JDJ(Java Developer's Journal)杂志在Java开发界长期以来享有盛誉。它每年一度的读者选择奖也有较大的权威性。9月30日,2007年度的JDJ读者选择奖揭晓。
其中,在颇受瞩目的图书一项,历久弥新的Thinking in Java第4版(中文版《Java编程思想》,机械工业出版社)再次荣获大奖。另有三本图书荣获优胜奖,它们是:
1) Design Patterns in Java by Steven John Metsker and William C. Wake, Pearson Education - Addison-Wesley
中译版《Java设计模式》 ,人民邮电出版社
2) Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse by Anil Hemrajani, Pearson Education, Inc.
3) Java EE 5 Tutorial, 3rd Edition by Eric Jendrock, Jennifer Ball, Debbie Carson, Ian Evans, Scott Fordin, and Kim Haase, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
其他软件工具和产品类的奖项中,Eclipse成了最大赢家,拿下最佳应用程序、最佳Java类库(SWT)、最佳Java IDE、最佳Java开源产品(胜过了Spring和NetBeans)、最具创新性Java产品等大奖。Eclipse的插件MyEclipse也收获颇丰。值得注意的,还有Flex获得了最佳RIA工具奖, IntelliJ IDEA 6.0 with Team City 1.0获得了最佳团队开发工具奖。而Sun只获得了最佳Java虚拟机、最佳Java Web服务工具。
最佳Java文章是:"An Introduction to the Java EE 5 Platform" by John Stearns, Roberto Chinnici, and Sahoo, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
1) "The Java Persistence API - A Simpler Programming Model for Entity Persistence" by Rahul Biswas and Ed Ort, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2) "Implementing Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) with the Java EE 5 SDK" by Gopalan Suresh Raj, Binod P.G., Keith Babo, and Rick Palkovic, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
3) "GUI Building in NetBeans IDE" contributed by Talley Mulligan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.