Ofbiz 定时任务配置规则

  <!-- TemporalExpression field details... -->

    <!-- The TemporalExpression field meanings depend upon what type of expression it is. The integer
        values are typically obtained from the java.util.Calendar field constants. For more
        information, see the org.ofbiz.service.calendar.TemporalExpressions.java file.

        tempExprTypeId        integer1       integer2        date1  date2  string1    string2
        ====================  ============== =============== ====== ====== ========== ========
        HOUR_RANGE            start[8]       end[8]
        DATE_RANGE                                           start  end
        DAY_OF_WEEK_RANGE     start [1]      end [1]
        MINUTE_RANGE          start [9]      end [9]
        MONTH_RANGE           start [2]      end [2]
        DAY_OF_MONTH_RANGE    start [3]      end [3]
        DAY_IN_MONTH          day [1]        occurrence [4]
        FREQUENCY             freq type [5]  freq count [6]  start[7]

        [1] Day of week: 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday
        [2] Month: January = 0, Undecimber = 12
        [3] Day of month: 1 to 31
        [4] Integer: -5 to +5, zero excluded
        [5] Second = 13, Minute = 12, Hour = 11, Day = 5, Month = 2, Year = 1
        [6] Positive integer, zero excluded
        [7] If null, defaults to system date when the expression was retrieved from storage.
        [8] Integer: 0 to 23, midnight = 0
        [9] Integer: 0 to 59

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