define my(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) & ( (TYPE *) 0)-> MEMBER)

27please describe what method you will use to debug a daemon processor a child process (Using “gdb” for instance)?

28、用C,将多字节字符复制到buffer character中,不要一个字节一个字节的复制,要一个字符一个字符的。

29、#define ToUppera ((a)>=’a’ && ((a)<=’z’)? ((a)-(‘a’-‘A’)) : (a)); 修改之。

30please write a program that create a child process and wait till child process printing out hell message.

31How to list/remove the active IPC objects(Messagesm semaphores, share memory) in current system using shell command and how to remove the IPC object using UNIX C functions.


   a: 使用以上函数写出一个程序

   b: 画一个流程图或写一些伪代码来说明你的意图。

33、写一个样例程序,父进程用一个管道写了一个”hello world”,子进程从这个管道读取” hello world”


35in a socket server, how can I listen to more than one port,同时?


   a: 再定义文件中,你通常要写入什么内容

   b: 产生 stub文件,你将使用何种工具?

   c: 创建完stub后,which stub files get generated?

37、写一个Makefile 文件,满足一下条件

38Draw a program a flowchart or write pseudo codes include all steps needed to create daemonand explain the meaning of your steps.



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