说是只支持SQL SERVER,但我看到里面的oracel,access等数据访问都在其中,应该简单改一下就可以变成支持其它的数据库了。
Sharp-ORM 公开源代码
Sharp-ORM 实现数据库与C#类的无缝集成。
Sharp-ORM Production 2007(1.1)
Please Read this software License Agreement (“Agreement”)
carefully before using the enclosed Program.
Feature Summarizing
This software is build on Microsoft .NET framework platform, support ADO.net.
This software is make up by 3-layer struct (DataAccess, DBEngine, Generated-BizLogicClass).
By Generated-BizLogicClass you wouldn't write hard code, and turn all repeat, heavy, fallibility
works over to our DBEngine.
By layer septation, dataaccess is database independ. After project finish, you can migrate to
another database engine without code modification.
1. Automatic generate database access lay code.(Database link string was encrypted).
2. Perform table CRUD(Insert/Select/Update/Delete) by generate class simply.
3. Include data valid function.
4. Custom biz-logic by write code to class file.
5. Other function.
If you want to expeditiously, simply finish your work, please Choose Sharp-ORM.
NOTE: Running Sharp-ORM Need install of Support .NET Frame work 2.0
If you have question/suggest please mail to [email protected].
Thank you for you attention to our product.
Copy right FSG Corporation 2002-2007
All right reserved.
Version history review - Release note
Ver 1.1 finaly - Release date 2007-03-31
ORM only support Microsoft SQL Server datebase this version.
ORM support single table construct.