ajaxpro组件在windows2008 + IIS7 下不能正常使用的问题





<add name="ajaxpro" verb="*" path="*.ashx" type="AjaxPro.AjaxHandlerFactory,AjaxPro.2"/>


        在 Internet 信息服务 7.0 下运行 ASP.NET AJAX 需要 system.webServer
        节。对早期版本的 IIS 来说则不需要此节。



Thanks. That explains everything. Please move the <add> element to be
under <handlers>.

In Integrated mode, Managed Code extensibility reads handlers from
system.webServer/handlers section. In classic mode, ASP.Net will read
handlers from system.web/httpHandlers section (since that's what it
did on prior versions of IIS).

You must have turned off IIS7's Configuration Validation Module since
that module warns you when you have a dependency on <httpHandler>
while IIS7 is in Integrated Mode and would give you the exact command
to migrate your current configuration into Integrated Mode which works
(most of the time, anyway...).

Now, we could have implemented IIS7 in such a way that the above
mentioned migration "just works" (sorta, with caveats that I'll skip
over unless you're really interested in the details), but we decided
for a cleaner IIS7 implementation based on user intention with
confusion up front, I think it's better for the long term that users
know what they are configuring instead of IIS magically doing little
tweaks here and there which generate usability legacy for future IIS

request processing (just about all the hacks and hoops that you *used*
to jump through with ASP.Net 2.0 + IIS 6.0 by configuring
aspnet_isapi.dll as wildcard application mapping and extending
DefaultHttpHandler are not necessary and actually does not work and
can break IIS7).


