
  * @fileoverview This file is to be used for testing the JSDoc parser
  * It is not intended to be an example of good JavaScript OO-programming,
  * nor is it intended to fulfill any specific purpose apart from
  * demonstrating the functionality of the
  * <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsdoc'>JSDoc</a> parser
  * @author Gabriel Reid [email protected]
  * @version 0.1
  * Construct a new Shape object.
  * @class This is the basic Shape class.
  * It can be considered an abstract class, even though no such thing
  * really existing in JavaScript
  * @constructor
  * @throws MemoryException if there is no more memory
  * @throws GeneralShapeException rarely (if ever)
  * @return {Shape|Coordinate} A new shape.
function Shape(){
     * This is an example of a function that is not given as a property
     * of a prototype, but instead it is assigned within a constructor.
     * For inner functions like this to be picked up by the parser, the
     * function that acts as a constructor <b>must</b> be denoted with
     * the <b>&#64;constructor</b> tag in its comment.
     * @type String
    this .getClassName = function (){
       return "Shape" ;
     * This is an inner method, just used here as an example
     * @since version 0.5
     * @author Sue Smart
    function addReference(){
        // Do nothing...
  * Create a new Hexagon instance.
  * @extends Shape
  * @class Hexagon is a class that is a <i>logical</i> sublcass of
  * {@link Shape} (thanks to the <code>&#64;extends</code> tag), but in
  * reality it is completely unrelated to Shape.
  * @param {int} sideLength The length of one side for the new Hexagon
  * @example
  * var h = new Hexagon(2);
  * @example
  * if (hasHex) {
  *     hex   = new Hexagon(5);
  *     color = hex.getColor();
  * }
function Hexagon(sideLength) {
  * This is an unattached (static) function that adds two integers together.
  * @param {int} One The first number to add
  * @param {int} Two The second number to add
  * @author Gabriel Reid
  * @deprecated So you shouldn't use it anymore! Use {@link Shape#getClassName} instead.
function Add(One, Two){
     return One + Two;
  * The color of this shape
  * @type Color
Shape.prototype.color = null ;
  * The border of this shape.
  * @field
  * @type int
Shape.prototype.border = function (){ return border;};
  * These are all the instance method implementations for Shape
  * Get the coordinates of this shape. It is assumed that we're always talking
  * about shapes in a 2D location here.
  * @requires The {@link Shape} class
  * @returns A Coordinate object representing the location of this Shape
  * @type Coordinate[]
Shape.prototype.getCoords = function (){
    return this .coords;
  * Get the color of this shape.
  * @see #setColor
  * @see The <a href="http://example.com">Color</a> library.
  * @link Shape
  * @type Color
Shape.prototype.getColor = function (){
    return this .color;
  * Set the coordinates for this Shape
  * @param {Coordinate} coordinates The coordinates to set for this Shape
Shape.prototype.setCoords = function (coordinates){
    this .coords = coordinates;
  * Set the color for this Shape
  * @param {Color} color The color to set for this Shape
  * @param other There is no other param, but it can still be documented if
  *              optional parameters are used
  * @throws NonExistantColorException (no, not really!)
  * @see #getColor
Shape.prototype.setColor = function (color){
    this .color = color;
  * Clone this shape
  * @returns A copy of this shape
  * @type Shape
  * @author Gabriel Reid
Shape.prototype.clone = function (){
    return new Shape();
  * Create a new Rectangle instance.
  * @class A basic rectangle class, inherits from Shape.
  * This class could be considered a concrete implementation class
  * @constructor
  * @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
  * @param {int} height Thie optional height for this Rectangle
  * @author Gabriel Reid
  * @see Shape is the base class for this
  * @augments Shape
  * @hilited
function Rectangle(width, // This is the width
                   height // This is the height
    if (width){
       this .width = width;
       if (height){
      this .height = height;
/* Inherit from Shape */
Rectangle.prototype = new Shape();
  * Value to represent the width of the Rectangle.
  * <br>Text in <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> and a
  * link to <a href="http://sf.net">SourceForge</a>
  * @private
  * @type int
Rectangle.prototype.width = 0;
  * Value to represent the height of the Rectangle
  * @private
  * @type int
Rectangle.prototype.height = 0;
  * Get the type of this object.
  * @type String
Rectangle.prototype.getClassName= function (){
     return "Rectangle" ;
  * Get the value of the width for the Rectangle
  * @type int
  * @see Rectangle#setWidth
Rectangle.prototype.getWidth = function (){
    return this .width;
  * Get the value of the height for the Rectangle.
  * Another getter is the {@link Shape#getColor} method in the
  * {@link Shape} base class.
  * @return The height of this Rectangle
  * @type int
  * @see Rectangle#setHeight
Rectangle.prototype.getHeight = function (){
     return this .height;
  * Set the width value for this Rectangle.
  * @param {int} width The width value to be set
  * @see #setWidth
Rectangle.prototype.setWidth = function (width){
    this .width = width;
  * Set the height value for this Rectangle.
  * @param {int} height The height value to be set
  * @see #getHeight
Rectangle.prototype.setHeight = function (height){
    this .height = height;
  * Get the value for the total area of this Rectangle
  * @return total area of this Rectangle
  * @type int
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function (){
    return width * height;
  * Create a new Square instance.
  * @class A Square is a subclass of {@link Rectangle}
  * @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
  * @param {int} height The optional height for this Rectangle
  * @augments Rectangle
function Square(width, height){
    if (width){
       this .width = width;
       if (height){
      this .height = height;
/* Square is a subclass of Rectangle */
Square.prototype = new Rectangle();
  * Set the width value for this Shape.
  * @param {int} width The width value to be set
  * @see #getWidth
Square.prototype.setWidth = function (width){
    this .width = this .height = width;
  * Set the height value for this Shape
  * Sets the {@link Rectangle#height} attribute in the Rectangle.
  * @param {int} height The height value to be set
Square.prototype.setHeight = function (height){
    this .height = this .width = height;
  * Create a new Circle instance based on a radius.
  * @class Circle class is another subclass of Shape
  * @extends Shape
  * @param {int} radius The optional radius of this {@link Circle }
  * @mixin Square.prototype.setWidth as this.setDiameter
function Circle(radius){
    if (radius) {
       /** The radius of the this Circle. */
       this .radius = radius;
/* Circle inherits from {@link Shape} */
Circle.prototype = new Shape();
  * The radius value for this Circle
  * @private
  * @type int
Circle.prototype.radius = 0;
  * A very simple class (static) field that is also a constant
  * @final
  * @type float
Circle.PI = 3.14;
