
     If the application user needs greater run time flexibility, for example to create scripts describing the desired behavior of the system, you can use the Interpreter design pattern. Here, you create and embed a language interpreter into your program.


     的确,Intepreter设计模式的应用比较高级,这在实际应用是重要的,但是不是普遍的,主要还是应用其功能。正如教材中叙述:For solving Java problems, we will look at a special version of Python called Jython. This is generated entirely in Java byte codes, so incorporating it into your application is quite simple,  and it’s as portable as Java is. It has an extremely clean interface with Java: Java can call Python classes, and Python can call Java classes.(cross language boundaries )

     作为设计模式了解一下还是挺好的,这个一个解释例子 ,很不错,教材中详细解释也挺好的!
