
 var Buf: array[1..1024] of Char; ReadNum, WriteNum: Integer; Fs, Fd: file of byte; FileLength: Integer; begin AssignFile(Fs, Edt1.text); Reset(Fs); AssignFile(Fd, Edt2.Text); Rewrite(Fd); FileLength := Filesize(Fs); G1.MinValue := 0; G1.MaxValue := FileLength; while FileLength > 0 do begin g1.Show; Application.ProcessMessages; Btn1.Enabled := False; BlockRead(Fs, buf, SizeOf(buf), ReadNum); BlockWrite(Fd, buf, ReadNum, writeNum); FileLength := FileLength - ReadNum; Lbl1.Caption := '[WriteNum] :' + IntToStr(WriteNum); Lbl3.Caption := '[ReadNum] :' + IntToStr(ReadNum); g1.Progress := G1.Progress + Readnum; Lbl2.caption := '捕捉进度: ' + inttostr(g1.PercentDone) + '%'; Lbl5.Caption := '已经复制: ' + Inttostr((g1.Progress) div 1024 div 1024) + 'MB'; Application.Title := '已经完成: ' + inttostr(g1.PercentDone) + '%'; if ReadNum <> WriteNum then ShowMessage('出错了,磁盘空间不足'); end; CloseFile(Fs); CloseFile(Fd); Application.Title := '已经完成'; Beep; ShowMessage('完成'); G1.Hide; Application.Title := 'CopyFile'; Btn1.Enabled := True; G1.MaxValue := 0; end; procedure TForm1.btn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin dlgOpen1.Execute; Edt1.Text := dlgOpen1.FileName; end; procedure TForm1.btn3Click(Sender: TObject); begin dlgOpen1.Execute; Edt2.Text := dlgOpen1.FileName; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin g1.Hide; end;  
