如果转载,请标明出处。谢谢!1、http://www.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/vid/(此网站已经移走,正在寻找。) CIF: Akiyo、Bridge (far) 、Bridge (close) 、Bus 、Container 、Coastguard 、Flower 、Football 、Foreman 、Hall 、Highway 、Mobile & Calendar 、Mother & Daughter 、News 、Paris 、Silent 、Stefan 、Tempete 、Waterfall QICF:Akiyo 、Bridge (far) 、Bridge (close) 、Carphone 、Claire、Coastguard 、Container 、Foreman 、Grandma 、Highway 、Mobile & Calendar 、Mother & Daughter 、News 、Salesman 、Silent
2、http://www.cipr.rpi.edu/resource/sequences/ (有D1尺寸)4、http://media.xiph.org/video/derf/(有SIF尺寸,有高清序列)5、http://ftp3.itu.ch/av-arch/video-site/ (这个是VCEG文档的下载地址)6、ftp://ftp.ldv.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de/pub/test_sequences/ 可以通过命令行ftp命令登陆 1080i 1080p 601 720p7. http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~garciav/goodies_images.php(修正地址)8、ftp://vqeg.its.bldrdoc.gov/MM9、ftp://ftp.crc.ca/crc/vqeg/TestSequences(现需要用户名和密码)10、ftp://ftp.tnt.uni-hannover.de/pub/svc/testsequences/ 最重要,JSVM参考手册上给出的地址 BUS_176x144_7.5_orig_01_yuv.zip、 BUS_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip、 BUS_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip、 CITY_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip CITY_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip CITY_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip CITY_704x576_30_orig_01_yuv.zip CITY_704x576_60_orig_01_yuv.zip CREW_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip CREW_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip CREW_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip CREW_704x576_30_orig_01_yuv.zip CREW_704x576_60_orig_01_yuv.zip FOOTBALL_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip FOOTBALL_176x144_7.5_orig_01_yuv.zip FOOTBALL_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip FOOTBALL_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip FOREMAN_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip FOREMAN_176x144_7.5_orig_01_yuv.zip FOREMAN_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip FOREMAN_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip HARBOUR_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip HARBOUR_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip HARBOUR_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip HARBOUR_704x576_30_orig_01_yuv.zip HARBOUR_704x576_60_orig_01_yuv.zip ICE_176x144_15_orig_02_yuv.zip CE_352x288_15_orig_02_yuv.zip ICE_352x288_30_orig_02_yuv.zip ICE_704x576_30_orig_02_yuv.zip ICE_74x576_60_orig_02_yuv.zip MOBILE_176x144_15_orig_01_yuv.zip MOBILE_176x144_7.5_orig_01_yuv.zip MOBILE_352x288_15_orig_01_yuv.zip MOBILE_352x288_30_orig_01_yuv.zip SOCCER_176x144_15_orig_02_yuv.zip SOCCER_352x288_15_orig_02_yuv.zip SOCCER_352x288_30_orig_02_yuv.zip SOCCER_704x576_30_orig_02_yuv.zip SOCCER_704x576_60_orig_02_yuv.zip
walk_pal | 720x576 | 25 | 0:15 | 376 | 4:2:0 YUV | No | walk_pal.yuv | 123.0 |
walk_vga | 640x480 | 25 | 0:15 | 376 | 4:2:0 YUV | No | walk_vga.yuv | 99.4 |
walk_cif | 352x288 | 25 | 0:15 | 376 | 4:2:0 YUV | No | walk_cif.yuv | 35.2 |
walk_qcif | 176x144 | 25 | 0:15 | 376 | 4:2:0 YUV | No | walk_qcif.yuv | 9.85 |
ralli_4K | 4096x2160 | 30 | 0:10 | 300 | 4:2:0 YUV | No | ralli_4096x2160_30fps_10s.yuv | 1522.61 |
Data Set |
Sequences |
Image Property |
Camera Arrangement |
Nagoya |
Pantomime |
1280x960, 30fps, 300 frames |
80 cameras with 5cm spacing |
Champagne_tower |
1280x960, 30fps, 300 frames |
80 cameras with 5cm spacing |
Dog |
1280x960, 30fps, 300 frames |
80 cameras with 5cm spacing |
Book Arrival |
1024x768, 16,67fps, 300 frames |
16 cameras with 6,5cm spacing |
Leaving Laptop |
1024x768, 16,67fps, 300 frames |
16 cameras with 6,5cm spacing |
Door Flowers |
1024x768, 16,67fps, 300 frames |
16 cameras with 6,5cm spacing |
Alt Moabit |
1024x768, 16,67fps, 300 frames |
16 cameras with 6,5cm spacing |
ETRI / MPEG Korea Forum |
Lovebird1 |
1024x768, 30fps, 300 frames |
12 cameras with 3,5cm spacing |
Lovebird2 |
1024x768, 30fps, 600 frames |
12 cameras with 3,5cm spacing |
Newspaper |
1280x960, 30fps, 300 frames |
9 cameras with 5cm spacing |
Delivery |
1920x1080, 30fps, ??? frames |
5 cameras with 20cm spacing |
Philips |
Mobile |
1280x960, 30fps, 200 frames |
3 cameras with 5cm spacing |
Beergarden |
1920x1080, 25fps, 150 frames |
2 cameras with ??cm spacing |
MVC 视频序列下载地址 MERL ftp://ftp.merl.com/pub/avetro/mvc-testseq HHI https://www.3dtv-research.org/3dav_CfP_FhG_HHI/ KDDI ftp://ftp.ne.jp/KDDI/multiview Microsoft Research ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/users/sbkang/ Tanimoto Lab:http://www.tanimoto.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ usr: mpegguest pwd: ftvdata 还有一个很不错的软件,功能很全。名字是YUVTools。 下载地址:www.sunrayimage.com 不过遗憾的是试用版。正式版要99美元。太贵了。 3D Video Coding 这些序列中只有部分序列由HHI提供的可以获得。在ftp.hhi.de上可以找到。其他的序列只能联系各个提供者。详细的介绍,可以去http://sp.cs.tut.fi/mobile3dtv/stereo-video/看。这个网址包含很多其他的序列。