

#include "internal.h"

#include "accountopt.h"
#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "dnsquery.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "privacy.h"
#include "prpl.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "xmlnode.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "imgstore.h"
#include "sslconn.h"

#include "sipmsg.h"
#include "dnssrv.h"
#include "ntlm.h"

#include "sipmsg.h"
#include "f_chat.h"

void SendInvite_cb(struct fetion_account_data *sip, struct sipmsg *msg, struct transaction *tc)
 const gchar *to;
 gchar *fullto;

 to = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"T"); 
 fullto = g_strdup_printf("T: %s/r/n",to);



void SendInvite(struct fetion_account_data *sip,const gchar *who)
 gchar *body,*hdr,*fullto;
 const gchar *my_ip;
 gint my_port;
 struct fetion_buddy * buddy = NULL;
 if(strncmp("sip:", who, 4)==0)
  fullto = g_strdup_printf("T: %s/r/n", who);
 buddy = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->buddies,who);
 my_ip = purple_network_get_my_ip(sip->fd);
 my_port = purple_network_get_port_from_fd(sip->fd);
 hdr = g_strdup_printf("K: text/html-fragment/r/n"
   "K: multiparty/r/n"); 
 body = g_strdup_printf("v=0/r/n"
   "o=-0 0 IN %s:%d/r/n"
   "c=IN IP4 %s:%d/r/n"
   "t=0 0/r/n"
   "m=message %d sip %s/r/n",

 send_sip_request(sip->gc,"I","",fullto,hdr,body,buddy->dialog,(TransCallback) SendInvite_cb);

void process_incoming_invite(struct fetion_account_data *sip,struct sipmsg *msg)
 const gchar * to,*callid; 
 gchar * body;
 const gchar *my_ip;
 gint my_port;
 struct group_chat *g_chat;
 struct fetion_buddy * buddy =NULL;
 my_ip = purple_network_get_my_ip(sip->fd);
 my_port = purple_network_get_port_from_fd(sip->fd);
 body = g_strdup_printf("v=0/r/n"
   "o=-0 0 IN %s:%d/r/n"
   "c=IN IP4 %s:%d/r/n"
   "t=0 0/r/n"
   "m=message %d sip %s/r/n",


 callid = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"I");
 to = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"F");
  buddy = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->buddies,to);
   buddy = g_new0(struct fetion_buddy, 1);
   buddy->name = g_strdup(to);
   g_hash_table_insert(sip->buddies, buddy->name, buddy);
   buddy->dialog = g_new0(struct sip_dialog,1);
  buddy->dialog->callid = g_strdup(callid);
  g_chat = g_new0(struct group_chat,1);
  g_chat->chatid = sip->tg++;
  g_chat->callid = g_strdup(callid); 
  g_chat->groupname = g_strdup(to);
  g_hash_table_insert(sip->tempgroup, g_chat->groupname, g_chat);
  serv_got_joined_chat(sip->gc,g_chat->chatid,"Fetion Chat");

void fetion_send_message(struct fetion_account_data *sip, const gchar *to, const gchar *msg, const gchar *type)
 gchar *hdr;
 gchar *fullto;
 gint  self_flag,sms_flag;
 struct fetion_buddy * buddy =NULL;
 PurplePresence *presence;
 PurpleBuddy *b;

 self_flag = 0;
 sms_flag = 0;
 buddy = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->buddies,to);
  buddy = g_new0(struct fetion_buddy, 1);
  buddy->name = g_strdup(to);
  g_hash_table_insert(sip->buddies, buddy->name, buddy);

  b = purple_find_buddy(sip->account,to);
  presence = purple_buddy_get_presence(b);
   buddy->dialog = g_new0(struct sip_dialog,1);
   buddy->dialog->callid = gencallid();
  // if(purple_presence_is_online(presence))
   if(!purple_presence_is_status_primitive_active(presence, PURPLE_STATUS_MOBILE))
  if(!purple_presence_is_status_primitive_active(presence, PURPLE_STATUS_MOBILE))
   sms_flag = 0;
   sms_flag = 1;

  self_flag = 1;


 if((sms_flag == 0) &&(self_flag!=1) &&(strncmp("sip:", to, 4)==0))
  fullto = g_strdup_printf("T: %s/r/n", to);
  fullto = g_strdup_printf("T: %s/r/nN: SendSMS/r/n", to);

 purple_debug_info("fetion:sending ","to:[%s] msg:[%s]/n",to,msg);
  hdr = g_strdup_printf("C: %s/r/n", type);
  hdr = g_strdup("C: text/plain/r/n");


 send_sip_request(sip->gc, "M", NULL, fullto, hdr, msg, buddy->dialog, NULL);

void process_incoming_message(struct fetion_account_data *sip, struct sipmsg *msg)
 const gchar * from;
 struct group_chat *g_chat=NULL;
 const gchar *contenttype;
 gboolean found = FALSE;

 from = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"F");
 if(!from) return;

 purple_debug(PURPLE_DEBUG_MISC, "fetion", "got message from %s: %s/n", from, msg->body);

 contenttype = sipmsg_find_header(msg, "C");
 if(!contenttype || !strncmp(contenttype, "text/plain", 10) || !strncmp(contenttype, "text/html-fragment", 18))
   g_chat = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->tempgroup,from);
   from = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"SO");
   serv_got_im(sip->gc, from, msg->body, 0, time(NULL));
  send_sip_response(sip->gc, msg, 200, "OK", NULL);
  found = TRUE;

  purple_debug_info("fetion", "got unknown mime-type/n");
  send_sip_response(sip->gc, msg, 415, "Unsupported media type", NULL);
