What does a ScrumMaster do?

What does a ScrumMaster do?

Dr. German Sakaryan CSP, CSM

As a ScrumMaster, I was asked this question many times. Sometimes I had enough time to explain, sometimes not. But every time it was challenging to provide a clear picture of what a ScrumMaster really does.

To help myself and other ScrumMasters, I have started to write down general activities, which characterize the role of the ScrumMaster (see below).

The priority of activities varies by company.

  1. Keeps Scrum process running
  2. Ensures a proper power balance between PO, Team, Management
  3. Protects the Team
  4. Moderates in the Team
  5. Helps to organize (e.g., Meetings)
  6. Helps to keep the Team focused on the current Sprint
  7. Helps to achieve Sprint goals
  8. Works with PO
  9. Educates PO, Team, Management and Organization
  10. Solves impediments
  11. Encourages and helps to achieve transparency
  12. Strives to develop a Team into a High Performance Team
  13. Encourages and protects self-organization
  14. Educates and focuses a Team toward business-driven development
  15. Supports Team building and Team development by utilizing the abilities and skills of individuals, and fostering a Feedback culture
  16. Helps to self-help
  17. Ensures and supports Empowerment of the Team
  18. Addresses needs efficiently and effectively
  19. Detects hidden problems and strives to solve them
  20. Helps Team to learn from its experiences

Hints for management:

ScrumMaster is a very challenging job. If you are hiring someone for the position, consider which skills the ideal candidate would have.

In my opinion, the job profile is strongly oriented towards leadership and soft skills including moderation, facilitation, presentation, communication and conflict management, and less technically-oriented.




   1. Keeps Scrum process running——确保团队按照Scrum框架前进
   2. Ensures a proper power balance between PO, Team, Management——协调PO、团队和管理层之间的关系
   3. Protects the Team——保护开发团队不受干扰
   4. Moderates in the TePOST http://blog.csdn.net/whaway/services/MetaBlo />   5. Helps to organize (e.g., Meetings)——帮助组织会议(计划会、站会、反思会)、FB活动等
   6. Helps to keep the Team focused on the current Sprint——帮助团队专注于当前Sprint
   7. Helps to achieve Sprint goals——帮助团队达成Sprint目标
   8. Works with PO——与PO一起工作
   9. Educates PO, Team, Management and Organization——对PO、团队、管理层乃至整个组织传播敏捷理念
  10. Solves impediments——消除障碍(Scrumworks任务有这一状态)
  11. Encourages and helps to achieve transparency——增加团队透明度,进度对PO、团队保持持续可视
  12. Strives to develop a Team into a High Performance Team——努力提高团队绩效
  13. Encourages and protects self-organization——鼓励和保护团队自组织
  14. Educates and focuses a Team toward business-driven development——引导团队开发面向用户价值
  15. Supports Team building and Team development by utilizing the abilities and skills of individuals, and fostering a Feedback culture——关注每一位团队成员的技能提升,培养及时反馈的工作氛围
  16. Helps to self-help——注重自我技能提升
  17. Ensures and supports Empowerment of the Team——对团队成员充分授权
  18. Addresses needs efficiently and effectively——及时为团队争取帮助
  19. Detects hidden problems and strives to solve them——发现潜在问题并努力解决之
  20. Helps Team to learn from its experiences——帮助团队持续改进,同样的错误不允许犯第二次
