修复mercurial 错误 —— abort: case-folding collision between XXX

修复mercurial 错误 —— abort: case-folding collision between XXX

这段时间在做平台移植,Mac下push版本到Windows后,我跑到Windows系统下update,Mercurial随即报错:abort: case-folding collision between XXX。

上网查了下资料,发现Mercurial版本库在大小写敏感和大小写不敏感的操作系统之间协同工作,就会出现这个问题。遇到这种情况可以参考Mercurial Wiki :FixingCaseCollisions

On Windows, it is currently (before Mercurial 1.1) possible to introduce case collisions in the repo that prevent you from checking out a repository.

One way to repair such a repository is to check it out on a case-sensitive Unix system, remove the problematic file, and commit it again.

If that's not possible, you can do the following:

  • hg clone --noupdate repo repair
  • cd repair
  • hg debugsetparents <bad revision>

  • hg debugrebuildstate

At this point, Mercurial will think you have the bad revision checked out and all the files are missing (status '!'). To fix the repo, we simply have to do:

  • hg remove --after <file causing the collision>

Now hg status should show the troublesome file in state 'R' and all other files in state '!'. Now we can check in our fix:

  • hg commit --message "fix case collision"

To get all our files back, we just check out again:

  • hg update tip

Or you can install the CaseFoldExtension and use this:

hg up --fold


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